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In order to highlight the ways in which language may be ideologically bound to specific performances of selves, this qualitative project examines the relationships between conceptualization, performance and revelation of queer sexualities... more
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With university computer labs and self-access centers now a reality, using email for cultural and language exchange has become increasingly more practical. Though research illustrates the effectiveness of asynchronous communication via... more
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The Learner Development Forum has been a part of the JALT National Conference for the last several years. This year's 85-minute Forum brought together teachers from primary to tertiary contexts exploring how learner autonomy can be... more
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Self-evaluation is a powerful tool to help students understand their learning process in a second language. The common purpose of self-evaluation is to empower, enlighten, and motivate students. It can be an excellent opportunity to help... more
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      English as a Foreign Language (EFL)Teaching EFL and Teacher Training
Lectio praecursoria puheviestinnän väitöskirjaksi tarkoitetun tutkimuksen Communicating interculturality in the workplace tarkastustilaisuudessa Jyväskylän yliopistossa 24.10.2015. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Fred Dervin (Helsingin... more
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This is the first special issue that JPHE hosts—and could there be a more suitable forum for an issue dedicated to exploring and encouraging a critical dialogue around transformative intercultural communication teaching practices in... more
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Researchers examining the underpinnings of cultural adaptation have overwhelmingly adopted Kim's (2001) theory of cultural adaptation. Kim (2001) defined cultural adaptation as "the dynamic process by which individuals, upon relocating to... more
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      SociologyIntercultural CommunicationInterculturality
Malgorzata Lahti 0000-0002-0396-4695 Today's workplaces are characterized by interactions among people with diverse backgrounds. These interactions may occur face-to-face or in technology-mediated settings; as interpersonal exchanges... more
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This article offers an interpersonal communication perspective on relational processes in a workplace affected by the international flow of labor migration. We investigate how temporary migrant workers and their foreign colleagues... more
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      GeographyMigrant workers
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Researchers examining the underpinnings of cultural adaptation have overwhelmingly adopted Kim's (2001) theory of cultural adaptation. Kim (2001) defined cultural adaptation as "the dynamic process by which individuals, upon relocating to... more
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      SociologyPerceptionImmigrationMusic and identity
In this study the ethnomethodological method of membership categorisation analysis is applied to examine how members of an internationally dispersed team share cultural knowledge in their Skype™ chat conversations through mobilising... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceIntercultural CommunicationLinguistics
Malgorzata Lahti 0000-0002-0396-4695 Today's workplaces are characterized by interactions among people with diverse backgrounds. These interactions may occur face-to-face or in technology-mediated settings; as interpersonal exchanges... more
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      SociologyInterpersonal CommunicationCultural DiversityWorkplace Communication
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      SociologyIntercultural CommunicationTransformative LearningIdeology