Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of the interest to cu... more Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of the interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. This moves them to the rural areas to create satisfaction and uplift their standard of living. Rural areas of the country or countryside are areas that are not urbanized, though when large areas are described country towns and smaller cities are included. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of rural marketing done by women in Virudhunagar district, Tamilnadu. The study investigates further to determine, whether women micro entrepreneurs adopt economic marketing or the non-economic marketing efforts. And will also help the government marketing societies to improve the status of women entrepreneurs in Virudhunagar district. It also helps to suggest the better way of marketing of products and to raise their economic position. The finding of this research will guide to promote the rural women and to guide with better marketing techniques to sell their products. In order to collect and gather primary data, structured questionnaire survey methods are used. In addition, information was also collected through discussions and interviews with self-owned business women’s, local NGOs and government's grass roots level workers etc.
This research aims at measuring the service quality in public and private banking sector in Madur... more This research aims at measuring the service quality in public and private banking sector in Madurai and Virudhunagar districts of Tamilnadu state and identifying its relationship to customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. The study was conducted among 802 bank customers by using revised SERVQUAL (BANQUAL) instrument with 26 items. Behavioral intention of the customers was measured by using the behavioral intention battery. The researcher has used a seven point likert scaling to measure the expected and perceived service quality (performance) and the behavioral intention of the customers. The BANQUAL instrument is selected as the most reliable device to measure the difference-score conceptualization. It is used to evaluate service gaps between expectation and perception of service quality. Modifications are made on the SERVQUAL instrument to make it specific to the Banking sector. Questions are added to the instrument like Seating space for waiting (Tangibility), Parking space in the Bank (Tangibility), Variety of products / schemes available (Tangibility), Banks sincere steps to handling Grievances of the customers (Responsiveness). The findings of the study revealed that the customer's perception (performance) is lower than expectation of the service quality rendered by banks. Responsiveness and Assurance SQ dimensions were the most important dimensions in service quality scored less SQ gap. The study concluded that the individual service quality dimensions have a positive impact on Overall Satisfaction.
___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The purpose ... more ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The purpose of the study is being done to analyse the degree of job satisfaction of employees with the aim of reducing employee turnover and absenteeism and thereby increasing overall productivity. This study also helps to making necessary changes in the attributes of the services offered by the Meenakshi mission hospital, so that the patients can enjoy the benefits of the service provider The need for the study also arises to identify and offer additional services according to the expectations of the Employees. This study focus on to identify whether the employees are satisfied with the job profile, employee benefits, welfare and safety measures, wage and salary structure ect .in this study the researcher collects the data from the age group of 15 to 70 from various departments fron 200 respondents in meenakshi mission hospital. This research is descriptive research. The researcher used descriptive analysis, factor analysis, one way ANOVA and to analyse the data .In this research majority of the respondents are female .in this research the researcher applied one way-ANOVA test and found that there is no significant difference among respondents of the overall job satisfaction and there is no significant difference among respondents of various experience with respect to communication and motivation. In MEENAKSHI MISSION HOSPIAL if we look into overall satisfaction of employees it comes nearly 50% of employees are fully satisfied with their job and working environment. If a organisation wants to retrieve the employee they must satisfied the employee.
Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of the interest to cu... more Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of the interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. This moves them to the rural areas to create satisfaction and uplift their standard of living. Rural areas of the country or countryside are areas that are not urbanized, though when large areas are described country towns and smaller cities are included. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of rural marketing done by women in Virudhunagar district, Tamilnadu. The study investigates further to determine, whether women micro entrepreneurs adopt economic marketing or the non-economic marketing efforts. And will also help the government marketing societies to improve the status of women entrepreneurs in Virudhunagar district. It also helps to suggest the better way of marketing of products and to raise their economic position. The finding of this research will guide to promote the rural women and to guide with better marketing techniques to sell their products. In order to collect and gather primary data, structured questionnaire survey methods are used. In addition, information was also collected through discussions and interviews with self-owned business women’s, local NGOs and government's grass roots level workers etc.
This research aims at measuring the service quality in public and private banking sector in Madur... more This research aims at measuring the service quality in public and private banking sector in Madurai and Virudhunagar districts of Tamilnadu state and identifying its relationship to customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. The study was conducted among 802 bank customers by using revised SERVQUAL (BANQUAL) instrument with 26 items. Behavioral intention of the customers was measured by using the behavioral intention battery. The researcher has used a seven point likert scaling to measure the expected and perceived service quality (performance) and the behavioral intention of the customers. The BANQUAL instrument is selected as the most reliable device to measure the difference-score conceptualization. It is used to evaluate service gaps between expectation and perception of service quality. Modifications are made on the SERVQUAL instrument to make it specific to the Banking sector. Questions are added to the instrument like Seating space for waiting (Tangibility), Parking space in the Bank (Tangibility), Variety of products / schemes available (Tangibility), Banks sincere steps to handling Grievances of the customers (Responsiveness). The findings of the study revealed that the customer's perception (performance) is lower than expectation of the service quality rendered by banks. Responsiveness and Assurance SQ dimensions were the most important dimensions in service quality scored less SQ gap. The study concluded that the individual service quality dimensions have a positive impact on Overall Satisfaction.
___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The purpose ... more ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The purpose of the study is being done to analyse the degree of job satisfaction of employees with the aim of reducing employee turnover and absenteeism and thereby increasing overall productivity. This study also helps to making necessary changes in the attributes of the services offered by the Meenakshi mission hospital, so that the patients can enjoy the benefits of the service provider The need for the study also arises to identify and offer additional services according to the expectations of the Employees. This study focus on to identify whether the employees are satisfied with the job profile, employee benefits, welfare and safety measures, wage and salary structure ect .in this study the researcher collects the data from the age group of 15 to 70 from various departments fron 200 respondents in meenakshi mission hospital. This research is descriptive research. The researcher used descriptive analysis, factor analysis, one way ANOVA and to analyse the data .In this research majority of the respondents are female .in this research the researcher applied one way-ANOVA test and found that there is no significant difference among respondents of the overall job satisfaction and there is no significant difference among respondents of various experience with respect to communication and motivation. In MEENAKSHI MISSION HOSPIAL if we look into overall satisfaction of employees it comes nearly 50% of employees are fully satisfied with their job and working environment. If a organisation wants to retrieve the employee they must satisfied the employee.
Papers by Sankar Ganesh