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Journal created:
on 23 September 2007 (#13881646)
on 19 February 2012
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
For those expecting babies in/around June 2008!
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This is a community for those of us who are pregnant and due in June 2008. This is a great place to talk about problems and concerns, share joys, and babble on about babies, baby equipment, nurseries, hormones, etc. when everyone else you know is tired of hearing about it!


1. Please feel free to post ANY questions, comments, concerns, experiences, joys and anything else that is somehow related to your pregnancy or baby.
2. Respect every member here. Keep in mind that every other member here is experiencing the same changes you are and this is a place for everyone to enjoy. Personal attacks will NOT be tolerated. This includes:
- No racial/ethnic/social comments
- Fathers are welcome here as well, so keep that in mind
- Do not insult anyone
- Name calling and childish behaviour regardless of the reason will also NOT be tolerated
3. Please make sure your font size and color are readable with our layout BEFORE posting. Entries that do not meet that guideline will be deleted.
4. Ask the mod's permission before posting ads/promotions/links etc.
5. Remember that everyone here has an opinion. You may not ask for it but they are entitled to it.
7. If you have any questions, problems or concerns, bring it to the mods attention.

Please note your mods are:
midnightsangel - email
sonsah - email

For more information on the mods or to leave a comment for one of us, please click on this entry. All comments are screened.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Birth dates & times: Username: Baby height/weight info: Sex: Baby's first & middlenames:
April 5th candyeater 3 lbs, 13 oz; 17.25 inches Boy! Desmond Louis
May 1st, 10:14 AM hevavahkema 5 pounds, 4 ounces Boy! Fox
May 12th, 1:43 PM becs_sprout 5 pounds, 4 ounces Girl! Nora
May 12th, 1:44 PM becs_sprout 6 pounds, 8 ounces Girl! Evelyn
May 16th sxychikoh 7 lbs, 9 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Evangeline Juliya Ray
May 20th, 7:55PM sonsah 7 lbs, 14.4 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Elana Rachel
May 20th, 10:59 PM bluearth 7 lbs, 5 oz; 19.5 inches Boy! Adam Jr
May 23rd, 7:15 PM _bitterglitter_ 8 lbs, 6 oz; 21 inches Boy! Elliot Buckman G.
May 27th, 9:37 AM faeriemoo 8 lbs, 3 oz; 18.5 inches Girl! Lola Kitty
May 27th, 2:50 PM gonzy317 7 lbs, 13 oz; 19.75 inches Boy! Aaron Xavier
May 28th, 9:37 AM imcountingufoz 7 lbs, 3 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Ruby
May 30th, 1:05 PM angryvixen 7 lbs, 6 oz; 20 inches Girl! Veronica
May 31st, 12:20 AM dharmamama_ 7 lbs, 11 oz; 20 inches Girl! Tessa Carolyn
May 31st, 2:00 PM gemini0608 7 lbs, 7 oz; 19.5 inches Boy! Joey
June 1st, 12:02 AM robyie 7 lbs, 2 oz; 20.5 inches Girl! Madeline Love
June 3rd, 2:12 AM cutemollymormon 6 lbs, 5 oz; 18.5 inches Girl! Savannah Lynn
June 4th, 1:16 AM the_other_me_2 6 lbs; 19.5 inches Boy! Elijah Alexander
June 4th, 3:04 AM shannon081181 9 lbs, 6 oz; 21 inches Girl! Casey
June 5th, 4:44 AM switchknives 7 lbs, 8 oz; 20 inches Girl! Grace
June 5th, 9:18 AM dinky_dinky_do 5 lbs, 9 oz; 17 inches Girl! Kathryne Odessa
June 5th, 8:44 PM meganspregnant 8 lbs, 4 oz; 20 inches Boy! Brayden
June 6th, 1:39 PM txbabygirl81 8 lbs, 7 oz; 20.75 inches Girl! Caroline
June 6th, 10:45AM dandrah 6 lbs, 2 oz; 19 inches Boy! Soren
June 6th, 4:33 PM empressnite 9 lbs, 2 oz; 21 inches Boy! Zephyr
June 7th, 10:20 PM ali_konu 7 lbs, 4 oz; 21 inches Boy! Caide Manuel
June 7th eyelid 9 lbs, 10.5 oz; 23.75 in. Boy! Surprise
June 8th 12:50AM babyblog2008 8 lbs, 5 oz; 20.5 inches Boy! Alexander Royal
June 8th, 7:09 AM fang0rn 5 lbs, 15 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Sevyn Kay
June 9th 12:58 PM jaydedfaerie 6 lbs, 15 oz; 20.75 inches Girl! Ava Brynn
June 9th, 10:23 AM italianangel78 6 lbs, 5 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Danica Taylor
June 10, 7:15am duchess_k 8 pounds, 11 ounces Boy! Calvin Rafael W.
June 10th, 6:59 AM ravenlily13 9 pounds; 22 inches Boy! Drake Frost
June 10th, 7 PM icebox 7 lbs, 5 oz; 20.5 inches Boy! Nolan Parker
June 10th, 10:52 PM virgo_intellect 6 lbs 10 oz; 19 inches Girl! Alyssa Michelle
June 10th, 11:55 PM lovekitten27 7 pounds; 19.75 inches Girl! Faelyn Audrey
June 11th, 5:11 PM lynn_z 9 lbs, 3 oz; 21 inches Boy! Damien Ryley
June 12th, 2:17 AM bellybump 7 lbs, 11 oz; 19.5 inches Boy! Jaxon Elliot
June 12th, 5:25 AM shantilynx 7 lbs, 3 oz; 20.5 inches Boy! Jack Caleb
June 12th, 6:42 AM crashtesther 9 lbs, 6 oz Boy! Zachary Nathan
June 12th, 4:52 PM dustkitty 9 lbs, 13 oz; 21 inches Boy! Owen Broderic
June 13th, 6:02 AM smokeinyourhair 7 lbs, 1 oz; 20.75 inches Girl! Emaline Bee
June 14th, 3:52 AM unspokenbalance 8 lbs, 2 oz; 20 inches Boy! Tristan Ryan L.
June 14th, 1:08PM jamiejo 7 lbs, 9 oz; 20 inches Girl! Violet
June 14th pester 7 lbs, 3 oz; Boy! Joseph Daniel
June 14th, 4:24 PM starr_poet 7 lbs, 8 oz; Girl! Chevali Rose
June 15th, 10:46PM billingsgater 7 lbs, 12 oz; 20 inches Girl! Lillian Faye
June 18th, 7:50 AM keely_graesser 8 lbs; 20.5 inches Boy! Peter Joshua
June 19th, 6:54 PM gillies_isle 8 lbs, 5 oz; 20.5 inches Boy! Jet
June 21st, 3:12 PM laruu 8 lbs, 13 oz; Boy! Lucas
June 21st 8:29 AM malkin767 8 lbs, 1oz; 20 1/4 inches Boy! Henry
June 22nd, 12:54 AM cathmac 7 lbs, 7 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Alana
June 22nd, 5:08 PM ttingle 8 lbs, 13 oz; 20 inches Boy! Jordan Francis
June 24th, 3:06 AM madelitty 8 lbs, 8.6 oz; 21 inches Girl! Lilia Ann Lynn
June 25th, 6:12 PM thethinwhtduke 8 lbs 14.5 oz; 21 inches Boy! Liam
June 27th, 5:49 PM ashnistrike 7 lbs 4 oz; Boy! Robert Joseph Emrys Berman
June 27th 7:55 PM supergrrlie 7 lbs 14 oz; 20.5 inches Boy! Cristian Joseph
June 29th, 11:53AM enderkittens 10 lbs, 11.5 oz; 21 inches Boy! Ascher
June 30th, 6:47 AM lilmsprincess 8 lbs 9 oz ; 21.25 inches Girl! Ella-Jayne Lesley
June 30th, 6:03 PM the_questess 8 lbs; 22 inches Girl! Kallisti Rose
July 1st, 2:13 AM sister_chuy 10 lbs, 3 oz; 20.5 inches Girl! Viviana
July 1st, 3:40 PM dododumpling 8 lbs, 8 oz Boy! Max Arthur
July 1st, 9:18 PM mrsmdub 7 lbs, 8 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Phillipa Jordan
July 2nd, 6:21 AM kidlettes 7 lbs, 11 oz; 21 inches Boy! Lucas Todd
July 5th, 8:08 PM kncbaby 9 lbs, 10 oz; 21 inches Boy! Jacob Nolan
July 6th sex 8 lbs, 5 oz; 19.5 inches Girl! Averie Jordin
July 7th, 12:30 AM mrs_slats 8 lbs, 15 oz; Girl! Juliet Adelaide Slatosky
July 10th, 1:13 PM josietheriveter 10 lbs, 4 oz; 21.5 inches Boy! Logan Dexter
Birth dates & times: Username: Baby height/weight info: Sex: Baby's first & middlenames:
June 7th wychylips Boy! Surprise
June 14th indigo_angel Boy! Surprise
June 18th rebeccamarie Boy! Mateo B'alam
June 27th edensmom Girl! Ivy Karolyn
June 30th jeshca Boy! Chase Darren

To add yourself or update your information to this table, please click on this entry and we will get the table updated as soon as possible!
