AlmaDL Journals offers assistance and support for the online publication of peer-reviewed open access journals edited by the Departments and the Research Centres of the University of Bologna.

AlmaDL Journals is provided by Alma Digital Library — an office of the Libraries and Cultural Heritage Division of the University of Bologna.


  • Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development

    Almatourism – ISSN 2036-5195 is an electronic journal of the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST), Rimini Campus. It is an innovative platform for study and research on culture and territorial development in the various disciplinary fields regarding tourism.
  • Annali Sismondi

    Annali Sismondi / Annales Sismondi / Sismondi Annals – ISSN 2498-9886 is a peer-reviewed journal, the organ of the Association for Sismondi Studies. It publishes essays, unpublished documents, and reviews relating to Jean-Charles-Léonard Sismonde de Sismondi (1773-1842), to his fortune and his reception as a historian, economist and political thinker, and to the cultural and intellectual milieu that interacted with his complex as well as enduring personality.
  • Antropologia e Teatro. Rivista di Studi

    Antropologia e Teatro – Anthropology and Theatre – ISSN 2039-2281 is concerned in opinions and discussions on both Anthropology and Performing Arts. The review sets a common denominator between the fields: correct and scientific exposition of the topics.
  • Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell’Officina San Francesco Bologna

    Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell’Officina San Francesco Bologna – ISSN 2974-7287 is a scholarly open access journal that features articles in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish exploring issues related to the arts, literature, music and cultural history, including as they relate to the Franciscan tradition of valuing the person.

  • Athena – Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization

    Athena Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization / ISSN 2724-6299 (Online) is a diamond open access and double blind peer-review scholarly journal that sets out to analyse the problems relating to the legal, political, and social changes attendant on globalization, proposing to provide these problems with theoretical answers. It is owned by the CIRSFID - AI  and published by Alma Diamond, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.

  • – ISSN 2283-9364 is a scientific, peer-reviewed, open access e-journal, published twice a year. It publishes original research and reviews on bibliography, information science, books, libraries and documentations across historical and geographical boundaries. In these fields the journal aims at highlighting processes of knowledge management and dissemination in the past and in the present societies.
  • Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar

    Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar (BPMAS) – ISSN 2240-2829 publishes seminars solicited by the Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna. It features recent developments in mathematical analysis.
  • Cinergie – Il Cinema e le altre Arti

    Cinergie – ISSN 2280-9481 is an open-access, peer-reviewed, class-A journal. Its first on-line issue first appeared in 2012, but the journal has been published in hard copy since 1999. Cinergie is a wide-ranging film journal, that aims to publish original articles about national and international cinema, building a bridge to related fields.
  • Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani

    CONFLUENZE – ISSN 2036-0967 CONFLUENZE is an open-access journal dedicated to Ibero-American studies in social sciences and humanities. 

  • Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage

    Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (CSCH) – ISSN 1973-9494 is an international peer reviewed journal which continues Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione.
  • Danza e ricerca

    Danza e Ricerca – ISSN 2036-1599 was born within the dance studies promoted by the University Degree in Entertainment Disciplines of the University of Bologna. The journal represents an open and flexible space to disseminate the researches and observations of the Italian scholars of this discipline, with a particular attention to younger University scholars.
  • Didattica della storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History

    Didattica della storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History – ISSN 2704-8217 is a peer-reviewed journal that offers itself as a tool to deepen and spread knowledge about researches and experiences in the field of history teaching, even in a multidisciplinary key. It freely shares scientific contributions on all aspects of the historical ages and issues related to teaching and the dissemination of historical knowledge.

    DISEGNARECON – ISSN 1828-5961 is a digital journal focused on research and feedbacks related to the Architectural Drawing field and to the Project Communication.
  • DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion

    DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion – ISSN 2785-3233 is an open access scholarly journal that takes a comparative and multidisciplinary approach to cultural, literary, linguistic, and social issues connected with diversity and inclusion. These have not only gained key importance in our times, but they have also been at the core of a wide variety of academic subjects and heterogeneous research methodologies.

  • DNA – Di Nulla Academia

    DNA – Di Nulla Academia. Rivista di Studi Camporesiani – ISSN 2724-5179 is an interdisciplinary, inter-university and international journal. DNA has the dual purpose of continuing the research methodology started by Piero Camporesi and of updating its interpretive potential.

  • Educazione interculturale

    Educazione interculturale (Intercultural Education) – ISSN 2420-8175 is a scientific, interdisciplinary, open access journal, with the aim of putting into dialogue critical essays, empirical and applied experiences related to the issues of cultural and gender differences, migration, discrimination and inclusion in multicultural contexts.
  • Encyclopaideia

    Encyclopaideia – ISSN 1825-8670 is an international peer reviewed journal, founded in 1996 at the University of Bologna. It is a pedagogical journal in the cultural and scientific Italian context. It publishes theoretical, methodological and political articles on key issues in the education field from a multidisciplinary and phenomenological point of view.

  • EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality

    EQA – ISSN 2281-4485 is an open access international, multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal that encourages high-quality submissions of original research or brief reviews and analyses dealing with the aspects concerning soil, water and air quality and the sustainable use of these environmental resources.

  • Errantes – Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology

    Errantes is an open access journal on social and cultural anthropology. Specifically, it features papers investigating intersections, hybridizations and border-crossings (or their impediment) of people, objects, practices, memories, ideas.

  • European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes

    The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL) – ISSN 2612-0496 is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on cultural heritage in the built environment as a set of creative practices.
  • Figure

    Figure – ISSN 2283-9348 publishes articles on arts from historical, critical, theoretical and methodological perspectives

  • Finzioni

    FINZIONI – Journal of critical theory and contemporary Italian literature – ISSN 2785-2288 is an open access journal born from the desire and the need to make more dynamic the sharing of knowledge and national and international research in the field of contemporary Italian literature.

  • Governare la paura. Journal of interdisciplinary studies

    Governare la Paura. Governing Fear. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies – ISSN 1974-4935 (Scientific Director: Maria Laura Lanzillo) is an international refereed open access journal that publishes research studies on the themes of fear, security and risk.
  • Griseldaonline

    Griseldaonline – ISSN 1721-4777 is an academic journal of open access literature. Founded between 2000 and 2001, it is a point of reference for all those who dedicate themselves, with a strong transdisciplinary vocation, to literary studies from antiquity to contemporary.
  • Histories of Postwar Architecture

    Histories of Postwar Architecture (HPA) – ISSN 2611-0075 is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed Journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on postwar architecture, with no geographical, methodological, historiographical or disciplinary restrictions. HPA is a scientific journal recognized by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for disciplinary areas 08,10 and, since 2018, a Classe A journal for disciplinary area 08, sector: 08/E2, Architectural Restorartion and History. HPA is indexed by Scopus database.

  • i-lex

    i-lex – Journal of Law, Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence – ISSN 1825-1927 is an open access scholarly journal that intends to attract the interest of researchers in legal informatics, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and cognitive sciences applied to legal sciences, in continuous dialogue also with other sciences, applying an empirical and computational methodology.

  • img journal

    img journal – ISSN 2724-2463 is an open access and interdisciplinary scientific publication that explores the interconnections between the different fields of images, imagery, and imagination.

  • IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura

    in_bo (ISSN 2036-1602) is an open-access online journal, founded in 2008 and based in Bologna, Italy. It publishes yearly issues on architectural design, architectural history and urban studies, with a specific attention to the teaching of architecture and the intersections between architecture, culture, and society. The journal is managed in partnership with the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna, Centro Studi Cherubino Ghirardacci (Bologna) and Fondazione Flaminia (Ravenna).

  • INTRECCI d'arte

    INTRECCI d'arte – ISSN 2240-7251 is an open access journal that makes use of multiple interdisciplinary skills aimed at the knowledge, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. It intends to offer scholars a space for discussion and study on the themes of the history of art in the medieval and modern ages (5th–18th centuries), in the light of the most up-to-date methodologies.

  • IpoTesi di Preistoria

    IpoTESI di Preistoria – ISSN 1974-7985 intends to spread to the scientific world the results of recent researches and studies concerning Italian prehistory and protohistory, in order to bring out knowledge and information on issues and contexts of the most remote ages of history. The journal aims to become an a platform for data-sharing and discussions on the analysis and interpretations of prehistoric contexts, research methods, and economic and social transformations of prehistory.
  • Italian Journal of Mycology

    Italian Journal of Mycology – ISSN 2531-7342 is a peer reviewed journal founded in 1972 by Gilberto Govi and Gabriele Goidanich as "Micologia italiana" (Italian Mycology). It was established at the University of Bologna, and it is organ of the “Unione Micologica Italiana”. Since 2015 it is an open access journal.
  • Italian Labour Law e-Journal

    Italian Labour Law e-Journal (ILLeJ) – ISSN 1561-8048 is an open-access peer-reviewed Journal aiming at the advancement of comparative studies on current labour law topics.
  • Italiano a scuola

    Italiano a scuola (Italian at school) – ISSN 2704-8128 is a scientific journal promoted by the “Associazione per la Storia della Lingua Italiana – Sezione Scuola” and by the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the University of Bologna. In line with the objectives of ASLI Scuola, it is proposed as a space for communication, reflection and debate on issues related to the teaching of the Italian language in all school, university and professional training levels.
  • Journal of Formalized Reasoning

    Journal of Formalized Reasoning (JFR) – ISSN 1972-5787 encourages submission of papers describing significant, automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, including classical mathematics, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification. The emphasis of the journal is on proof techniques and methodologies and their impact on the formalization process. In particular, the journal provides a forum for comparing alternative approaches, enhancing reusability of solutions and offering a clear view of the current state of the field.
  • Journal of Non-professional Interpreting and Translation

    The Journal of Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (JoNPIT) aims to promote empirical research and provide a platform for original and innovative studies on the practice of Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT). The journal takes a multidisciplinary approach and aims to highlight the variety of factors that underpin the diverse activities associated with NPIT and their impact on society.

  • Ktisis – Journal of Late Antique Housing

    Ktisis – Journal of Late Antique Housing is an open access scholarly journal. It focuses on exploring late antique dwellings in the Mediterranean region, adopting a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses archaeological, architectural, textual, historical and sociocultural analyses.

  • Labour & Law Issues

    Labour & Law Issues – ISSN 2421-2695 is a digital journal that deals with labour law, employment and industrial relations in the context of juridical and social sciences. LLI intends to start a debate on labour law values and rules and on hybridizations passing through them.
  • Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads

    Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads – ISSN 2785-0943 is an open access journal which aims to host research within the field of linguistic typology. It is meant to give space above all, but not exclusively, to studies exploring the crossroads at which linguistic typology meets its closest neighbors.

  • La matematica e la sua didattica

    La matematica e la sua didattica – ISSN 3035-2940 is an open access scientific journal that hosts research contributions on the teaching, history, and epistemology of mathematics. It deals with mathematics declined in its various disciplines and hosts contributions related to the teaching/learning of mathematics in all school grades.

  • mediAzioni

    mediAzioni – ISSN 1974-4382 is an international open access, refereed journal that promotes interdisciplinary work in the humanities. It welcomes contributions from/cutting across the following areas: intercultural and gender studies, literature and theatre, literature for children and young adults, linguistics, humour, media and film studies, history, translation and interpreting, accessibility, Child Language Brokering, terminology.

  • – ISSN 2421-4124 is an international peer review journal, founded in 2009 at the University of Bologna. It publishes articles in historical political thought, modern political theory, normative and analytical philosophy, and the history of ideas, as well as critical assessments of contemporary works.
  • Museum, Materials and Discussions. Journal of Museum Studies

    MMD – Museum, Materials and Discussions. Journal of Museum Studies –
    ISSN 3034-9699
     is an open-access academic journal in English, French, and Italian, devoted to museology, museography, Cultural Heritage as well as research on audiences and fruition with an international outlook, addressing both the life of museum institutions and collections, and the latest challenges they face in their broad cultural and social dimension. 

  • Musica Docta

    Musica Docta – ISSN 2039-9715 is a digital peer-reviewed, open access journal born in 2010 as a project of SagGEM (Gruppo per l’Educazione Musicale del «Saggiatore musicale»). The journal is dedicated to publishing studies in the field of pedagogy and music education. The expression Musica docta refers, on the one hand, to the appreciation of art music – without prejudice to other music genres and traditions – and on its transmission in the educational experience, on the other hand.
  • piano b. Arti e culture visive

    piano b – ISSN 2531-9876 is a peer reviewed online journal, published by the Department of the Arts of the University of Bologna, developing from the coming together of professors from various Italian Universities. The journal aims to create major visibility for the critical reflections on the languages of contemporary art, as well as a dialogue and new writing spaces around the most debated topics in both scientific and academic fields, with broad thought and looking towards future developments.
  • PsicoArt – Rivista di arte e psicologia

    PsicoArt – ISSN 2038-6184 is an open access and peer-reviewed journal founded in 2010. It promotes a multidisciplinary approach to expand the knowledge of relationships between art and literature, psychology and psychoanalysis.
  • Puente@Europa

    Puente@Europa – ISSN 1669-7146 is an academic open access journal published both in printed and digital formats. Its thematic issues host articles on the social, political, economic and cultural reality of Latin America and Europe, with a special focus on regional integration processes.
  • Quaderni carducciani

    Quaderni carducciani – ISSN 3035-1936 is an academic open access journal. It represents a valuable resource for students, faculty members and researchers who focus on Giosue Carducci.

  • I quaderni del m.æ.s. - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium

    I quaderni del m.æ.s. – Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium – ISSN 2533-2325 is an annual peer-reviewed journal founded by Réginald Grégoire in 1998 and edited by Roberto Sernicola until 2011. It intends to offer itself as a tool to deepen and spread knowledge of the Middle Ages in all their aspects, with multidisciplinary analysis and dissertations that deal with all the questions related to historical research.
  • Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education

    Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica (RPD) – ISSN 1970-2221 is an online open access international scientific journal dedicated to study and research on education. It uses a double-blind peer review process and publishes articles in Italian and English. The Journal takes an interdisciplinary and pluri-methodological approach. It offers a place of dialogue for researchers and professionals coming from diverse theoretical and empirical backgrounds, involved in the study of educational phenomena.
  • Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine

    Scienza & Politica – ISSN 1825-9618 is an experiment that has been lasting for more than thirty years. It started as a printed journal in 1989, from 2011 it is published only in electronic format. "Scienza & Politica" addresses the consolidated views of the scientific disciplines concerning “the Political”, that are more or less routinely divided into philosophy, history, law, sociology, plus a history specifically concerned with thought.

  • Scritture migranti

    Scritture migranti – ISSN 2035-7141 si prefigge una risposta politica, partecipata e praticabile, alle difficili sfide di un mondo in trasformazione, dove il movimento, la fuga, l’espatrio, e le loro impronte sull’immaginario, segnano la mondialità dinamica delle traiettorie migratorie.

  • Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives

    SERIES – ISSN 2421-454X is an open access and peer reviewed journal specialized in TV seriality. This is a joint project by members of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Escola Politècnica Superior de Gandia/DCADHA) and the Università di Bologna.
  • Sociologica

    Sociologica – International Journal for Sociological Debate – ISSN 1971-8853 an international, peer-reviewed journal committed to fostering rigorous debate not only about theoretical and methodological issues but also about the practice of the sociological craft. Founded in 2007, Sociologica is one of the first international journals of sociology issued solely online and fully open access.

  • Statistica

    STATISTICA (ISSN 1973-2201) is a quarterly journal, founded by Paolo Fortunati. Statistica accepts original papers dealing with methodological and technical aspects of statistics and statistical analyses in the various scientific fields. It also publishes review papers, book reviews and announcements. Full texts are available since 2002.

    Statistica provides Open Access free for readers and authors.

    Statistica has a Journal Impact Factor of 1.9 (2022) and a Scopus CiteScore of 1.7 (2023).

  • Studi Tributari Europei

    Studi Tributari Europei – European Tax Studies – ISSN 2036-3583 is the review of the European School of Advanced Tax Studies of the University of Bologna.
  • TECA

    TECA – ISSN 2240-3604 is an open access scholarly journal dedicated to book and library disciplines, as well as to the history of writing, of the book, of reading and of libraries; furthermore, it is also focused on the history of typography and publishing.

  • Tecnoscienza – Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies

    Tecnoscienza (TS) – ISSN 2038-3460 is a transdisciplinary and transnational journal in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), focusing on the nexus between science, technology, and society. Since 2010, the journal provides a venue for scholars, policy makers, professionals, and citizens interested in understanding how and under which conditions scientific knowledge and technologies are co-produced and reproduced in conjunction with social, cultural, and political dynamics. The journal is published in English twice a year, following an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed policy, with no charges or fees imposed. It is managed by an Editorial Board with the supervision of an International Advisory Board.

    The Journal is indexed in several databases and search engines, including ScopusTM, Web of Science, and DOAJ.

  • Umanistica Digitale

    Umanistica Digitale – ISSN 2532-8816 is the diamond open acccess journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities (AIUCD - Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale). In keeping with the objectives of the Association, Umanistica Digitale serves as a discussion venue for topics pertaining to the Digital Humanities, ranging from the theoretical and methodological foundations of computational models in social science to the development and application of computational systems and digital tools in the humanities; from the study of new phenomena in internet cultures to the analysis of changes happening in scientific communication and in research infrastructures. Umanistica Digitale is a scientific journal targeted at a specific community; nevertheless, it aspires to become an open space, one that is accessible to as wide and varied an audience as possible in order to enrich its primary audience.

    UD is an ANVUR scientific journal in CUN Areas 10 and 11 and Class A in various Sectors. UD is indexed in Scopus.

  • University of Bologna Law Review

    The University of Bologna Law Review / ISSN 2531-6133 (Online) is a diamond open access and double blind peer-review legal journal run by University of Bologna School of Law students, owned by the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna (Italy) and published by Alma Diamond, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.

  • Urbana

    URBANA – ISSN 3034-8544 is a biannual open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish innovative and original papers on the processes and values of socio-spatial complexity of urban policies and practices.

  • USAbroad – Journal of American History and Politics

    USAbroad – Journal of American History and Politics – ISSN 2611-2752 is the first Italian academic journal entirely dedicated to the study of U.S. history and politics. It is published annually by an editorial board of early-career scholars based in Italy and across Europe. Its goal is to offer an occasion to publish innovative and ground-breaking academic research to Italian and international postgraduate and early-career researchers.

  • ZoneModa Journal

    ZoneModa Journal – ISSN 2611-0563 is the first Italian journal dedicated to fashion research in its complexity: aesthetic, social, cultural, economic, historical. Its aim is to cover an interdisciplinary space intersecting fashion criticism and fashion theory.