ჩადგმის ჭდე: scroll
Vertically scroll rss feed
(1 საერთო რეიტინგი)This plugin scroll the RSS feed title vertically in the widget, admin can add/update the RSS link & style via widget management.
jcwp scroll to top
(4 საერთო რეიტინგი)This plugin gives you granular control on styles and positioning of your 'Scroll to top' text. Many variety of easing animations supported.
(4 საერთო რეიტინგი)Create your own back to top button or full-height bar and simple customize it as you want.
Parallax Scroll – Parallax Scrolling Backgrounds & Call to Action WordPress Plugin
(0 საერთო რეიტინგი)Enhance your WordPress website with dynamic parallax scrolling backgrounds. Parallax Scroll WP offers an easy way to create visually appealing and eng …
Vertical scroll recent comments
(1 საერთო რეიტინგი)Vertical scroll recent comments wordpress plugin will scroll the recent post comment vertically (bottom to top) in the widget.
RRF Scroll to top
(34 საერთო რეიტინგი)This plugin will automaticaly add a scroll to top on bottom right.
FW Anker
(0 საერთო რეიტინგი)FW Anker für einfache Verwendung der HTML Anker mit Shortcode in Beiträge und Seiten, somit für einfaches Scrollen per Mausklick nutzbar.
Vertical scroll image slideshow gallery
(1 საერთო რეიტინგი)This vertical scroll image slideshow gallery is a simple image vertical scroll slideshow gallery plugin for WordPress widget.
Scroll to top button
(1 საერთო რეიტინგი)Scroll to top button plugin is an simple and nice plugin with the standard settings.
Scroll Magic Addon for WPBakery Page Builde
(2 საერთო რეიტინგი)ScrollMagic for WPBakery Page Builder makes it easy to respond to the user's current scroll position. This is the perfect plugin to create an ani …
WP LocalScroll
(6 საერთო რეიტინგი)This plugin will animate a regular anchor navigation with a smooth scrolling effect.
AT News Scroller
(0 საერთო რეიტინგი)A simple plugin to pull latest post from certain category as News ticker.
TID Scroll to Top
(0 საერთო რეიტინგი)TID Scroll to top plugin will help to go back to top clicking the top icon.
WP EasyScroll Posts
(5 საერთო რეიტინგი)Easy and fast load plugin to append next page of posts to your current page when a user scrolls to the bottom.