Admasu Moges
I am Admasu Moges, who is currently an assistant professor in applied ecology at Debre Berhan University. I got my first, second and third degrees in Forestry, Biology and Applied Ecology, respectively, from Different Universities of Ethiopia. I have some publications published in different indexed Journals of Elsevier and Springer.
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Papers by Admasu Moges
sites of Mehal-Wonz, Mehal-Tsebel, and Abogedam forests were very heavily disturbed, while Debdebo and Zego forests were heavily and moderately disturbed, respectively, implying the severe degradation of most forests in NSZ. Therefore, to restore the degraded forest areas of the zone, in-situ and ex-situ community-based conservation strategies were recommended.
sites of Mehal-Wonz, Mehal-Tsebel, and Abogedam forests were very heavily disturbed, while Debdebo and Zego forests were heavily and moderately disturbed, respectively, implying the severe degradation of most forests in NSZ. Therefore, to restore the degraded forest areas of the zone, in-situ and ex-situ community-based conservation strategies were recommended.