Papers by Hannakaisa Isomäki
The application of information technology (IT) to marketing through customer relationship managem... more The application of information technology (IT) to marketing through customer relationship management (CRM) software is growing rapidly, but the risk of failure remains high. We argue that research in CRM implementation success should focus more on human-centred issues. In this study we introduce a conceptual framework for a holistic view of humans in CRM and apply the framework to earlier research on CRM implementation. The results indicate that in most CRM approaches the prevailing conception of humans is monistic. The human being is seen as consisting of only one basic mode of being in that humans are conceptualized as objects without any mental and social qualities. We suggest that a more holistic approach to human beings as users of a CRM system would benefit CRM implementation.
We argue that for CRM to be successful a CRM system should be implemented and used in such a way ... more We argue that for CRM to be successful a CRM system should be implemented and used in such a way that the users – in our research the salespeople – are empowered, motivated, committed, and willing to utilize the CRM system for knowledge management. In successful CRM culture salespeople gather and store essential information from crucial interaction episodes with their present and potential customers in order to collect into the CRM database information of customers’ needs and wants. The tacit knowledge, which salespeople possess, can be made more explicit and thus help the organization to better utilize it. This knowledge may help the company in retaining its present customer relationships and enhance their profitability by enabling more targeted and effective cross-selling and up selling activities.
e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal

E-learning research increasingly concerns the study of online communities. Various new approaches... more E-learning research increasingly concerns the study of online communities. Various new approaches of ethnographic research have been developed for inquiries in online settings. However, it is not clear whether these approaches are similar, different or can be used to study the same phenomena. The purpose of this paper is to compare different suggested methodological approaches in conducting ethnographic research in online environments. Based on a literature review 14 approaches, such as netnography, webnography, network ethnography, cyber-ethnography and digital ethnography, are compared. Analysis of online ethnography proposals is conducted through a case comparison method by an explanatory framework. Four factors structure the framework: relation to information and communication technologies (ICT), research object, researcher position and research procedures. The results suggest that these approaches differ from each other, and thus, may be deployed in a different manner.

Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts
Various new approaches of ethnographic research have been developed for inquiries in online setti... more Various new approaches of ethnographic research have been developed for inquiries in online settings. However, it is not clear whether these approaches are similar, different from each other, and if they can be used to study the same phenomena. In this chapter, the authors compare different suggested methodological approaches for conducting ethnographic research in online environments. Based on a literature review, 16 approaches, such as netnography, Webnography, network ethnography, cyber-ethnography, and digital ethnography, are analysed and compared to each other. The analysis of the online ethnography proposals is conducted through a case comparison method by a data-driven framework. The framework provides structures for the analysis in terms of relations between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), research object, researcher position, and research procedures. The results suggest that these approaches disclose fundamental differences in relation to each other and i...
UCRET = User's Cognitive Resources Evoking Technolog
The application of IT to marketing through customer relationship management (CRM) software is gro... more The application of IT to marketing through customer relationship management (CRM) software is growing rapidly, but the probabilities of failure remain high. We argue that research in CRM success should focus more on human-centered issues. In this study we introduce a conceptual framework for a holistic view of humans in CRM and apply the framework to previous research on CRM success. The results indicate that in most CRM approaches the image of humans is seen from a managerialist perspective and incorporates a deterministic stance. We suggest that a more holistic approach to human beings as users of a CRM system would benefit CRM implementation.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This phenomenographic study examines how a diverse group of university teachers conceptualised th... more This phenomenographic study examines how a diverse group of university teachers conceptualised their role as developers of technology-rich learning environments at one university in Finland. The research findings illustrate a variety of conceptions. Five qualitatively different ways of understanding teachers' roles regarding the development of technology-rich learning environments were found: 1) innovator, 2) early adopter, 3) adaptive, 4) sceptic and 5) late adopter. In order to connect the whole set of interconnected roles to a theory of change, Everett Rogers' innovation diffusion theory was exploited in the last phase of analysis. Finally, hierarchically structured categories were created along with five evolutionary themes of expanding intensity. These findings can be used as an assessment tool among teachers to identify their role in educational reform.

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending ... more A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending on the needs, some students may need more tactile and inspiring surroundings with various pedagogical accessories while others benefit from a simplified environment without unnecessary stimuli. This understanding is applied to a new Finnish special education school building with open and adaptable learning spaces. We have joined the initiative creation process by developing software support for these new spaces in the form of a learning space management system. Participatory design and value-focused thinking were implemented to elicit the actual values of all the stakeholders involved and transform them into software implementation objectives. This paper reports interesting insights about the elicitation process of the objectives.
European Institute for a Sustainable Information Society, 2005
RESEARCH PROPOSAL At present relationship marketing is increasingly geared towards the developmen... more RESEARCH PROPOSAL At present relationship marketing is increasingly geared towards the development and utilization of information systems (IS), which sets a new domain of interest also for the viewpoint of human-centered use and development of IS. However, after several years of implementing information technology to support relationship marketing, up to 55% of all Customer Relationship Management (CRM) projects do not produce expected results (Rigby et al. 2002). In CRM success literature one can find several human related factors as potentially affecting a successful CRM implementation. Incentive alignment, resistance, commitment, and the fear for change of power relations are just a few (Wikström 2005; Fjermestad and Romano 2003; Ba et al. 2001; Morgan and Inks 2001).
Jyväskylän yliopiston Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan Tietotekniikan laitoksella selvitettiin ... more Jyväskylän yliopiston Informaatioteknologian tiedekunnan Tietotekniikan laitoksella selvitettiin kandidaatintutkielmien tehokkaamman edistymisen mahdollisuuksia kandidaattiseminaaria kehittämällä ja ohjausresursseja keskittämällä. Aiemman toteutustavan analysoinnin ja tutkimusongelman muotoilun pohjalta suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin useita tutkimus- ja kehitystoimenpiteitä, joiden tuloksena syntyi vaiheistamiseen ja tiedeviestinnän entistä saumattomampaan integrointiin perustuva KandiX-malli. Tässä raportissa kuvataan mallin iteratiivista kehittämistä ja vuosien 2012-2015 aikana saatuja tuloksia, joiden mukaan kandidaatintutkielman työstämiseen kuluva aika on lyhentynyt muutamaan kuukauteen ja tiedeviestinnän kurssin suorittajien määrä on lisääntynyt
As information systems are increasingly pervading human life, the way information systems designe... more As information systems are increasingly pervading human life, the way information systems designers’ conceptualize and carry out the relationship between computerised information systems (IS) and users has recurrently been brought forward as a significant question. In particular, a matter of utmost importance is how the IS specialists create the IS-user relationship from the point of view of humans, i.e. humanise information systems. In contrast to the prevailing methodology-driven views of information systems development, in this paper I propose a study which aims at examining how do the Finnish IS designers conceptualise human characteristics and behaviour.

In this design-based research project, a learning space management system was developed for the V... more In this design-based research project, a learning space management system was developed for the Valteri School Onerva in Central-Finland. The school represents a modern educational environment with open and adaptable learning spaces. The goal was to develop a software to support the stakeholders in organising flexible pedagogical activities and sharing pedagogical practices. To reach this goal, we utilised value-focused thinking as a requirements elicitation method, to identify the objectives that the stakeholders associate with the new environment. In the implementation phase, we organised participatory design workshops, to involve the stakeholders in decision-making, to ensure that the prototype development was proceeding according to their needs. As a result, we elaborate how we utilised value-focused thinking, what were the objectives that were identified, and how they were transformed into system requirements. Finally, we describe the first prototype of the learning space manag...

2021 IEEE 29th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), 2021
There is a struggle in Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics to gain ground in actionable methods a... more There is a struggle in Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics to gain ground in actionable methods and models to be utilized by practitioners while developing and implementing ethically sound AI systems. AI ethics is a vague concept without a consensus of definition or theoretical grounding and bearing little connection to practice. Practice involving primarily technical tasks like software development is not aptly equipped to process and decide upon ethical considerations. Efforts to create tools and guidelines to help people working with AI development have been concentrating almost solely on the technical aspects of AI. A few exceptions do apply, such as the ECCOLA method for creating ethically aligned AI-systems. ECCOLA has proven results in terms of increased ethical considerations in AI systems development. Yet, it is a novel innovation, and room for development still exists. This study aims to extend ECCOLA with a deployment model to drive the adoption of ECCOLA, as any methodno matter how good-is of no value without adoption and use. The model includes simple metrics to facilitate the communication of ethical gaps or outcomes of ethical AI development. It offers the opportunity to assess any AI system at any given lifecycle phase, e.g., opening possibilities like analyzing the ethicality of an AI system under acquisition.
Papers by Hannakaisa Isomäki