
Commercial theme
This theme is free but offers additional paid commercial upgrades or support.
ეს არის SuevaFree თემის შვილობილი თემა.
Vale is the new SuevaFree child theme, optimized to work with WooCommerce e-commerce plugin. Vale WordPress theme offers a new header layout, in addition to the default five header layouts and new Google Fonts.
ბლოგი, Custom background, Custom colors, Custom header, Custom logo, Custom menu, E-commerce, Featured images, Flexible header, Footer widgets, Grid layout, One column, ფოტოგრაფია, Post formats, Right sidebar, Sticky post, Theme options, Threaded comments, Three columns, Translation ready, Two columns
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აქტიური ინსტალაცია: 50+
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) და Українська.