Cloudways WordPress hosting

Fast, Flexible, and Reliable Managed Cloud Hosting
Cloudways is a real game-changer… Read below if it’s for you, then setup WordPress hosting with CloudWays!
Known for its exceptional performance and flexibility… Cloudways offers managed cloud hosting tailored to meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and developers alike. With a very user-friendly platform, lightning-fast servers, and robust security features, Cloudways empowers you to host your WordPress website on cloud providers like Google Cloud, AWS, and DigitalOcean without the hassle of understanding all the complex configurations. Whether you’re launching your first website or managing multiple projects, Cloudways makes it simple to scale and optimize for success.
Use our promo code to get 20% off for the first 2 months.
Cloudways offers a 3-day FREE trial so give it ago without any worries!
Why we recommend Cloudways for your WordPress hosting
Cloudways stands out as one of our top choices for WordPress hosting due to its combination of performance and flexibility. With prices starting at $14 per month, it’s also one of the better priced hosting providers you can go with.
Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced developer, Cloudways delivers tools and infrastructure you will need to create fast, secure, and scalable websites.
Unlike traditional hosting providers, Cloudways offers you managed cloud hosting, which means that you have access to premium features and services without the hassle of server management. With support for multiple cloud providers, an intuitive dashboard, and advanced optimization tools, Cloudways lets you to focus on growing your website while they do all the heavy lifting of managing your hosting servers.
Some great Cloudways Hosting Features:
Choice of Cloud Providers: Host your website on the best cloud platforms like Google Cloud, AWS, DigitalOcean, Vultr, or Linode.
Optimized Performance: Built-in caching (Varnish, Memcached, Redis) and CloudFlare CDN ensures your website will load quickly, worldwide.
Unlimited Application Installation: You’re not limited to a small amount of sites you can host… Install unlimited WordPress websites on your servers.
Staging Environment: Test your updates or site changes on a staging site before pushing them live, keeping your live website without errors.
Managed Backups: Automatic and/or on-demand backups to keep your data safe and make recovering your website very easy.
Scalability: Scale your website and upgrade your server resources as your traffic grows, without any downtime.
24/7 Expert Support: Access professional support around the clock to resolve technical issues quickly.
Strong Security Features: Enjoy features like firewalls, SSL integration, and automated security patching for peace of mind.
1-Click WordPress Installation: Easily and quickly deploy a WordPress website with pre-configured settings for great performance.
WordPress Hosting: Cloudways Pricing
Cloudways offers very flexible pricing, starting at just $14 per month for DigitalOcean, with options for top cloud providers like AWS and Google Cloud. You’ll only pay for the resources that you use, and plans are easily scalable without long-term contracts. Every plan includes 24/7 support, free SSL, automated backups, and advanced caching, making Cloudways an affordable and feature-packed hosting solution.
WordPress Hosting Prices

Premium features you’ll get when you setup WordPress hosting with CloudWays, included in every plan.
Signing Up To Cloudways
Go here to setup WordPress hosting with CloudWays.
You’ll start by signing up to Cloudways with your name, email and 2 questions on who your are as a client. Don’t forget to use our promo code “KAIRA” to get 20% off for the first 2 months of your hosting.

The next step will be to verify your email address that you’ve just signed up with… Just to ensure security for your account, prevent spam, and confirm that you are you!

Once that has been done, you will then be taken to your new Cloudways Account Dashboard.
Here you will see your application and server details options to setup WordPress hosting with CloudWays.

Features to setup WordPress hosting with CloudWays
View the image above when referring to the explanation below on setting up your hosting server with Cloudways.
Application and Server Details
- WordPress Version: Select the WordPress version you want to install on your server. Cloudways provides the latest stable version by default, ensuring compatibility and security.
- Application Name: Assign a name to your application. This can be the name of your website or project, making it easier to manage multiple applications.
- Server Name: Choose a unique name for your server. This is helpful for distinguishing between multiple servers in your Cloudways account.
- Project Name: Group applications under a specific project for better organization. Ideal for managing multiple projects or client accounts.
Select Your Server
Choose a cloud provider to host your application.
We use Digital Ocean ourselves and recommend that you go with DigitalOcean too.
Cloudways supports all the top providers for cloud hosting:
- DigitalOcean: Cost-effective and beginner-friendly, suitable for small to medium websites.
- Vultr: Known for high performance and scalability.
- Linode: Affordable with reliable cloud solutions.
- AWS (Amazon Web Services): High-end performance for resource-intensive applications.
- Google Cloud: Global reach and enterprise-grade infrastructure.
Server Size
Select the amount of server resources (RAM, storage, etc.) you need for your application.
- Scalability: Start small and upgrade as your traffic or resource requirements grow.
- The slider allows you to easily adjust server size, ranging from 1 GB to 192 GB, catering to a variety of needs, from personal blogs to enterprise applications.
Note the pricing changes as you slide back and forth, so start with only what you need.
Choose the data center closest to your target audience to reduce latency and improve website speed. Cloudways offers multiple global locations depending on the cloud provider selected.
Cloudways displays both hourly and monthly pricing for your selected configuration.
3-day Free Trial: You will start with a free trial so you can test the platform risk-free before committing. Billing starts only after you upgrade.
Launch Now Button
Once all details are set, click “Launch Now” to deploy your server. Cloudways will automatically set up your server and application, enabling you to start building your WordPress site within minutes.
Choosing the right hosting provider is quite a crucial decision. If you have any questions or need expert guidance, feel free to get in touch. We’re here to help you build a strong foundation for your website’s success.