1. What's your name or nickname? compulsivelyme
2. Partner's name? Supersperm :)
3. Location? Seattle, WA
4. Age? 32
5. When did you find out you were pregnant? Today, although I've been suspecting for about a week.
6. What was your reaction? I'm never trusting the minipill again! Hah, no, I guess it was kind of excitement with a bit of stunned, shocked feeling.
7. What was the first sign you were pregnant? Tender nipples and twinges in my abdomen, and my daughter working harder to get milk (I'm still nursing her), though I've also noticed sensitive gums and a heightened sense of smell.
8. What is your edd? July 19 or 21 depending on whether you use LMP or date of intercourse.
9. Is this your first baby? No, this is my second. My first, Alice, was born May 2010 and is 17 months old. She'll be 26 months old when the baby is due.
10. Are you going to find out the sex? We were not able to find out the sex the last time. It was kind of fun to have a surprise. I don't know, I'm undecided. Maybe if it's obvious on the ultrasound, otherwise I won't worry about it.
11. Any name ideas? Always.
Want to vote on a few?12. What are you most excited about? Honestly, having two kids to raise. I think it will be overwhelming, but a ton of fun. I hope they can be friends.
13. Least excited about? Probably lumbering around, and hip pain. In the short term, I'm traveling in a week and I really don't want to tell people yet, but might have to let the cat out of the bag when I can't drink.
14. Anything else you'd like to share? If this is your first... really relish this time! The freedom and ability to go out and spend time with your partner disappears fast when baby arrives. I don't want to make anyone nervous, just wanted to advise you to enjoy your date nights, leisurely shopping trips, movie marathons, travel (babymoon anyone?), and whatever else you enjoy!