? ?


Dec. 19th, 2004 | 07:29 pm
mood: calmcalm
music: Heroes And Villians - The Beach Boys
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics

Just found out the website hosting the comics expired. Will try and sort that out sometime... And uh, maybe update as well... maybe.

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Oct. 31st, 2004 | 04:08 pm
mood: accomplished
music: Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics


Wait a month or two for the next update. :)

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Keep One Step Ahead Of Yourself.

Sep. 11th, 2004 | 10:03 am
mood: determined
music: Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) - Talking Heads (Live)
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics

Yes, don't worry (if you are...), I haven't forgotten about this piece of fun responsibility. Won't let it die and all! ^_^''

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"I don't have to wear the wig, do I?" "Yes, you do."

Aug. 10th, 2004 | 10:19 pm
mood: accomplished
music: Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) - Talking Heads
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics

Bok 8 - 'Indiebastards'Collapse )

More of a filler-type thing, I know. :: bows head in shame :: But, more to come! I think.

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Aug. 4th, 2004 | 01:44 am
mood: mellowmellow
music: It's Getting Late - Rivermaya
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics

Sorry folks for not having a comic for a while now, but pretty soon we will have some to post. Pretty, pretty soon. There's no guarantees on how entertaining they will be to you, but hey, we here at Juice Comics will try our best.

But as for now, to compensate for lack of update, Hazz will perform an interpretive dance of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. Enjoy!

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(no subject)

Jul. 27th, 2004 | 03:05 pm
mood: contemplativecontemplative
music: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Spread Your Love
posted by: actionfaust in juicecomics

Hey kids. Welcome to the fun world of "It's Music, Stupid!"

Pretty stupid name, eh? It really just happened by accident after I spent many a day pondering over a possible name for the comic. I'd gone through "Hyper Mega Indie Kids MX 4000", "Musically Speaking", and some other ones that I've either forgotten or are just too stupid to mention. Anyway, then it dawned on me what the hell the comic was all about, and hey presto. Not as interesting as the way Something Positive was named, but hey.

*reads the list of things to write about before posting the comic from Hazz* Well, I, uh, wrote this comic just because I hate people moving around music styles really, really quickly, professing steadfast dedication when they're just as likely to shoot said genre in the balls and run off.

Well, I'll stop rambling and let the comic do the talking. I scripted it, Appie (appieappie) drew it skillfully.

Bok 7 - 'It's Music, Stupid' 001 :: KidCollapse )

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Jul. 27th, 2004 | 01:58 pm
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Please welcome actionfaust and appieappie to the JuiceComics community, as they bring their comic for your entertainment. :D

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An original comic you've never seen.

Jul. 23rd, 2004 | 01:12 pm
mood: hopefulhopeful
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Help us. 'Nuff said.

~Hazz and Vince.

Bok 6 - Please Help UsCollapse )

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Jul. 20th, 2004 | 10:35 pm
mood: crappycrappy
music: Sonic Youth and BJORK, apparently.
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Ladies and ladies, the first ever edition of TEOoOaO!

Bok 5 , TEOoOaO - Ridiculous AbbreviationsCollapse )

Don't worry, it's building up to something :P

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More come.

Jul. 20th, 2004 | 12:16 am
mood: tiredtired
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Here's the final part of the epic three parter. I'll include the other two parts in case you missed it, or just want to see it in whole without clicking different entries.


Sorry it was late, had some laptop problems. The first episode of TEOoOaO tomorrow. With an abbreviation like that, it MUST be good.

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Yet another coming.

Jul. 15th, 2004 | 06:58 pm
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Part two. 'Nuff said.


Bok 4, Part 2 - Standing UpCollapse )

What will the evil President's response be? Find out tomorrow, only on Sky One! Er... Juice Comics.

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The fourth coming. Ok, I'll stop.

Jul. 14th, 2004 | 06:31 pm
mood: worriedworried
music: eX-GIRL - Hettakorii no Ottokotou
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Sick of talking about this strip, so just enjoy part one! Includes the debut of Dave the Bastard and the evil executive, BG. This strip was a bit more relevant a year ago, but whatever. Warning - Very text heavy, so you might wanna make some tea as you read.


Bok 4, Part 1 - The Original BokCollapse )

To be continued...

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Coming soon (tomorrow)...

Jul. 14th, 2004 | 04:27 am
mood: creative
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

The first ever Juice strip! It was originally written in June 2003, and then heavily re-written several times. It was full of unnecessary swear words and a lot less violence. We decided to tone down on the language a tad and instead - thanks to Vince's demonic mind - pushed the violence up a notch.

It's slightly text-heavy, so I'll post it in installments. Unless you really wanna see it all in one go. If so, massage my ego... NOW.

Fine, go screw yourself... Er, loyal readers who I adore :)

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Just an entry because.

Jul. 13th, 2004 | 10:57 pm
mood: calmcalm
music: Sommersby Main Titles - Danny Elfman
posted by: lockecole in juicecomics

Coming soon from Juice Comics Entertainment Company Of The Universe! The Excellent Adventures of Otis and Otwald*! What is it about and what are they? You'll find out..!

... sometime.

Oh, and um, posts with questions about the comic are welcome, and gifts... they are welcome too.

~ Vince


~ Hazz

* Working title, subject to swift and brutal replacement.

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The third coming.

Jul. 11th, 2004 | 04:44 am
mood: happyhappy
music: TV On The Radio - Staring At The Sun
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

Ladies and gents, please join in with me in congratulating our good pal Dav (lateralstatii - holy shit, I spelt it right!) as he celebrates (or rather, recovers) from his eighteenth birthday! In honor of this special day, we decided to torch his house! HAH! Nah, just kidding. Couldn't find a lighter.

Instead we dedicate strip three to Dav. Hope you had a good one, Dav. :D Oh, and I know it's not his birthday anymore, but it still is in... Argentina! Yay!

Also a special mention must go to Vince for knocking this out in just over 24 hours. You machine.


Belated Happy Birthday Dav! It was all Hazz's idea, by the way. >_>'


Bok 3 - Happy Birthday Dav, You Complete And Utter BastardCollapse )

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The second coming.

Jun. 17th, 2004 | 08:41 pm
mood: contentcontent
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

'lo viewers. This strip was inspired by the frustration of KOEI's insane rhythm PS2 game Gitaroo Man. I found a website where you can submit game scores and stuff. I started submitting GM scores, but most of them were too bloody hard to beat. And I was getting to the point of destroying my PS2 controller as I was playing...


That's root beer I'm holding there... :)

~ Vincent

Bok 2 - Fuck you, Dav.Collapse )

Good? Bad? Sorry about your PS2, Ben >_<

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Strip the first.

Jun. 12th, 2004 | 03:12 am
mood: productive
music: ER on t'telly.
posted by: elfreakokid in juicecomics

This isn't actually our first strip, but it's the first to be featured here. You're advised to read a rant I did on InMe before you check the comic out.

All done? Cool, here's the strip! The comic strip, Ben.

Bok 1 - The Pain InMeCollapse )

Rate, review, revere.

Also posted here:


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