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      RhetoricCheating and Plagiarism
The aim of this essay is to introduce, contextualize, and provide rationale for texts published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. It surveys theories of ethos and selfhood that have... more
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    • Identity (Culture)
Oglala Lakota ethos manifests a pre-Socratic/Heideggerian variant of ethos: ethos as “haunt”. Within this alternative to the Aristotelian ethos-as-character, Oglala ethos marks out the “dwelling place” of the Oglala Lakota people. That... more
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      Native American StudiesHumanitiesIdentity (Culture)American Indian Studies
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      Disability StudiesStar TrekScience Fiction Television
This chapter focuses on incorporating imitation practices into a student’s writing toolbox. By encouraging students to look more rhetorically at writing through imitation, they learn to recognize that language is more dynamic, and they... more
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      Creative WritingWriting Studies
Sexual harassment is embedded in our government, schools, entertainment, and our culture. But the term "sexual harassment" is relatively new, coming into the lexicon in the 1970s. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)... more
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    • Writing Studies
This article posits that disability activists routinely present a disability “ethos of invention” as central to the reformation of an ableist society. Dominant societal approaches to disability injustice, such as rehabilitation,... more
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      RhetoricDisability Studies
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      Cheating and PlagiarismWriting Studies
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) created a new genre termed “science nonfiction literature.” This genre blended environmental science and narrative while ushering in a new era of awareness and interest for both. With the contemporary... more
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Disability theorists have long argued that too often characters with cognitive differences are represented negatively in entertainment media. According to Longmore (1987), disabled characters are routinely cast as villains (p. 66),... more
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      Disability StudiesStar Trek: The Next Generation
This article posits that disability activists routinely present a disability “ethos of invention” as central to the reformation of an ableist society. Dominant societal approaches to disability injustice, such as rehabilitation,... more
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      HumanitiesRhetoricDisability Studies
The aim of this essay is to introduce, contextualize, and provide rationale for texts published in the Humanities special issue, Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric. It surveys theories of ethos and selfhood that have... more
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      SociologyHumanitiesIdentity (Culture)
Oglala Lakota ethos manifests a pre-Socratic/Heideggerian variant of ethos: ethos as “haunt”. Within this alternative to the Aristotelian ethos-as-character, Oglala ethos marks out the “dwelling place” of the Oglala Lakota people. That... more
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      SociologyNative American StudiesHumanitiesIdentity (Culture)
One's voice is partly a marker of one's authorial personality. Voice is both metaphorical and rhetorical. Further, the concept of voice embodies one's cognitive and auditory representation of oneself. Voice articulates an ethotic... more
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      RhetoricDisability Studies
Constructed languages (conlangs) are a way for fans and audiences to more fully immerse themselves in a story. Conlangs provide for that itch of mystery and intrigue that allow us to engage with our internal puzzle solver. As we struggle... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationRhetoricLanguages and Linguistics
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The Practices & Possibilities Series addresses the full range of practices within the field of Writing Studies, including teaching, learning, research, and theory. From Joseph Williams' reflections on problems to Richard E. Young's... more
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    • Computer Science
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    • Generative grammar
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