Papers by Mohammad Shurman

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2020
Using mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) applications is becoming very popular and obtained rese... more Using mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) applications is becoming very popular and obtained researchers' interest and commercial investment, in order to fulfill future vision and the requirements for smart cities. These applications have common demands such as fast response, distributed nature, and awareness of service location. However, these requirements' nature cannot be satisfied by central systems services that reside in the clouds. Therefore, edge computing paradigm has emerged to satisfy such demands, by providing an extension for cloud resources at the network edge, and consequently, they become closer to end-user devices. In this paper, exploiting edge resources is studied; therefore, a cooperative-hierarchical approach for executing the pre-partitioned applications' modules between edges resources is proposed, in order to reduce traffic between the network core and the cloud, where this proposed approach has a polynomial-time complexity. Furthermore, edge computing increases the efficiency of providing services, and improves end-user experience. To validate our proposed cooperative-hierarchical approach for modules placement between edge nodes' resources, iFogSim toolkit is used. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed approach reduces network's load and the total delay compared to a baseline approach for modules' placement, moreover, it increases the network's overall throughput.

Computer Networks, 2011
In this paper, a dynamic address allocation protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) has been... more In this paper, a dynamic address allocation protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) has been proposed. The protocol is capable of assigning an address to the network nodes with low latency and communication overhead. It divides the network nodes into root, leaders and normal nodes according to the functions they perform. Address space is distributed between leaders in disjoint address blocks. The leaders are responsible for assigning the addresses to unconfigured nodes. The leaked addresses, lost by the nodes that leaving the network abruptly, are reclaimed in an efficient way so as to preserve the addresses. Network partitioning and merging problem was solved in the protocol with low cost. The proposed protocol proves effective in terms of time delay and communication overhead. It is shown that the protocol is applicable for large networks with high number of nodes and large areas. The proposed scheme works well in the contention environment without significant changes in performance or effects on other applications by wasting the bandwidth, it also overcomes the presence of packet loss, mainly by increasing the control packet in the networks to keep the address allocation protocol operational.

International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, 2010
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) consists of a set of identical mobile nodes communicating with ea... more A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) consists of a set of identical mobile nodes communicating with each other via wireless links. The network's topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. Such networks may operate in a stand-alone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet. In traditional networks, hosts rely on centralized servers like DHCP for configuration, but this cannot be extended to MANETs because of their distributed and dynamic nature. Many schemes have been proposed to solve this problem. Some of these approaches try to extend the IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration mechanism to MANETs, some use flooding the entire network to come up with a unique IP address, and others distribute IP addresses among nodes (using binary split) so that each node can independently configure new nodes. None of these existing solutions consider network partitioning and merging. In this paper, we propose a proactive scheme for dynamic allocation of IP addresses in MANETs. Our solution also uses the concept of binary split and takes into consideration the previously unsolved issues like partitioning and merging and abrupt departure of nodes from the system. We show that our solution is scalable and does not have the limitations of earlier approaches.
Static cluster and dynamic cluster head (SCDCH) adaptive prediction-based algorithm for target tracking in wireless sensor networks
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2015
Outage probability of dual-hop amplify-and-forward cognitive relay networks under interference power constraints over Nakagami-m fading channels
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2015
Outage probability of amplify-and-forward underlay cognitive relay networks with selection diversity over Nakagami-m fading channels
2015 38th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2015

An Energy-Efficient Coverage aware Clustering mechanism for wireless sensor networks
Optimization of energy consumption operations is crucial to prolong WSN lifetime. Conversely, cov... more Optimization of energy consumption operations is crucial to prolong WSN lifetime. Conversely, coverage is another important issue which focuses on how to cover all points in field of interest. Generally, there is a tradeoff between these two factors. If the mechanism in WSN clustering focuses on the energy constraints, it will not concentrate on coverage, and vice-versa. In this paper, we propose an Energy Efficient Coverage-aware Clustering mechanism (EECC), balancing between the coverage ratios and energy levels by ensuring maximum coverage with optimum lifetime, which is accomplished by selecting cluster heads based on their remaining energies. A sensor with higher remaining energy has a greater likelihood to be a cluster head sensor, while other sensors with lower remaining energy put themselves into a sleep state. After the selection process, the clusters will be formulated, and consequently, each non-cluster head sensor will be assigned to one of the cluster head sensors.

Merging dynamic address autoconfiguration and security key protocols in mobile ad hoc networks
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is formed by collaboration of nodes characterized by having the sam... more Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is formed by collaboration of nodes characterized by having the same capabilities whereas neither central infrastructure nor central coordination is required. Notwithstanding the communication between nodes in MANET requires each node to have a unique identity (IP-address), many critical networks require some level of security in which all security principles require the node to have a security key. A tree-based dynamic address autoconfiguration protocol (TDAAP) is found to be one of the best protocols for address assignment based on network throughput and delay. MANET security ideally takes place during the design phase of the routing module. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme that merges the process of assigning IP addresses and security keys to the nodes in MANET using one protocol such that as soon as a node enters the network, it will be assigned an IP address and security key. To the best of our knowledge, no single protocol provides both IP...

Channel efficiency and channel throughput in any network are affected by packet collisions. Reduc... more Channel efficiency and channel throughput in any network are affected by packet collisions. Reduction of packet collisions plays a greater role in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), due to the open medium topology where carrier sensing is not practical or feasible. Consequently, these collision issues introduce a key problem in MANET networks where researches proposed back-off mechanism to overcome packet collisions. Back-off algorithm is proposed to reduce collisions that happen when more than one node tries sending data on the channel simultaneously. The Binary Exponential Back-off (BEB), the first Back-off algorithm that is deployed in Medium Access Control layer, is used by IEEE 802.11 to avoid collision in MANETs. BEB algorithm uses a uniform random distribution Back-off values to solve the collision problem. In this paper, we propose Fibonacci Liner Increment Back-Off (FLB) algorithm to achieve an effective value for the Back-off timer of the nodes before accessing the channel t...

—Mobile ad hoc networks routing protocols rely on traditional broadcast (flooding) to establish a... more —Mobile ad hoc networks routing protocols rely on traditional broadcast (flooding) to establish a route to the destination. Every node which receives this broadcast packet will rebroadcast it to all neighbors. This broadcast consumes valuable network resources (e.g., battery power, bandwidth, processing time, etc.). Many schemes were proposed to restrict traditional flooding by means of probability or mathematical methods. Some of these protocols utilize the location information on the nodes to restrict the broadcast zone like Location Aided Routing (LAR). In this paper, we will propose Vectorized Broadcast Routing (VBR) as an enhancement for LAR scheme 1 to reduce the broadcast by enlarging the broadcast region around the destination. In case of discovery phase failure, VBR will enlarge the broadcast region again around the destination, unlike LAR where the network will be flooded with this request again. Simulation results show that VBR can decrease the number of routing packets b...

Hard handover optimization in mobile WiMAX networks
The IEEE 802.16e (mobile WiMAX) standard supports the mobile stations (MS) mobility; this incurs ... more The IEEE 802.16e (mobile WiMAX) standard supports the mobile stations (MS) mobility; this incurs one of the most challenging issues in IEEE802.16e which is the handover (HO). HO occurs when the MS migrates from one cell to another. Many approaches have been proposed for HO optimization techniques by reducing HO delay or by skipping unnecessary stages to avoid resource wastage. Some other approaches focuses on the pattern prediction of the MS to predict the next target base station (TBS) according to mobility pattern table, while other approaches try to adapt the handover threshold according to the velocity of the MS. The common goal between these approaches is reduction of latency and minimization of the handover delay. In this paper we propose a new approach to balance between these factors, i.e., trying to minimize HO delay and reduce the number of target base stations (TBS), thus minimize unnecessary scans to find a suitable TBS.

Hierarchical clustering using genetic algorithm in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of sensors whereas each sensor is equipped wit... more Wireless sensor networks consist of a large number of sensors whereas each sensor is equipped with a life-limited battery. Depletion of this energy depends on not only the long-distance communications between the sensors and sink node, but also the active state period length. Power consumption of each sensor is the most important factor that affects the network lifetime severely. In other words, decreasing the long-distance exchanges between sensors and sink node leads to prolong the network lifetime and increase the network performance. Clustering method is considered one of the best well-known approaches that efficiently helps in increasing the overall network lifetime. In this paper, we incorporate genetic algorithm (GA) with hierarchical clustering for the sake of reducing the long-distance communications. Simulation results are extremely promising and show significant improvements over heuristics and normal genetic algorithms.
Closed-form expression of bit error rate in dual-hop dual-branch mixed relaying cooperative networks with best-path selection over Rayleigh fading channels
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD14), 2014
ABSTRACT In this paper, a new cooperative-diversity network with simple dual hop virtual diversit... more ABSTRACT In this paper, a new cooperative-diversity network with simple dual hop virtual diversity with mixed decode-and-forward and amplify-and-forward with best path selection is proposed. A closed-form expression for the average bit error rate of the communication system, assuming phase shift keying modulation scheme over independent non-identical Rayleigh fading channels, is derived. The results show that the proposed model outperforms the regular cooperative network models with a sub-optimal allocation for the relay relative distance.

Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2014
Extending the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs), where recharging sensors is not al... more Extending the lifetime of the wireless sensor networks (WSNs), where recharging sensors is not always possible, has been a major concern for researchers for the past decade. In this paper, we study the cooperation between nodes in wireless sensor networks in forwarding packets to others, and we propose a new collaboration technique which stimulates intermediate nodes to forward packets toward their destination. Some nodes show selfish behavior by denying the forwarding packets to other nodes in commercial networks in an effort to preserve their own energy. This paper applies a technique which is used to prolong the network lifetime, based on a node's energy and trust value, and additionally incorporates fuzzy logic, which stimulates nodes to forward packets by rewarding cooperation. According to simulation results, the proposed approach surpasses the Nuglets (virtual currency) approach and the Reputation approach in network energy and thus prolongs the network lifetime. Additionally, our proposed approach demonstrates better results in the number of dropped packets, PDR and forwarded packets to neighboring nodes.

LEACH enhancements for wireless sensor networks based on energy model
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD14), 2014
ABSTRACT The low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is one of the most adaptiv... more ABSTRACT The low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol is one of the most adaptive protocols used in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs). LEACH is a hierarchical model that provides a powerful strategy for energy balancing, using head rotations. However, the original LEACH protocol suffers from many drawbacks and many researchers proposed new methods to mitigate them. In this paper, we propose two approaches based on an energy model to enhance cluster heads (CHs) selection method through not only minimizing the power consumption of network nodes, but also minimizing the number of CHs. The first proposed approach effectively selects a cluster head that has the lowest power consumption when communicating with other nodes. In addition to what is proposed in the first approach, the idea of incorporating the shortest distance has been considered in the second proposed approach. This significantly decreases the energy consumption and increases the lifetime of associated nodes.

A collaborative reputation approach to avoid misbehaving nodes in MANETs
2014 IEEE 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD14), 2014
ABSTRACT Ad-hoc networks carry out routing and forwarding functions through available nodes. Thes... more ABSTRACT Ad-hoc networks carry out routing and forwarding functions through available nodes. These nodes act as base stations and also are involved in route discovery and maintenance, forwarding traffic, and network management functions. Nodes expend most of their energy to forward packets to others without receiving any direct gain from doing so. A misbehaving and greedy node only considers its own short-term utility, and it may not choose to participate within the network. A reputation approach (RAP) is proposed in this paper, based on the reputation model that is used to detect and isolate misbehaving nodes which do not cooperate in forwarding packets of other nodes. Promising results are found through extensive simulation using GloMoSim in identifying selfish nodes.

N-BEB: New backoff algorithm for IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol
2014 37th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2014
ABSTRACT IEEE 802.11 standard uses Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) which uses carrier sen... more ABSTRACT IEEE 802.11 standard uses Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) which uses carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), when a collision occurs a backoff algorithm will take place. The default backoff mechanism used in 802.11 is the binary exponential backoff (BEB) algorithm to randomize medium access for the nodes. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of a few backoff algorithms used in IEEE 802.11 standard: BEB, I-BEB, and E-BEB, then we propose the New Binary Exponential Backoff (N-BEB) algorithm to improve channel access fairness while preserving the channel throughput. E-BEB achieves lower fairness but with higher complexity, which increase power dissipation, I-BEB achieves higher fairness with highest number of dropped packets among all approaches which leads to channel overhead increase and network utilization reduction. Our N-BEB algorithm improves the selection process of the contention window CW based on the number of successful and unsuccessful transmissions. Simulation results confirm fairness improvement, fairness enhancement, reduction of dropped pack-ets and high delivery ratio for proposed protocol.

Performance evaluation of selective and adaptive heads clustering algorithms over wireless sensor networks
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2012
ABSTRACT Target tracking in wireless sensor networks can be considered as a milestone of a wide r... more ABSTRACT Target tracking in wireless sensor networks can be considered as a milestone of a wide range of applications to permanently report, through network sensors, the positions of a mobile target to the base station during its move across a certain path. While tracking a mobile target, a lot of open challenges arise and need to be investigated and maintained which mainly include energy efficiency and tracking accuracy. In this paper, we propose three algorithms for tracking a mobile target in wireless sensor network utilizing cluster-based architecture, namely adaptive head, static head, and selective static head. Our goal is to achieve a promising tracking accuracy and energy efficiency by choosing the candidate sensor nodes nearby the target to participate in the tracking process while preserving the others in sleep state. Through Matlab simulation, we investigate the performance of the proposed algorithms in terms of energy consumption, tracking error, sensor density, as well as target speed. The results show that the adaptive head is the most efficient algorithm in terms of energy consumption while static and selective static heads algorithms are preferred as far as the tracking error is concerned especially when the target moves rapidly. Furthermore, the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms is verified through comparing their results with those obtained from previous algorithms.

ARM: Anticipated route maintenance scheme in location-aided mobile ad hoc networks
Journal of Communications and Networks, 2000
ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are composed of moving wireless hosts which, within range... more ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are composed of moving wireless hosts which, within range of each other, form wireless networks. For communication to occur between hosts that are not within each other's range, routes involving intermediate nodes must be established; however, since the hosts may be in motion, a host that was part of a route may move away from its upstream and downstream partners, thus breaking the route. In this paper, we propose anticipated route maintenance (ARM) protocol with two extensions to route discovery based routing scheme: Extend the route when nodes on a link move apart from each other and they have common neighbor that can be “inserted” in the path, and shrink route when a node discovers that one of its neighbor which is not the next hop is also on the same route several hops later on. By utilizing only local geographic information (now a part of some route finding algorithms), a host can anticipate its neighbor's departure and, if other hosts are available, choose a host to bridge the gap, keeping the path connected. We present a distributed algorithm that anticipates route failure and performs preventative route maintenance using location information to increase a route lifespan. The benefits are that this reduces the need to find new routes (which is very expensive) and prevents interruptions in service. As the density of nodes increases, the chance to successfully utilize our route maintenance approach increases, and so does the savings. We have compared the performance of two protocols, pure dynamic source routing (DSR) protocol and DSR with ARM. The simulation results show how ARM improves the functionality of DSR by preventing the links in the route from breaking. Packets delivery ratio could be increased using ARM and achieved approximately 100% improvement. The simulations clarify also how ARM shows a noticeable improvement in dropped packets and links stability over DSR, even though there is more traffic and c- annel overhead in ARM.

Performance evaluation of multiuser diversity in multiuser two-hop cooperative multi-relay wireless networks using maximal ratio combining over Rayleigh fading channels
International Journal of Communication Systems, 2013
ABSTRACT SUMMARY Multiuser diversity (MUD) cooperative wireless networks combine the features of ... more ABSTRACT SUMMARY Multiuser diversity (MUD) cooperative wireless networks combine the features of the MIMO systems without confronting the physical layer constraints by providing multiple copies of the transmitted signal from the source to the destination with the help of the relay node. Cooperative wireless networks have attracted the full attention in the last few years and are implemented widely in many wireless communication systems to adapt for the fading impairments, provide higher data rates, and improve the performance of the wireless communication systems. In this paper, we present an informative study for the reason of evaluating the performance of the MUD in the multiuser two-hop cooperative multi-relay networks using maximal ratio combining. Furthermore, we derive tight closed-form expressions of outage probability and symbol error probability for the amplify-and-forward and fixed decode-and-forward protocols with the MUD. Additionally, we conduct a simulation study to show to what extent our analytical and simulation results agree with each other. It is worthy to mention that our analytical and simulation results agree fairly with each other under high average signal-to-noise ratio, whereas they show that our proposed system with multiple relays provides significant improvements over those previously proposed systems having only one relay. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Papers by Mohammad Shurman