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ეს თემა არ განახლებულა ორ წელზე მეტი ხანი. სავარაუდოთ, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა თავსებადი აღარ იყოს WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიებთან.

  • ვერსია 1.0.10
  • Last updated 21 11, 2014
  • Active installations 10+

Theme is based on _s by Auttomatic. I just got it married with twitter bootstrap 3 and added some extra. Here is what I Cooked: With help of JavaScript and html5 the boot_Strap theme have responsive Table, Input fields (submit, reset, password, tel, date etc), that works same as Bootstrap default theme. The menu walker is customized to support fallback menu and that too have bootstrap menu properties. The right to left (rtl) support of the theme is notable as user can readily use menu and even the arrows in page/post navigation. Latest font awesome ready to use with just css class call. Overall it’s a great theme to start with for a developer like me.

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აქტიური ინსტალაცია: 10+


3.8 out of 5 stars.


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