Very julianto by Very Julianto
Papers by Very Julianto

Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat
Indonesia is a country that is geologically located at the confluence of three tectonic plates of... more Indonesia is a country that is geologically located at the confluence of three tectonic plates of the world, has more than 128 active volcanoes, and around 150 rivers. This results in Indonesia being prone to experiencing disasters. The village Kiluan Negeri in Tanggamus (Lampung) is among the areas known for its high disaster risk in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the impact of campaign and education on disaster preparedness on students’ knowledge in dealing with the tsunami disaster in Kiluan Negeri. This research employs a quasi-experimental method, with one group pre-test and post-test design. The research involved subjects from the group of 35 students from junior high school in Kiluan Negeri, SATAP VII-IX SMP. The respondents were recruted through quota sampling, in which all junior high school students present were selected as research subjects. For this research, disaster preparedness training/socialization was carried out three times. Based on the results of the st...

Jurnal Psikologi Integratif
Toxic relationships can cause inner conflict within oneself. This inner conflict can lead to ange... more Toxic relationships can cause inner conflict within oneself. This inner conflict can lead to anger, depression, or anxiety. This makes it difficult for those who are involved in it to live a productive and healthy life. This study aims to determine the relationship between expectations and self-esteem on happiness in people who have a toxic relationship with psychological health. The method in this research is correlational quantitative with scale data collection tools, especially the attitude scale in the form of a Likert. The subjects in this study were 49 people. Collecting data used in this research is by distributing instrument questionnaires, Self Esteem Inventory scale which contains twelve items. Meanwhile, to measure happiness the scale used is the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. The results showed that self-esteem and expectations influence a person's level of happiness. This means that someone's happiness will be high if he has high self-esteem and expectations. However, when experiencing a toxic relationship, self-esteem and expectations will decrease which makes the level of happiness felt low.
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
This study specifically examines the influence of listening to music karawitan on short-term memo... more This study specifically examines the influence of listening to music karawitan on short-term memory performance of UIN Bandung students. Based on the daily phenomenon there are students who learn by listening to music and some are not. Subjects in this study were students from various faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung taken from various semesters. In this study the samples were taken by random sampling technique, the samples were taken randomly to represent the population in which the sample was taken. The design used in this study was the pretest-pottest control group. The results obtained from this study indicate that listening to music karawitan, able to improve the performance of short-term memory.
Jurnal Psikologi
Membaca Al Fatihah reflektif intuitif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen d... more Membaca Al Fatihah reflektif intuitif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol desain pretest-postest. Pengambilan subjek menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, jumlah subjek adalah 36 mahasiswa program studi psikologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Tingkat kecemasan mahasiswa diukur menggunakan skala DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale). Analisis data menggunakan T-Test hasilnya yaitu 0,49 (r <0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa membaca Al Fatihah reflektif intuitif dapat menurunkan kecemasan berbicara di depan umum pada Mahasiswa Progam Studi Psikologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga.
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of listening murattal Al Qur’an in increasing conc... more The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of listening murattal Al Qur’an in increasing concentration capability. Subjects in this study were the girls students of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 18-20 years old, with GPA is above 3,00. The measurement of this study is using Digit Span test. The data were analyzed by using a statistical parametric T test. The mean score of concentration gained by the experimental group subjects before treatment was10,4, and after treatment was 11,2. While the mean score of the control group subjects before treatment was 11, and after treatment was 11,4. The result can be interpreted that there was mean differences between the experimental group and the control group before and after treatment. It means that listening murattal is effective in increasing the capability of concentration.
The research aimed to understand the relation between fasting and the anger regulation. Subject’s... more The research aimed to understand the relation between fasting and the anger regulation. Subject’s researchs were 100 students of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung taken by random sampling. Subjects consist of 43 man and 57 woman. This research used quantitative method. Data was collected by questionare, and method of analysis was Pearson’s correlation test. The result has shown there is relation between fasting and the anger regulation with scale of correlation was 54%. Subject that often fasting, carbohydrate input was lower so that the subject had high level of anger regulation.

Jurnal Psikologi Undip
This study was aimed to explore marriage problems experiencing by couple who had been married for... more This study was aimed to explore marriage problems experiencing by couple who had been married for 5-10 years in Yogyakarta and to find out the strategies to solve their problems to be recommended for the counseling section of Ministry of Religious Affair, Indonesia. This study employed qualitative method, particulary case study method. The subjects were 4 couple who had been married for 5-10 years and lived in Yogyakarta. The data was collected using in-depth interview and observation techniques. The data were analyzed using open coding and axial coding. The result of this study showed two initial problems of 5 years marriage: financial prolems and adaptation between marriage couples and extended families. The two strategies to overcome those problems were: building a healthier communication a marriage in the first 5 years, married couples should get stability income and 2) to find the way out to adapt between marriage partners and the whole families. The problems of 6-10years marri...
Jurnal Psikologi, 2015
This study aimed to reduce depression and increase immunity through training of reading of the re... more This study aimed to reduce depression and increase immunity through training of reading of the reflective intuitive Al-Fatihah. Researchers used an experimental method with pretest-posttest control group design. Each experimental group and control group consisted of 10 students of Islamic Boarding School. To measure stress degree, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) was used. Immunity was measured with microscopic slide method using hematology analyzer. Quantitative analysis was done through a mixed design anova statistical test. The results showed that the training could reduce depression (F=15.34, p
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, Nov 1, 2017
This study specifically examines the influence of listening to music karawitan on short-term memo... more This study specifically examines the influence of listening to music karawitan on short-term memory performance of UIN Bandung students. Based on the daily phenomenon there are students who learn by listening to music and some are not. Subjects in this study were students from various faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung taken from various semesters. In this study the samples were taken by random sampling technique, the samples were taken randomly to represent the population in which the sample was taken. The design used in this study was the pretest-pottest control group. The results obtained from this study indicate that listening to music karawitan, able to improve the performance of short-term memory.
Very julianto by Very Julianto
Papers by Very Julianto