A downloadable mod

This is an update for the Trail King Double Schnable Trailer.
It requires Interactive Control: https://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?mod_id=259051

v1.1.0.4 Updates:
- Corrected issue with attachers not following arms on dedicated servers
- Updated colors

Updates for v1.1.0.1
- Corrected missing IC node for Dolly Plate

Updates for v1.1.0.0
- added blade adapter to dolly
- added bunk/dolly plate to dolly (will work with Top Tower Section and Bridge Girders)
- added more IC nodes for flags and new animations
- moved Wind Turbine to its own mod
- created axis/key assignments specific to this trailer so you can assign your own controls


FS22_TrailKingDoubleSchnableTrailer.zip 80 MB


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i cant get the thing to raise and lower at all, it will hook up but thats it, no other controls work and the IC controls only work for the landing gear along with the sign thats it

I added custom axis, so you will need to assign the keys to those controls.

how to connect extensions

There are no extensions for the Trail King Double Schnable Trailer, only for the Cozad 85t currently

aahhh ok i should read better or just pay closer attention haha. Thank you!