LeadSurf Lite
ეს თემა არ განახლებულა ორ წელზე მეტი ხანი. სავარაუდოთ, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა თავსებადი აღარ იყოს WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიებთან.

LeadSurf Lite is an innovative and clean Lead Capture cum Landing Page WordPress Theme from SketchThemes. This theme is ideal for seeking reviews of upcoming products like mobile app, gadgets or any other business proposition. Designed to work best in business, LeadSurf makes lead capture process quite easy with hi-end modern features like lead capture form. Any business can gain edge over others with its neatly carved Landing Page that comes combined with this lead capture theme. Score more with LeadSurf, thanks to its responsive layout that gives 360 degree insight into visitors’ views about your upcoming venture along with making pitch for the said proposition through its landing page and request information.
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