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the art is great, but is there a way to stop all the zooming in and out? its distracting and shows tons of pixels. cant appreciate the art when its zoomed in 800%

(1 edit)

the game does not work. It refuses to start.

Do you even see the options screen? Or the game doesn't execute at all? is there any bugs report or something?
Thanks for the comment.

No i didn't even see that. The application stopped trying to load almost as soon as i tried to launch it. i don't think there is a bug report

i do see "windows problem reporting" briefly pop on on task manager when this happens but that's it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I made it work. I initially put the app in a folder on my desktop and it wasn't working. I moved it to my downloads folder and it worked immediately.  

I'm glad you were able to make it work. It felt like it was a Windows issue. Hope you can play it normally now. ^^

Very well done art, will there be more future content? If you want I made the PT-BR translation of the game in its latest free version

Hello Fell18, For now is on hold. I'm working again on Pact with a Witch in hopes to finish it first.

If you made the PT-BR translation I would glad to put it in the game with your permission, we can talk about it in discord if you want. ^^

Discord of the game:

Also came from steam. Wish I knew you had another game out earlier. Glad you're back to PWAW, it is one of my favorite

Thanks! ;)

Came from Steam. You should have announced this game there sooner. Love your art style

It's a good game with some problems, mainly the game kept freezing and crashing on me so I had to save a lot, I don't really understand the concept of it, like the black hair sort, what's the point of that honestly? I was doing fine with it, especially with Pokola but I VERY quickly lost interest after witnessing the woman get whipped for feeding a 'Dark skinned', the racism killed it for me more than anything else, and that Laeriac guy talks too damn much.


I concur, underrated game! :-O

There are a lot of awesome 3D AVNs out there, but there's something special about "traditional" 2D drawings that stimulates our imagination. It does lend itself well to a fantasy theme, too!

Bug (MacOS): I'm stuck in a text loop when Shannah uses the Authoritative voice. Frustrating…

Other than that; I like your art style but I groaned when I saw pixelated backgrounds, some shamelessly borrowed from image banks… and then all the blank "work in progress" parts with only text… now this is leaving a bit too much to imagination.  X-D

I read below and I do understand that you prefer to advance the story with sketches but I'm wondering if this a good strategy…

I mean as a player (and/or patron) I think I'd be more interested in small but polished and immersive updates, rather than a lot of text content which I'm not sure I'll be interested to go through again with better graphics… (hope that makes sense). Then again maybe it's fine for most. :-P

At any rate, I've been considering getting involved in AVNs for a looooong time and I feel I could possibly match your art style so seeing all those sketches and empty scenes I'm really tempted to offer some collaboration…

How to get in touch with you privately?

Hello Mr Eyus,

I must say I understand the appealing of doing things in 3D (or even AI) making something with 2D is really a lot of time and effort.

If you could tell me exactly the point where you think the text is repeated I could check it out, I guess you mean the part where Shannah is on the room and it's a repetitive text... probably is that, but it should be a different kind of text that appears there... So that's why I'm confused.

"I mean as a player (and/or patron) I think I'd be more interested in small but polished and immersive updates, rather than a lot of text content which I'm not sure I'll be interested to go through again with better graphics… (hope that makes sense). Then again maybe it's fine for most. :-P"

The problem is that is slower to work the way you mention, if I have to work everything to a polished state the game advances even slower... Because I prefer work on the writing, then on the sketches, then the plain colors, then on the finished art... And of course all of that takes time. But I understand your point, and that's another of the problems of doing things in 2D. ^^

To get with me in private is better if you use Discord: Here we can chat, share images, etc.

Or if you don't have a discord, you can send me an e-mail here: [email protected]

Thanksf for the interest and the comment! ;)



 The game crashes on mobile btw. Your drawing style and story are amazing 

Glad to know someone is liking this game. ^^

It crashes? in which part? (It may be because the image-animation is too much to handle for renpy? or the android?) I would like to know where it crashes...

Thanks for your comment! ;)

The game crashed several times and probably because of the image-animations. My phone is not potato, this is the first time something like this has happened. It must be an optimization problem. 

I ask that because Pact with Witch has in theory much more image-animations things happening and no one ever told me the game crashed because of that... It could be a renpy problem or an optimization problem. Is there any way you could tell me a an example place where it happened to you? That way I could take a look on that scene in particular. Thanks!

There isn't a specific scene that crashes. I think it happens randomly. Before crashing, the game lags a bit and then kicks me out. I’ll be playing your other game soon, and if I encounter the same issue, I’ll let you know. Today, I started the game from the beginning and skip through the scenes I had played before. I didn't encounter any issues, but when I reached new scenes, the game crashed a few times.


Good stuff, ignore the racist asshole

Thanks Matalla! ;)


this one is top notch. pretty rad


I like the writing and your focus on the story. Stick with your vision and it will turn out great.

I love the design of Shannah, I feel kinda melancholic/bittersweet (if this makes any sense) when I see her. Amazing how art works.


Thank you very much! ;)

Deleted 197 days ago

Yelna Happens before meeting with the witch. It's the one tall brunette woman accompanied by the blonde one who makes the paper.

It's the one with the blue medallion and a generous cleavage with those huge boobs.

Oh, I´m sorry, I confused Yelna with the one-eye Lady, my bad, great plot and dialogue by the way

whenever I start the game it crashes here the crash report


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading < object at 0x0000000015efe2b0>:

Exception: Could not load image 'images/day01/m01Wood_CEye_down.webp': error('Failed to decode WEBP')

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 275, in bootstrap


  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 670, in main


  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 144, in run


  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 953, in run_context

  File "d01_a.rpyc", line 133, in script

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/future/utils/", line 444, in raise_

  File "d01_a.rpyc", line 133, in script

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 1678, in execute

    renpy.exports.with_statement(trans, paired=paired)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\", line 1757, in with_statement

    return, paired, clear=clear)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 2975, in do_with

    return self.interact(trans_pause=True,

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 3579, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 4172, in interact_core

    self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 2779, in draw_screen

    surftree = renpy.display.render.render_screen(

  File "render.pyx", line 492, in renpy.display.render.render_screen

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 186, in render

    renpy.display.render.render(self.transitions[-1], width, height, 0, 0)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 379, in render

    top = render(self.new_widget, width, height, st, at)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 886, in render

    surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 909, in render

    return RenderTransform(self).render(width, height, st, at)

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 979, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 404, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render_child

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 513, in render

    return wrap_render(, width, height, st, at)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 316, in wrap_render

    rend = render(child, w, h, st, at)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 909, in render

    return RenderTransform(self).render(width, height, st, at)

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 979, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render

  File "accelerator.pyx", line 404, in renpy.display.accelerator.RenderTransform.render_child

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 1537, in render

    cr = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)

  File "render.pyx", line 170, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "render.pyx", line 266, in renpy.display.render.render

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 676, in render

    return cache.get(self, render=True)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 330, in get

    surf = image.load()

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 1451, in load

    surf = cache.get(self.image)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 330, in get

    surf = image.load()

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 803, in load

    raise e

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 768, in load

    surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(f, filename)

  File "C:\Users\Agni\Downloads\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\TiaFFB_FREE_00.03.02-pc\renpy\display\", line 201, in load_image

    raise Exception("Could not load image {!r}{}: {!r}".format(filename, extra, e))

Exception: Could not load image 'images/day01/m01Wood_CEye_down.webp': error('Failed to decode WEBP')

Windows-10-10.0.22631 AMD64


Trapped in a Fantasy Femdom Brothel 00.03.02

Tue Jun 25 06:02:42 2024


Version review 00.02.08

There's not much to say about the game, it's very short and poorly finished, I think the design has potential, the animations could become better over time, the game has some sounds here and there but it needs to be expanded to the sounds of the girls, I thought the characters were a little too androgynous, the blonde elf and the injured one at the beginning look a little like boys, perhaps to work better and make them more feminine, as incredible as it may seem the goblin is the prettiest of the girls so far, in general that's it, there isn't much to see for now, the game is just beginning so it's short, not to mention there isn't even a gallery to review the scenes but the game is promising.


It's true the game is poorly finished, I tend to prefer advance the story with sketches and if the money comes in then later improve the art. About the androgynous characters, yeah... well, in that regard I have to admit that the game plays a bit with the androginity and ambiguity, but I should probably add some more feminine women in the game, I have to admit that. (And I should probably make the brothel's owner face a bit more femenine, she should not be a tomboy chracter, probably a tall one, but not tomboy. ^^

There will be no gallery in this game, I tried that in Pact with a Witch and it was a completely waste of time and disaster... renpy is not friendly to make a image gallery, not the way I make the images and animations... If I ever do a gallery will be once the game is completed, not before.
Thanks for the comment! ;)

I've only played the free versions thus far, so is it linear right now to set up the starting setting of the game, but opens up later like other "free roam" type renpy games, or is the plan for it to be a more typical linear CYOA VN renpy  game?
I noticed the kinda hard to see information tracking tabs on the upper corners of the screen, which seems more in line with keeping the player updated with information they need to keep track of, where in a linear game, it would be a bit redundant.
Sorry if you've answered this kinda question already.


The idea is to be a CYOA VN where depending on the clients you end up choosing the story goes one way or another, there will be no sandbox if that's what you're asking, but it's not gonna be exactly linear. Events that happen everyday will be kinda similar but your choices will make them different, rather because you choosen the wrong client or because you're becoming too submissive or rather the contrary.

I hope that answered your question, and thanks for the interest. ^^

(1 edit) (+4)

So, I posted on Steam that I would come here and give an honest opinion on the game as you were having issues with someone giving one star and complaining there needs to be a "white" character skin. I cannot seem to find the link to give stars, so I will post here instead. Fact: MC is white enough. He looks like a tan white guy to me. (I am white) So that idiot always asking for a white main character must want a ghost. lol. Ignore the idiot. Like I said on Steam. Probably a 13 year old kid who is looking to just cause you grief. Now on to the actual honest review. Story is very good. It pulls you in fast and keeps you engaged. Very few issues with wording and typos. Very easy to read. Characters are unique and good looking. Art isn't sharp and crisp, but I know that you will go back later and do details and make it look clean in the end. After all, this is not a finished product. Choices do matter a bit, as I could see that what is chosen to be said can effect the character that is being spoken to. That is a bonus. Makes the player feel involved and want to make the best choice possible when talking to a character. Between the story, art, and choices, I would give this project 4 stars. It shows great promise and I can't wait to see how it turns out in the end. Keep up  the good work!


Thank you very much for your kind words! ;)


Oops, haven't updated this story yet. OK to grab the latest update without loading previous ones?

In the last update here in itchio, you're able to have naughty time with The green goblin and the black hair elf (at least the first position)

On you have this game marked with a "Sissy" in the tags, why is that?

Because in the patreon version there's already a part where you have disguise yourself as a woman, being handed by different clients. Also there are plans to make the husbands of the clients wifes to humilliate their husbands while you have sex with them, but I have to admit, that is not yet implemented in the game.

seems a bit short even for an early version, but so far seems it will be worth playing once it gets rolling with the story and playtime


Why no games with a white player character


The racist guy again? Do something with your life,  Bro



Theres some guy who is spamming the creator to make the MC white and downvoting him everyday he doesn't. You sound like him. Even if you aren't, you seem to be implying that most hentai games don't have white MC's, which is the opposite of the truth. Just relax.


There not even any downvotes on the creators posts. Dunno bro you seem paranoid


Look at the latest Steam update for PWAW. It's all laid out there.

Why does skin color matter? And actually, there are SO MANY games with white player characters that your question is pointless. Leave the white bed sheet at home, stop hanging out at the klan rallies,  and educate yourself and be open to people who don't look exactly like you..


Short but has great potential

Thanks! ;)


I am a fan of PWAW. I believe if you put the same effort in to this. this will become a good game too.


Thank you! ;)

Te conocí desde PWAW, se ve que eres un buen escritor,  y te tomas tu tiempo para hacer un producto de calidad, tienes mi apoyo, cuando me sea posible me subscribiré en tu Patreon


Muchas gracias Vrekas! ;)

(2 edits) (+3)

Re buena la historia y el arte tambien 10 de 10


Merci! ;)

(1 edit) (+1)(-10)

White skin option please. Orc girl almost too cute to pass up


If the only thing that's stopping you from playing a game is the skin tone of a character there is something very  very wrong with you.


So you have no problem with green, but only with brown?


Sorry, but I won't put a skin option, 1rst, because it would be too expensive to do such thing an all the art where the main character appears, and 2nd, because it would break the inmersion of the story where his skin tone has kinda a meaning in a world where skins tones has a meaning.
I'm glad you like the Orc girl-woman ^^

Yes, you go King! Don't let the bigots interfere with your vision!



(1 edit)


Adoro todos tus proyectos y mas o menos te apoyo en patreon cuando tengo la oportunidad. saludos desde mexico.

Todo apoyo es bienvenido! (y si es economico aún más ^^)
Saludos desde Barcelona! ;)


It's so hilarious how many people can't stand to step outside their comfort zone and play a game as someone who doesn't look like them. Keep up the good work dev, you make great stuff!


That's what I'm sayin!

Thanks! ;)


Coming from PwaW. All that Jonny does is great, plus it's nationally produced! ¡Arriba España!


Gracias por el comentario! ;) Let's go up! ^^

(1 edit) (+4)

Best art out there rn :) 10/10, idk about MC colour skin ... He basically looks like Guts from berserker tho 


Thanks! ;)

Hey man I wanted to ask you are you going to continue updating pwaw ?


Not unless Patreon grows enough for me to pay for another artist, so far that's not happening, and it really doesn't depend on me, so... I can't promise that. ^^

Show post...

Is there a option to be white? 

(1 edit) (+7)(-6)

The main character is hispanic, but there's no option to change the skin color of any character if that's what you ask.

Show post...

Bro hes darker then some Indians I know, and it aint lighting. Funny that the rest of the female cast is actually white

will come out in spanish?

Not in a long time at least. I plan to make translations when the first day of the game is at least almost decentely finished.


Is there going to be futa?


Yeah. The black girl for example is futa. and the small one is not exactly futa, but she has a big long clitoris.


Will the mc be getting fucked in the ass by the black girl

Also, are there any more plans for futas?


There will be more futas, but I can't yet answer if mc will be able to get fucked in the ass. My idea is to give the player the option to make the player more feminine and submissive, but there's still a long run, so it makes sense that there will be a point where you will have the option to also be pasive. (What I'm still not sure if it will be when you are dressed as a sissy, when you're transformed as a woman or if you will be able to do that while you're completely a man).




I saw the Gender Bender tag, it's a minor or major part of the game. (if that affect the MC or not)


The main character has to hide himself from the Order (some kind of Templars) In order to do that he must dress himself as a woman (risking his life if they find out) or transform himself into a woman for a limited time (mainly from the daylight).  This is still not yet implemented in the game since it will have more weight after the first day, but I would say it's a major part of the game, since transforming yourself into a woman can have its risks if you take submissive actions, where you will become more and more femenine and at the end of the game depending on your choices it may be imposible to be back a man.

But as I said, it's still not implemented.


Thank for the answers, I finish the actual public release and it's good. Looking forward the nexr uptade


Is the MC that gross looking dude?


The MC is the one with the black hood, and the guy who is below the green female  goblin at the last image.

(1 edit) (-19)

So a black dude? Yeah gl with that saw Taifun Riders lose 50% over 1k patreons thanks to that. Most players are white dudes and want to play as one


The main character is caucasic, but has BLACK HAIR. No other male human character has black hair, except the main character.


Lmao he is not white. Look at the preview lol. Try again

(2 edits) (+2)

Your insecurity reeks in these comments dude no one wants to deal with your pasty crusty pale ass in fact i hope that the option to be white never gets added also by the way you speak I can tell you look like a naked mole rat


You do realize the creator is Hispanic right? You must have had such a nice, soft upbringing, to get offended over something like this. 

(+5) Racism do be a new low for him, not like anything better was to be expected from that kind of person tho


Holy damn, all those comments... XD


Interesting start and nice drawing, I really hope for a soon continuation and wish the author inexhaustible inspiration 


Thanks for the comment! ;)