? ?
05 August 2013 @ 01:09 am
Title: Fallen
Pairing: Frank Lampard/John Terry
Disclaimer: This fan-fiction, and portrayal of any characters in it, is entirely fictitious. Any reference to true events is entirely coincidental. Any references to the sexuality of the characters are completely untrue.
Word Count: 366
Summary: John falls…

(Read more...)
09 May 2013 @ 01:03 am
Title: The Elephant in The Room
Pairing: John Terry/ Frank Lampard
Rating: 15
Word count: 822
Disclaimer: All lies.
Summary: Angst. John and Frank spend one of their last evenings together.
A/n: hello everyone! I know I’ve been properly MIA recently (well a bit longer than recently) but I can’t say how much I miss the fandom and our two boys, so just a little one I wrote on the train back to London today. Please read, comment and enjoy J. P.s I don’t think I’m alone in saying I will be hysterical if (when) Frank leaves this summer LL

( Filled with energy, lust and an endless appetite for sex )
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21 April 2013 @ 12:26 pm
Title: 5 things John grew to love because of Frank
Pairing: John Terry/Frank Lampard
Rating: PG
Word count: 1697
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable persons, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners and are fictional. The author(s) is/are in no way associated with said person(s) being depicted. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
Beta: Thanks to the lovely aeris444
Summary: What the title says.
Note: It's been a while. I'm facine a huge block right now and that's about everything I wrote for months so I hope it's not too bad.

(5 things John grew to love because of Frank)
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28 March 2013 @ 10:56 pm
Title: The Feast of Saint Valentine
Pairing: Frank Lampard/John Terry
Disclaimer: See “The Land of Make Believe” by Bucks Fizz
Word Count: 2,237
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Post Sparta Prague away, Frank and John are alone in their hotel room...

(Fake Cut)
24 December 2012 @ 02:48 am
Title: Just Beginning
Pairing: Frank Lampard/John Terry
Disclaimer: This fan-fiction, and portrayal of any characters in it, is entirely fictitious. Any reference to true events is entirely coincidental. Any references to the sexuality of the characters are entirely untrue.
Word Count: 220
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: A little something following Frank’s goal against Aston Villa today and the subsequent mauling he received from JT after he was subbed
A/N: Prompt 41: Villa

(Flattered as he was, Frank was about to call out for help from what he thought was a crazed fan...)
10 November 2012 @ 10:40 pm

Word Count: 2,113

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty (but I highly doubt any of this could possibly be true!)

Warning: Still quite angsty (not as much as original draft, but much more so than 2nd draft which was too happy it didn't fit with the 1st part) 

Summary: Set before the Spurs match and just a day after JT released his statement that he wouldn't appeal his match ban. First half is here  and should be read before reading this part. 

Sorry for the very long delay! It was good that I posted it in two halves because I would never have finished it otherwise!

That was brave, that was foolish...

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26 October 2012 @ 04:07 pm

Word Count: 1,402

Rating: PG-13 (quite a bit of swearing, nothing more)

Disclaimer: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty (but I highly doubt any of this could possibly be true!)

Warning: Angsty to a tee (although not as bad as it was originally going to be)

Summary: Set last Friday before the Spurs match and just a day after JT released his statement that he wouldn't appeal his match ban.

He is, quite rightly he thinks, fuming.

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22 October 2012 @ 12:22 am
Title: Precious Memories
Pairing: Frank Lampard/John Terry
Disclaimer: This fan-fiction, and portrayal of any characters in it, is entirely fictitious. Any reference to true events is entirely coincidental. Any references to the sexuality of the characters are completely untrue.
Word Count: 754
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Semi-AU - Set in the future, Frank and John are clearing out their attic...
A/N: Prompt 'Newspaper'

30 September 2012 @ 06:45 pm
Title: Pompom (A new beggining 2/3)
Rating: PG
Word count: 580
Beta: Thanks a lot to sins_on_skates
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable persons, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners and are fictional. The author(s) is/are in no way associated with said person(s) being depicted. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
Summary: After the events of Anxiety, Frank and John learn to live again.

Part 1  Part 3

24 September 2012 @ 04:01 am
Title: Home Again
Pairing: Frank Lampard/John Terry
Disclaimer: This fan-fiction, and portrayal of any characters in it, is entirely fictitious. Any reference to true events is entirely coincidental. Any references to the sexuality of the characters are completely untrue.
Word Count: 1,540
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Semi-AU - John’s retired, but life isn’t over yet...

(Sitting down, he pulled open the drawers to see what was inside...)

(I needed to get this out of my system - comments are greatly appreciated, as always!)