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Widg.io social image feed, reviews, live chat, popups and more

ეს პლაგინი არ დატესტილა WordPress-ის 3 ძირითად ვერსიაზე. როგორც ჩანს, ის უკვე აღარ არის მხარდაჭერილი და შესაძლოა არ იყოს თავსებადი WordPress-ის მიმდინარე ვერსიასთან.

Widg.io social image feed, reviews, live chat, popups and more



50+ powerful plugins for your WordPress website, to help you attract, engage and convert more visitors into customers.

Pop ups, reviews, image feed for Instagram, reviews for Google, chat for Whatsapp, countdown timer, age verification, pricing sliders and video galleries – there’s something for every type of website.

✅ Compatible with Gutenberg Editor
✅ Start for free and grow as you go
✅ Free support

Widg.io currently includes the following blocks:
⦁ Image feed for Instagram – Learn more
⦁ Google reviews – Learn more
⦁ Chat for Whatsapp – Learn more
⦁ All in one live chat – Learn more
⦁ Pop ups – Learn more
⦁ Age verification – Learn more
⦁ Countdown timer – Learn more
⦁ Before/after image slider – Learn more
⦁ Testimonials – Learn more
⦁ Team showcase – Learn more
⦁ Logo showcase – Learn more
⦁ FAQ’s – Learn more
⦁ Pricing slider – Learn more
⦁ Video gallery – Learn more
⦁ Social feed – Learn more
⦁ Payment button for PayPal – Learn more
⦁ File embed – Learn more
⦁ Weather – Learn more
⦁ QR code – Learn more
⦁ Typewriter text – Learn more

We have over 50+ blocks in total. Check them out here

Attract, engage and convert more visitors into customers with our powerful plugins:

Image feed for Instagram
Take your Instagram journey to the next level with our Instagram Feed widget. If you’re looking to boost engagement on your website, grow your Instagram following, and build a loyal Insta fanbase, it’s a great piece of kit to have.

Google reviews
Our Google Reviews widget lets you showcase your Google reviews on your website to show that you’re trustworthy. Getting started couldn’t be easier, thanks to a choice of six ready-made templates. Linking your Google account is simple too, all you have to do is enter your Google Place and you’re away. From here, you can add your reviews, author’s name, photo and a link to their profile.

All in one live chat
Wave goodbye to poor customer support with our All-in-One Chat widget. With you by their side, your users will feel at ease and browse your website with confidence. Our tool makes it easy for anyone browsing your website to contact you, and is proven to increase conversion and improve customer support. Whether it’s Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram or Viber, you’ll be on hand wherever they need you.

Pop ups
Our widget is the crème de la crème of pop-up widgets. No matter what type of pop-up you have your sights set on, you can design, build and launch it with us. Whether it’s to announce a sale or special offer, gather subscribers or feedback, revive abandoned carts, welcome new users, or build excitement about an upcoming launch, you can do it and more with our Pop-up widget.

Age verification
Restrict users from accessing your website with our Age Verification widget. Underage users will no longer be able to browse your website unless they pass the verification you put in place. Whether you’re an online gaming company, a financial institution or sell age-restricted products, our widget will verify the age of a user and open access to your website only if they pass.

Countdown timer
A countdown timer is a reliable way to ‘nudge’ shoppers into making quicker decisions. By showing the time remaining on a sale or special offer, you can add urgency and boost sales on your website through fear of missing out. Countdown timers can also be used to highlight specific products. This is handy if you have a new release or something you’re keen to offload.

Before/after image slider
Our Before & After Slider is a great way to get users excited about the benefits of your product or service. Whether you’re a dog groomer, interior designer, photographer or makeup artist, you can showcase your work in a clean, simple and effective way. You can add an unlimited number of “before and after” photos complete with heading, label, and a caption to explain the process or result.

Is your website failing to bring you the leads you’d hoped for? Start building customer confidence and increase your conversion rate at the same time. Our responsive Testimonials Slider is a great way to secure projects and fill your clients with confidence. This widget allows you to display your client reviews, while at the same time displaying their name, picture and rating. You can also prove that the review is real by linking to the client’s website or page by entering their URL. You work hard for your reviews, so why not show them off?

Team showcase
Say hello to our Team Showcase widget. This tool makes it easy to build a strong connection with your visitors, by adding up to 20 team members and highlighting their areas of expertise. For each team member, you can add a name, position, photo, department, biography, contact details, social profiles, plus any external links to portfolios etc.

Logo showcase
Add social proof to your website with our Logo Showcase widget. Add logos of brands and clients that use your products, or share partners and sponsors. Whichever it is, you can let visitors know that you’re working with these brands. And thus, build trust and credibility. You can add an unlimited number of logos by adding the image and links. From here, you can add a title and CTA button to turn browsers into buyers.

Easily embed our FAQ widget to any page, section or product on your website. Thanks to single or structured lists, your content will be easy to digest for the users. While the use of categories — complete with title and icon — make navigating between questions and answers and breeze.

Pricing slider
If you’re looking for a neat, user-friendly tool to let users choose the value or price of your product(s), our Price Slider widget is perfect. A slider is a neat website tool that saves users time and shows instant results. They can easily increase or decrease a price/amount and see the change instantly. This is great if you have variations of a specific product/service/plan.

Video gallery
If you want to display engaging video content on your website, and have both a YouTube and Vimeo account, our Video Gallery widget is here to help. In a flash, you can create unique video galleries consisting of playlists, channels or videos.

Our Feed widget will automatically add fresh content from your social media account to your website in a fully customisable window, so you can spend more time perfecting your social strategy. Embed and promote your public page on your website to engage with your customers and boost brand awareness.

Payment button for PayPal
Want to give users the option to pay for your products or services through PayPal directly from your website? With our PayPal Button widget, you can set this up in seconds — no fuss. Add the name of your product along with its price and your payment button will be there on your website. If needed, you can also specify the tax type and cost of shipping. After each successful transaction, there’s also the option to direct your users to a specific page on your website.

File embed
Embed files fast and with minimal effort. Our File Embed widget is super easy and just as quick to embed to your web pages. There are more than 20 formats to choose from, including PDF, Jpeg, Docx and Xlsx to name a few. To make it easy, you can add files in three ways: directly from your PC, by entering a URL, or by choosing from the gallery. Once you’ve chosen your file, you’re free to give it a title that our widget will display beside its icon.

Keep visitors up to date with the forecast all around the globe. Whether it’s your local town down the road, or a tourist hot spot across the pond — you can share the forecast anywhere. And it’s simple to do so too. Simply enter the place’s name, ZIP-code or coordinates, and our widget will do the rest. Because it’s quick and easy, you can rinse and repeat — perfect if you’ve got a lot of pages.

QR code
QR codes allow you to reach, engage and convert more users by linking from offline to online platforms. So as well as giving users access to content, you can also use it to enhance your marketing campaigns. What’s more, it takes just a few clicks to set up. So whether you want to redirect to a website, an email thread, a social media platform, or even start a call, simply tell it where you want to redirect and it’ll take care of the rest.

Typewriter text
Upgrade your website by adding automatically formatted text that looks like it’s being typed out in real-time. Our Typewriter Text widget creates an animated typing effect that “types out” words or sentences on your pages. As well as improving your website’s body text, it’s a great tool for creating catchy and converting headlines and headings.

Free Customer Support

If you’ve got any questions or need a hand getting your plugin set up, we’re here to help. We’ve covered the answers to the most common questions in our Help Centre, or you can contact us if you have any questions:

[email protected]


ეს პლაგინი უზრუნველყოფს 1 ბლოკს.

  • Widg.io social image feed, reviews, live chat, popups and more


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დაათვალიერეთ კოდი, შეამოწმეთ SVN რეპო, ან გამოიწერეთ შექმნის ჟურნალი : RSS.