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Galveston Futures is a cooperative venture, involving residents, architectural experts, urban planners and elected leaders, that strives to envision a resilient, sustainable and unified community on Galveston Island by encouraging civic... more
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    • Geography
Strategy is a problematic yet often-invoked concept. This thesis explores the 2015 U.S. National Security Strategy (NSS), philosophy, and social theory to develop an alternative framework for the formulation of strategy in the security... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)PhilosophyOntologyInternational Relations Theory
Recent reports from credible research groups suggest that climate change is a reality. The steady rise in extreme weather events over the past decade represents the leading edge of climate change. Climate-induced interactions within and... more
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      CriminologyClimate Change AdaptationPolitical ScienceEmergency Management
U.S. congressional debates over the last few years have highlighted a paradox: although research demonstrates that emergencies are most effectively managed at the local level, fiscal support and programmatic management in response to... more
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      Public AdministrationHuman Resource ManagementHuman CapitalDisaster Management
U.S. congressional debates over the last few years have highlighted a paradox: although research demonstrates that emergencies are most effectively managed at the local level, fiscal support and programmatic management in response to... more
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      Public AdministrationHuman Resource ManagementHuman CapitalDisaster Management
This uncredited chapter (appendix) in the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force (EDTF) 2.0 2019 Report outlines the pragmatic issues, challenges, concerns, and opportunities of electromagnetic spectrum and EMP mitigation of the electric grid... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceResilienceDisaster ManagementElectromagnetic Pulse Technology
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with U.S. public sector emergency managers to probe barriers to use of social media and reactions to possible software enhancements to support such use. The three most frequently described... more
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Content analysis of two years of articles and reviews published in JHSEM (2006-2008).
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      ManagementEngineeringCriminologyHomeland Security
Online Social Networking Sites (SNS) are becoming extremely popular and can be employed in a variety of contexts. They permit the establishment of global relationships that are domain related or can be based on some general need shared by... more
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      Information TechnologySocial NetworksCollective IntelligenceDisaster Studies
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      NursingHigher EducationPublic HealthPublic Administration and Policy
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    • Routledge
A federal emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan on January 16, 2016 because of elevated lead levels in the city drinking water system. Resulting from a number of technical mistakes and a lack of oversight by the Michigan Department of... more
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      CriminologyPublic Administration and PolicyHomeland Security and Emergency Management
Social media are ubiquitous in modern society. Among their uses are to provide real-time information during crisis. One might expect that emergency management agencies in the U.S. make use of social media extensively to disseminate and... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceSocial Media
Objectives. Although partner violence during pregnancy has serious consequences for women's health, little is known about how physical partner violence may change throughout pregnancy transitions. Even less is known about changes in... more
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      Linear modelsPregnancyNorth CarolinaBattered Women
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      Strategy (Military Science)TerrorismDisaster risk managementRisk and Vulnerability
This study focused on household evacuation decisions and departure timing for Hurricane Ike. The data were consistent with an abbreviated form of the Protective-Action Decision Model in which female gender, official warning messages,... more
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      HurricanesRisk ManagementTraffic ManagementEvacuation
To provide people with more specific information about tornado threats, the National Weather Service has replaced its county-wide warnings with smaller warning polygons that more specifically indicate the risk area. However, tornado... more
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Natural hazard mitigation is a recent field in name only. For decades various professionals have been practicing hazard mitigation: for example, emergency managers have been working with architects and city planners to update building... more
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      CriminologyPublic Administration and PolicyHomeland Security and Emergency Management