Papers by Masriatus Sholikhah

The present study compared a control and an experiment treatment in critical reading course by im... more The present study compared a control and an experiment treatment in critical reading course by implementing visual text analysis approach in which the logical fallacy is analyzed in improving students’ critical thinking. It is used to analyze toward a combination of visual features and verbal features to figure out the illogic messages. To achieve this purpose, a quasi-experimental study was conducted to determine the extent to which visual text analysis affected teacher practices and student achievement in critical reading class. The students are experienced to think critically using meme or poster about SARA (Suku=Tribe, Agama=Religion, Ras=Descent, and Golongan=Group) issues based on the logical fallacy point of view. They interpreted it deals with issues which challenge students beyond the literal level. This study showed great impact to the students’ way of critical thinking as well as their awareness toward the logical fallacy of meme or poster around them, further, this contributed a great deal of understanding how to react on viral news and hoaxes in social media which spread out through memes and posters.
Keywords: critical reading, logical fallacy, visual text analysis

Abstrak Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji perbedaan prinsip persuasif dalam ranah strateg... more Abstrak Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji perbedaan prinsip persuasif dalam ranah strategy pada iklan asuransi jiwa Indonesia dan iklan asuransi jiwa Thailand. Adapun tujuan lain adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana taktik yang di pakai oleh iklan asuransi jiwa sesuai dengan konten local masing-masing Negara dalam iklan asuransi jiwa yang ditayangkan di televisi. Adapun jenis iklan yang dipakai sebagai data adalah iklan asuransi jiwa dari perusaahaan besar di Indonesia dan Thailand, Prudential dan AXA dari Indonesia dan Thai Life Ansurance dan Sarnrak AIS dari Thailand. Analisis isi dipakai sebagai metode untuk analisis data yang berupa adegan, dialog, maupun monolog dalam iklan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan teori Persuasive Advertisement (Amstrong: 2010) dan Analisis Kontrastif sebagai pendekatan, penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Adapun temuan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat adanya prinsip persuasive yang sama dalam hal informasi dan dan strategi namun berbeda pada muatan emosi dan eksposure. Selanjutnya, dalam hal taktik iklan asuransi jiwa Thailand lebih mengedepankan sisi non benda sebagai peninggalan dari pada premi sebagai investasi di masa depan. Pada akhirnya, hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua iklan asuransi jiwa Thailnd dan iklan asuransi jiwa Indonesia, sama-sama mengunakan startegi dan prinsip persuasive sehingga mampu mempengaruhi penonton untuk menggunakan jasa asuransi tersebut. Abstract This research aims to examine the differences of persuasive principles in term of strategy on Indonesian life insurance and Thai life insurance advertising. The other purpose is to find out how the tactics are employed by advertising life insurance in accordance with the local content of each country that aired on television. The types of advertising used as data are life insurance advertisements from multynational companies in Indonesia and Thailand, Prudential and AXA from Indonesia and Thai Life Ansurance and Sarnrak AIS from Thailand. Content analysis is used as data analysis method while data are in the form of scenes, dialogue, or monologue. Using Persuasive Advertisement (Armstrong: 2010) and Contrastive Analysis as an approach, this research revealed several findings. The findings of this study are (1) there are some similar persuasive principles in terms of information and strategy but different on emotional content and exposure. Furthermore, in terms of advertising tactics, Thai life insurance put forward to the non-objects as a relic of investment in the future. Consequently, it can be concluded that both Thailnd's life insurance ads and Indonesian life insurance ads, both use strategy and persuasive principles that can influence the audience to use the insurance services.
Papers by Masriatus Sholikhah
Keywords: critical reading, logical fallacy, visual text analysis
Keywords: critical reading, logical fallacy, visual text analysis