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I really hope that Elf taught Connor the importance of spending time with family. The game felt a bit like what Scrooge went through with the ghosts that visited him. Great game!

so many good scares

so I’m already fascinated with this game (mostly because of the scene in the grocery store. My guy CLEARLY put a lot of work into making sure each item filled the space it should fill. Which is so much better than copy pasting a flat shelf texture). BUT, I’m wondering if there’s some kind of morality/karma system? Does setting off the fireworks at the start make everything “worse”? Do you get a worse scare if you tell the store clerk your his mom? Etc etc. if anyone knows please let me know :)!

This game was great!! Had some really good jump scares!! The graphics are on point!! You need to get this game!! Check out my play through in the meantime....

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2nd Gameplay thanks for making this game. I enjoy it. I like the first part of puzzle when looking for the first fuse. I kind of wish I found all the fuses in a interesting way like that. I miss some of the jumpscares cause the game was very dark in some parts or maybe because my lights were shining my face. Anyway this game is so funny at the beginning. You guys got a good sense of humor. I like that. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.

This game was great!! Had some really good jump scares!! The graphics are on point!! Check out my play through....

New Christmas Horror Game | Christmas Nightmare | Indie Horror Game


great game !


How do I claim this game to my library?


Can you make this game free to claim please ?


Best christmas game ever! Loved the decoration, the tension, you nailed it!

Beautiful game, very well done! Thanks

(1 edit) (+1)

This is a very nice little Christmas Horror Game, this developer is relatively new but his games are really growing on me. Can’t wait to see more :). Can’t recommend this game enough.

Christmas Nightmare: Connor lo único que quiere después de un día duro de trabajo es relajarse en el sofá viendo su programa favorito, pero la cosa no irá como esperaba ya que recibirá una visita sorpresa, juego indie de terror navideño, muchas gracias por crear el juego, saludos a todos!!!!

This was a fun game...but I will say those fireworks almost took all of my attention lol.  My gameplay is down below

Story was good, sound design was good, fantastic attention to detail in the environment/atmosphere and you gave me a bunch of fireworks to play with! Great game! 

Than you for this amazing game and happy new year!

This is a very nice little Christmas Horror Game, this developer is relatively new but his games are really growing on me. Can’t wait to see more :). 

Can’t recommend this game enough. 

Here is my YOUTUBE gameplay, loved the mix of Christmas spirit but with a horror twist. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and wish you all a prosperous New year :)

not scary but its not a garbage game


One of the scariest game i  have played, v nice graphics  too

Had such a fun time with this game!  merry xmas


excelente juego me ha gustado mucho y me saco muchos muchos sustos, excelente para esta época del año 100% recomendado FELIZ NAVIDAD ! aquí mi reacción: 


This is a very pretty game, graphics are great. Fireworks were fun. The only nitpick I have is just the game at points gets super dark and it hard to see anything even with a candle. So maybe allow us to adjust the brightness since I didn't see an option in game. Besides that great game 👍

Great game! 


I completely missed this game last year! Looks so cozy before the horror lol

Merry Christmas !

Full Play NO Commentary


Merry Christmas and New Year Eve! I love every Emika Games game so, here is new Czech Play


I live streamed your game, in my Christmas special stream, at 2:33:50. I thought it was excellent, and it was good. Although, I did spend majority of start of beginning lighting fireworks hahaha. Nice and spooky!

Only thing, some of the jumpscares felt out of sync with audio. Other than that, I liked it & my audience enjoyed watching me get scared. Keep up the good work! 


One of the most Scariest Christmas Horror games i have ever played really enjoyed this one.

Well done developer.


Great game. Real sense of danger as you have to deal with the horrors unfolding in your house 

WORST CHRISTMAS EVER! - Christmas Nightmare


Super jeu ! j'ai vraiment aimé, en voici une vidéo 

Greetings! I was blown away by the amazing game you've created and I would love to offer my services as a composer for its soundtrack. With four years of experience and a solid background in music theory and composition, I have the skills and expertise necessary to create a memorable and engaging soundtrack. You can find samples of my work in my web page! Thomas Parra | Composer ( If you're interested in collaborating, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Fun game, I enjoyed my Scrooge Elf experience, forcing us to reflect on our past relationship mistakes. Nice Christmas / New Years horror game, you did a good job! 

Another great work.


Great horror game for this time of year! Loved the environment and all the details in the decorations lol 

this game was amazing and scary lol 


I love Christmas horror games and to me this was really scary and fun. I really loved the atmosphere a lot and the festivity presented in the game was superb. And the monster was just creepy and kept toying with me which made me take multiple breaks cuz I get so scared easily. Easily the best holiday horror game I played by far. 

I'm hype to play this but based on comments and a quick look at the videos posted, this game needs an update to see the jump scares. I'll wait for that update to make it worth the $5.

I'll never understand why they make a game so dark that we can't see anything... I'll never understand why they take pleasure in putting you in a completely black place to find items... All the scares in the game didn't work because no one can see nothing... The game looks cool, but they did everything they could to make it boring!

this was a fun game and it was very educational if you haven't play the game you should connor is grinch thats all we need to know check the video out if you just wanna see how the game is 

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