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This is my railroad rolling stock. Where do I begin.. I have been working on these for a while now. I have quite a bit of rolling stock available, including a full suite of Superliner passenger cars. CHECK THE DEVLOGS FOR NOTES ON WHAT WAS ADDED/CHANGED IN THE MOST RECENT UPDATE. Here is a quick guide for setup with an explanation below:

  1. Store deliveries mod to spawn rolling stock next to track.
  2. Some kind of extra strength to place rolling on track (I recommend LUMBERJACK), with invisible wheels in the middle between the rails.
  3. Connect a locomotive and unfold the rolling stock.

 For all of the rolling stock, I use the store deliveries mod to spawn it next to the track, then I use super strength to place the railcars on the track. Unfortunately, the developer of the mod I was using reported me. So I have followed their instructions and removed the mod from my page. So now you will have to find your own mod that allows you to pick up enough weight to move the rolling stock around.  I recommend LUMBERJACK mod as it is capable of lifting the rolling stock if you change the settings in game. Anyways, there are invisible wheels in the middle of the front and rear axle of every truck. Those invisible wheels sit down in between the rails and thats what keeps them on the tracks. the trucks will sit on the tracks as they should. Once you have the rolling stock on the tracks correctly with the invisible wheels between the tracks, you can connect a locomotive to it. You then must hit the "fold" function to unfold the rolling stock. This will allow the trucks to turn as they should and allow them to follow the rails correctly.  All rolling stock can be connected from either side, except for the passenger cars and the intermodal cars. Those can only be connected when they are all facing the same way. Intermodal cars can hold my containers as well as AJ's containers. Passenger cars have full interiors that you can explore. use mouse controls while in a locomotive on the passenger cars and you can open all the doors. I think thats about it? This mod, like most of my mods is a big WIP. I add stuff as I think of them and I am constantly tweaking and updating it. As always, let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback.

StatusIn development
CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(10 total ratings)
AuthorJWeezy Construction
TagsFarming Simulator, Farming Simulator 22


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FS22_railroad_RollingStock.zip 231 MB

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(1 edit)

is it possible to make these for challenger and upcoming big boy?

is there anyway to fix the tank car one to just hold every kind of  there 5 or 6 that can't load liquid fertilizer slurry  manure and digestate all the oil's Herbicide  diesel fuel kerosene, motor oil, and other refined oil products

Ill see what I can do! I currently have it set to "liquids", but maybe I am missing something. I have a huge update to the tankers coming for the next update

hey jweezy, might want to check your liveries of the rolling stock they are really blurrey for me idk if it just me or its a bug , also i got a new computer and i have confirmed your mods do not conflict.

Sorry friend, but I believe you have a mod conflict or a setting messed up. Textures are all good on my end, and I know in the past that has been a symptom of a mod conflict

(1 edit)

its all of the new locomotives and rollingstock in the newest update all of the old ones are fine. as for the rolling stock its everything.

if it were to be a setting what would it be? maybe some solutions to fix it?

Hey Justin,

First off, I LOVE your train mods, they are game changing!!!

Question for you, is there a way to disable making the railcars enterable?

I use the Tab to switch vehicles, as well as the mod Vehicle Explorer to sort my vehicles, and having 100+ railcars being enterable cripples both of those.

Howdy! glad you are enjoying them!

as for your problem.. I am not sure if its possible to disable that.. if I somehow stumble across a fix ill let ya know!

(3 edits)

hi, i`ve updated your mod for fs25. 1 loco, some rolling stock and tracks. There is new physics on static object so i had to do some workaround. I can send you the files but dunno how to dm on this platform. Won`t be publishing it anywhere

Howdy, that is awesome! yeah send them to me either on fb or discord? what have you found to be different on the physics for static objects? did it improve or make them worse? I dont have FS25 yet so I wont be able to work on them yet

(1 edit)

you cannot animate static objects anymore (or i`m missing something), and for kinematic object giants editor is over simplifying mesh, so for curved mesh in switch i had to separate it to small boxes. Wheels physics is different now, i had to play with the numbers but everything works great. Btw very cleaver idea how did you make wheels and tracks work together.

Also converting materials is pain. 

this is my discord id 474205699073900544

Oh interesting.. I will have to take a look at it! thank you so much. I will add you on discord when I can!

Are you still working on your mods or have you moved on from them?

Still working on them a lot actually! I have a new update for locomotives, rolling stock, and track that I am hoping to get out this weekend!

Hey Jweezy do you think you could add the different railroad logos and names on the autoracks cars as options instead of them just being unbranded?

Howdy, the next update will include multiple logo options on the Autoracks as well as color changing options on them!

sick dude thanks

youre welcome!

i have found 6 things that the tank cars do have is there anyway we can get them put in please and i have the most update that's out there and thanks for the hard work 

Could you add Slurry as a fill type to the tanks?

Sure! I dont see why not

Thank you would help out on my map alot. And thanks for all the great mods. 

jweezy, is it possible that you could add it to where you can change the letters on railcars?

Hmmm.. I might be able to do that. Ill look into it!

(1 edit)

I have a map based entirely on sugar cane and in my country there are specialized railway cars to transport sugar cane. I would like to know if you can add one to the pack


That is interesting! I have not ever seen that railcar here in the States, but it looks like it is using a north american coupler and trucks? I will see what I can do!

They invented that type of wagon in Cuba and I think it is only used there.

Hi, Can you add the following? White ITGX Sugar Beet Wagons and PLMX White Ammonia Tank Cars. Thanks

I will see what I can do!

Dang, what car is for the airplane fuselage?

it’s just the regular flatbed car, I use universal auto load and it places the fuselage and then a container on the car behind it perfectly

Hey Jweezy, Just wanted to let you know that the Bulkhead Flatbed Rolling Stock with Stakes has a collision missing with the taller stakes. 

Great mod overall.

howdy! Oh shoot I must have missed that! Thank you for the heads up, I will correct it for the next update!

NP. I'm mean it even took me a minute to figure out why the logs kept falling out. 

Keep up the good work on the mods!


Hi Jweezy! Has the autoload function been included in the log transport wagons? :))

Ja wurde sie in allen 

kannst du von der lok aus steuern oder wenn du daneben stehst 



Yes as Oppi1 said, the universal autoload function has been included on pretty much all of them, except the low wall gondola but I will probably add that soon! You will need the universal autoload mod enabled as well btw!

hello jweezy, is it possible that there could be different colored centerbeam flatcars. also is it possible to do a plain grey grain car?

Howdy, I will see what I can do about different colored cars! and I plan on adding a few more grain car paint schemes soon!

hope there's is some more graffiti paint schemes!! I know the purist hate it but it's such an iconic look to the trains I grew up around and adds so much character to the cars!

Yeah I like the graffiti option too! the only problem I have is that it takes so much work for me to come up with the graffiti! haha

I figured as much lol I was looking at the one you did on the grain hopper and realized you probably had to make the design, thats why there isnt a ton. It looks really good though always appreciate the work you put in!

Yeah that is exactly why! haha but thank you! glad you are enjoying them! look for a big update this weekend actually

how would i control the train through the caboose?

cant control the train from the caboose. I use autodrive to make the AI control the locomotive and ride from the caboose

also those new amtrak viewliner's aren't working, the trucks dont seem to become lose when I unfold trailer

I just recently found out that rolling stock can be towed with winches. Why don't things like this say in the description that other functions are hidden?

Deleted 55 days ago

Yes they are capable of being winched, not intentionally trying to hide functions, just didnt want to write paragraphs and paragraphs about them all


Any chance for Autoload (either UAL or another) for loading pallets and bales to the boxcars/flatcars and log cars? I am quite the novice modder and can't seem to figure it out yet. but would be a handy addition

(1 edit)

HI benutze den Universal Autoload Mod damit gehts.Bekommst Du bei Modhub

Du bekommst es angezeigt wenn du neben den wagoong stehst zum be und entladen und in der lok auch

cool didnt know it was setup for that!

(1 edit)

having trouble coupling cars at times. One is a bulk head flat car with straw in it. The other is the rusty CSX covered hopper. The command to couple them does not appear. Anyone else have that issue and know a fix?

Hi  hast du schon mal von der anderen seite probiert 

manche lassen sich nur einseitig koppeln diese gehören dazu 

andere von beiden seiten ist bei mir auch so 

wenn du diese schonmal gekoppelt hast kannst du immer nur da koppeln wo du zuerst verbunden hast

yes I was able to connect to opposite side of the consist. But I had a caboose connected to the end but the SW1500 switcher won’t connect. Was hoping there was a trick or something I was missing.


also having trouble uncoupling cars. Says they’re uncoupled but they remain attached.

any tricks or insight would be greatly appreciated.


once you have connected multiple cars together for a consist, you can’t then run around your consist and connect to the other end. Unfortunately, that is a limitation of the game engine. (It is a farming game after all, never meant for trains like this haha) Nothing I can do to change that sadly. So the way that I do it, is once I build a consist. If I’d like to do a runaround, I hold the “control” key and disconnect all of the rail cars so that they are just sitting there disconnected, then runaround, then reconnect them all from the other end.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi die räder sind zu dünn und die Drehgestelle drehen sich nicht sie bleiben starr in den kurven obwohl sie entsperrt sind

Howdy! yeah I hadnt finished 2 of the viewliners yet.. That is one of the ones that is not finished yet, so it shouldnt have been included. My apologies


Danke für deine schnelle Antwort.

wenn ich das so sagen darf bei der Menge an Mods die du modest kommt das halt mal vor das man was übersieht.

ist ja auch besser man fragt mal nach statt wie manche nur meckern und nichts sagen.

gruss oppi1


Hi JWeezy! Could an autoload function be added to the log transport wagons?)

Howdy, yes it already has! I dont know if I had it included in this update, but if not it will be in the next!

Very cool! I'll check it in the afternoon, because I haven't watched it since the update.

You are a king! ;)

It's not in the last update yet.

I'm already waiting. :)

autoload on the logging cars is working for me

And how? Because it doesn't work for me even in the last update.

i pull up beside the logs and the option is in my menu to laod

(1 edit)

Has anyone had issues with using this mod on a multiplayer server? When I am in single player mode, everything works perfectly. On my multiplayer server the locomotives and cars seem to float on the tracks and never quite sit on the rails causing a derailment. Not sure if anyone else has had a similar problem? Also going to post this comment on the Locomotive mod.

What semi trailers are those that are on the flatcars?

I believe those are from Lambo? but I dont remember. they were FS19 trailers that I converted

If im not mistaken those flatcars designed to haul semi trailers are trailer shippers. If ur reffering to the ones with semi trailer connectors.

(1 edit)

Since you added the amfleet diner and coach are you also going to add the amfleet baggage car?

I havent found a model for an amfleet baggage car yet unfortunately, but if I find one I might be able to add it!

alr  I gotcha

(1 edit)

The Budd Company never made an Amfleet styled baggage car.  There are viewliner baggage cars however, and they can often be seen on various Amtrak long distance trains.

@JWeezy Construction I could make a viewliner baggage, but I think someone on the 3D warehouse made that already. Also, I'll probably upload my Amfleet II shortly.

those amfleets look sick and yeah pls make a viewliner baggage car lol

I am pretty sure there is already a viewliner baggage car in game my friend!

oh well cool lemme take a look man

Oh sweet! yes I believe I already have a Viewliner baggage car from somebody else that is included in the mod. Thank you though!

And your Amfleet II's look fantastic as usual! cant wait to hopefully add them!

I recently added the Metra Gallery cars from your Metra Commuter Train. They look amazing, I just havent been able to find any interiors for a gallery car anywhere. Any thoughts on where I could find one? For now, the doors dont open on those units and the windows are just "tinted black"

is there anyway to fix the tanker to do all liquids there's some that's not there and the hopper cars there's some that they don't do like sugar and a few more, I love using them and thanks  

Hmmm I didnt notice that.. I believe I have the tankers set as "liquid" for filltype now,  so let me know if you still have issues with the tankers after this update?

As for the covered hoppers, they are set to wagon for filltype categories.. where did you find sugar that it wont load? I will see what I can do!

from the F12 to fill it and with the tanker i can't get it to take slurry for DEF mode and i will check it and i have the most update for all of them and i'm having trouble getting the overhead Crain to get it into the warehouse please let me know how to get it to work please i love using theses mods   

Getting an error on this mod here it is:


the containers only connect on the last car of the wellcars (5 set)

I have not experienced that issue or had any reports of that.. try turning the containers around, as currently they only connect one way

(1 edit)

Already tried that, maybe there is some sort of conflict? it doesn't detect the container at all.

Edit: they all connect but it's extremely tedious to detect it

when you connect one container, make sure you hit G. Once you connect one, it becomes the active for folding etc, therefore if you hit q again, it will disconnect vs connect the next can. 

(1 edit)

No, they just don't detect at all

Edit: it works, it's just really tedious

(4 edits)

Your mods are great as always, I do have some notes to add though you may or may not have experienced this yourself.

Some of the cars esp the double bogie sets on the heavy duty flatbed have a long enough overhang from the bogie that causes the fixed coupling on the body of the car to create a pinching point between cars on tight turns, when attached to the trains they can very easily derail. If the coupling instead was fixed to the bogie or allowed to flex from the car this problem would be reduced or eliminated. Also for the double bogie it would have  an easier time on corners if each bogie rotated independently and both were attached to a frame which in turn pivoted from the car, like how it would be setup irl.

Adding compatibility for other containers to the well cars was also very easy, increase the width size of the cars slightly and change the attacher and they work - at least connecting them. Not sure what the solution will be for containers of varying heights, I changed the second attach point to be @3.255 which is good for the high cube containers from hispano but has a gap for other container sizes. If you want to unload those containers directly from the car to a trigger point on the ground though his container trigger point is set too low. It would require you to raise the height of the car or for him to update the container mod and raise the height for some of the triggers. Everything works fine for me with those changes but I’m sure many others would love to do the same.


Howdy thank you for the feedback!

As for the double bogie set on the heavy duty flatbed, yes it is difficult to take around sharp corners.. When I originally set it up, I had it exactly as you described, with each bogie operating independently and was able to rotate as necessary. For some reason tho, I could NOT get it to stay on the tracks with this setup.. I tried many many times to try to get it to work as it does in real life, but I just could not get it. Maybe at some point in the future I will reevaluate it, but for now this was the best I could do with it.

As for the couplings, they actually do allow for quite a bit of movement left to right and up and down. I made it so that they have a good amount of movement left and right to accommodate turns and up and down to accommodate any differences in coupler height, but gave the connection points springs and dampers to make sure when they are not turning they stay straight and function as they should. It wouldnt be possible to have the connections reference the bogies, because of the way I made it so that you can connect to either side of the railcars. It essentially switches the connection points once you are connected from one side.. It is hard to explain, but trust me I cant make the cars connect from either side, and connect to the bogies.

As for the containers, Yes I intend to update them soon! I have been away getting married and on my honeymoon, but I will update them soon to be compatible with the other containers!

(2 edits)

Ah very nice to hear, I hope you have had a good time! 

I would love to play around if you had an old version of the double bogie setup still somewhere to see if it could work (or is it in one of the older downloads?)

I also noted the movement in couplings for most cars was more than I thought and adequate in almost all circumstances. The derailings were mainly due to the same issue of overhang / distance between the point of articulation on the bogie and the connection point. It only tends to occur on those double bogie setups and locomotives with longer bogies or overhangs. It wouldn’t be realistic but if the bogie’s articulation was unsymmetrical and closer to the connection points it might help, or tweaking those couplings on offending vehicles.

I am interested to see your solution for containers and what (if any) compromise has to be made. I didn’t look very far into other vehicles that carry containers but for my use case I also added support for 2x 20/25’ containers alongside the middle connectors.

I also found out why you made the set 5 cars long.. while I determined my yards would work better with sets of 7 it can be difficult to work out which vehicle is selected past the 5th car. Not to mention when you have 2 locomotives, 2 sets of 7 cars each stacked with 2-4 containers, that could be well over 50 connections! I don’t know if it was your intention to support long configurations but performance also struggled with more cars attached, though fs was clearly never meant to do any of this in the first place so I don’t blame you or anyone for issues like this. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best with your marriage!

Hey thanks a bunch it was a fantastic time!

The old version that I did with the functional double bogies on both ends was prior to my initial public release, but I think I could dig it up or possibly just redo it real quick, it wouldnt be too hard for me to modify it back to that configuration for you to try and tinker with? Can you message me on FB by chance? and I will get it sent over when I can.

Good I am glad the movement has been sufficient in your cases as well! I could possibly look into changing the joint location between the railcar and the bogies and move them closer to the couplers.. that may work I will look into it.

The containers I think I have a good idea of how to handle it, although I havent tested it yet. I am working on a pretty big update for the locomotives and some more placeable stuff atm, then plan on attacking those container cars after! I ABSOLUTELY will add support for 2x20ft containers as well. Idk if you have my pack but it includes 20ft containers and I just completely missed including connections for those for some reason.. Will definitely add it tho. But yeah  I have a plan that I think will work! Ill see.

I only did a set of 3 and a set of 5 because that is the default configurations that DTTX created those in. But you could absolutely do a set of 7 for yourself! you can pretty much use any different combination of wellCar2 wellCar3 or wellCar4 to increase the total to 7, as those cars are all setup the exact same. wellCar1 and wellCar5 are both setup specifically for the front and rear so they cant be multiplied really.

Butt yeah as for the performance, it can be a really big drain on your computer. FS honestly is not optimized very well, and obviously wasnt ever intended to have this many connections and collisions and rigid body components so it can be taxing on medium to lower end computers. I have a Ryzen 9 and an RTX 3080 (although it is the laptop version of those, so not quite as powerful as a desktop equivalent) and I have an 80 car intermodal train with 4 locomotives on the head and I do get frame drops, but can still manage between 20-30 generally. My buddy who is a tester for me had a very large coal train and a very large oil train and he didnt experience any frame drop issues so I think your hardware can be somewhat limiting on these unfortunately. I have tried to simplify the collisions and wheels and such as much as possible while still keeping them functional and realistic!

Thank you again!

I want to use this, really need to support autoload of pallets and wood. It's a pretty simple process, I made a wood loading trailer and a cotton loading trailer myself.

When you do get around to it, please ensure the trigger boxes for the autoload script are a good size and are on both sides of the wagon.

Excited to see what you come up with! I have added universal autoload to the reefer, boxcar, and new double door hi-cube boxcar that will all be included in the next update!

What wood loading trail and cotton loading trailer did you create??

I modded the 82studios box trailer mod and made a variant to load cotton bales (up to 20million liters in unreal capacity) and the same for a wood loading one. It was an interesting challenge making it work.

My most recent victory is a modded CaseiH cotton harvester that can have the option of a 25m or 50m wide harvest swath, custom bale size, and faster unload animation.

I don't try to put them on the mod-hub because they're edits of existing mods and the authors of the original mods should get all the credit for making the mod itself. I only come in after and tweak it. But there's a link to my google drive that has them all pinned on my discord server.

Oh I gotcha, that is awesome!

Creator please pin if possible!

If anyone is unable to open the railcar doors you need this mod: https://mod-network.com/fs22-mods/detail/8121/FS22-SimpleIC-v0.9.0.6 Interactive control doesn't work on these cars.

Hello! This rail transport mod is fantastic. I use mods from the RGC site and play the Back County 16X map using TerraFarm16x. I would like to ask if the materials I mine can also be transported in the wagons? Coal, limestone, concrete...etc.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Hungarian.

No need to be sorry friend! your english is just fine, and I think it is so cool that you are able to communicate in multiple languages!

I apologize for the late response, I have gotten so much feedback on these that I have lost comments sometimes and unfortunately yours was lost for a bit, but I see it now! and yes, you should be able to carry pretty much any bulk material in the coal cars, as they are set to "bulk" material type and are not specific on which materials it accepts.

Let me know if you experienced any issues with this and I can try and help! other than that, hope you enjoy!


I'm starting to figure things out. :)

(1 edit)

HI, amazing mod. Thank you.

I cannot open the doors of the box cars even with IC is there a trick ?

How do you load truck trailer like in the image 13 ?

Thank you!

I assume you have the IC mod installed and activated, correct?

As for the trailers, I dont have a correct way of loading them yet unfortunately.. I think that you could load them using my new warehouse? as there is a ramp in the front where you can get the trailers up on the platform, then back the piggy back cars into the bay and load them on? other than that, you can just lift them up on the piggy back car using a strength mo

Thanks for your answer.

I have IC mod installed, activated and functional (tested with tractors).

Thank for the trailer. i tried d to install the crane but i am to clumsy to succeed :-S

I am going to try with a big wheel loader.

I have 3 construction Mods ,I downloaded from Itch .Placeable road pieces. Placeable pipe and Placeable trench, these mods throw a lot of errors and warnings , am I missing something , I love the railroad mods but I dont like errors and warnings other than maybe the shapes file warnings. 

I just havent cleaned those mods up yet, like I have with the railroad mods. I plan to at some point!

the re-railers seem to have the superliners hang up on them .is the invisible wheels causing this or am I missing something. I even tried pushing them manually 

Hmmm.. I will have to look into it, the rerailer might be a little bit too tight and squeeze the body of the superliners since they are so low to the track.


would you be able to make the box cars have like a Autoload
or when i put a pallet near it thr box car has a sort of tank so it can take things
also would you be able to do it so it can take any pallet even custom modded ones
i think its possible since there is a tatra pheonix pack with that

I might add autoload at some point!

oooo nice i just thougt i would be a good idea since loading it up with telehandler or the hand mod
is so hard not to knock train off tracks

(2 edits)

i tried to set up Autodrive on a simple oval track , it would not turn at the turns just went straight . unsure why it might be a setting in Autodrive . just wondering if anyone else has tried to do this . aww update I figured it out .when you start the route you have to unlock the wheels after you push start . every time even if you unlocked them at the placement .you can also slow the train down in the curves if you run a gaurdrail and set the crash detection to on ,just dont go to fast starting into the curves.

(1 edit) (+1)

update I found out that when you have multiple cars attached to train you cant set the trailer cars after you start the course play route only the engine is settable , my conclusion is that Autodrive won't work with trains at this time ,unless im missing something.

Hmmm.. I havent tried autodrive or courseplay yet on them, If there is a setting that locks the locos and rolling stock as soon as it starts, then unless there is an option in the settings to turn that off then they wouldnt work..

Ctrl+I para descargar en los vagones a nosotros nos funciona perfevto.

Good glad to hear!

Is there a speed limit for curves ,I can only run at 30 mph without crashing .is this something that we can set .other than with the cruise control. Im working on a course play route  and think there is a speed control. in it.

In real life trains are pretty limited on their speed in curves, and I am trying to make these as realistic as possible. I try to stay under 30 on 10 degree curves, under 20ish on 20 degree curves, and under 30 on most of the 30 degree and 90 degree curves. 5 degree curves you can hit at main line speed as far as I have tested!

Just like irl If i recall certain irl trains have saftey speed limits designed to prevent them from de-railing on the curves for a reason. The same reason applies to both freight and passanger trains.

I assume you will be adding these in the future . as of now they do not exsist in this version of rolling stock ,correct?

 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/MyLands Mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerBaggagePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-26 03:11 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/MyLands Mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerCoachPHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-26 03:11 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/MyLands Mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerLoungePHIVb.xml'.

2024-06-26 03:11 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/MyLands Mods/FS22_railroad_RollingStock/viewlinerSleeperPHIVb.xml'.

Yes the Viewliners are not ready yet, they will be included in a future update! still a lot of work to do to get them to work as well as the Superliner

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