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I'm a bit confused by the usage rights listed on github. Could you give me a more layman version?

Thank you! Exactly what I needed. :D

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Hey, I saw the sacred and terrible air fangame referred to as a "PDF reader" on WoolieVersus' video, does Entroponaut parse PDFs somehow or did you do that manually?

Also is there a way for others (like me) to play the fan-made SATA game also?

Entroponaut is just the GUI. The PDF reader and SATA-specific parts are separate. 

I'll make the SATA project available at some point in the future. The PDF reader is a bit hacky and not as generic as I'd like it to be, but making a 100% generic PDF reader inside Ren'Py is more or less impossible. It needs to be cleaned up a bit before I release it. I'd rather have read from the EPUB document but Ren'Py's customized build of Python made that enough of a headache that it wasn't worth the time at the time.

Also, I won't distribute it with the PDF of the fan translation so you'll still need to find that yourself.

I get you. Even the PDF reader would be helpful :)

Any update on getting that SATA project??


This looks cool, but my problem is how small the reading pane is. It's so tiny! The history reading pane is much wider, why not use that for both?

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The width is set to 30% of the screen. This mimics Disco Elysium's GUI and makes sense for games where visual information is presented on the left. Changing the position and/or size is a trivial style adjustment for the project which requires it. The included displayable used by the NVL window's background is designed to scale without issue. Of course, if you replace it with your own then sizing it correctly becomes your problem.