Ancient Near Eastern Studies by Lucas G . Freire
![Research paper thumbnail of Deuses banqueiros: uma seleção de contratos paleobabilônicos de empréstimos feitos por templos [Banking Gods: A Selection of Old Babylonian Temple Loan Contracts]](
CADMO, 2019
Contratos de empréstimo do período paleobabilônico que mencionam seres divinos como credores fora... more Contratos de empréstimo do período paleobabilônico que mencionam seres divinos como credores foram catalogados e discutidos pela primeira vez como um tópico isolado por Rivkah Harris em 1960. Desde então, não muito foi publicado sobre esse aspecto da economia do templo paleobabilônico. Harris listou vários documentos até então indisponíveis em transliteração ou tradução atuais. Harris listou, também um número pequeno de fontes que ainda não tinham sido publicadas. Neste artigo, uma seleção desses contratos é apresentada em transliteração e tradução. Algumas transliterações ou traduções já existentes foram, também, atualizadas à luz de pesquisas recentes acerca de contratos paleobabilônicos em geral. //
Old Babylonian temple loans in which divine beings are named as creditors were first catalogued and discussed as a self-standing topic by Rivkah Harris in 1960. Since then, not much work has been done specifically on this aspect of the Old Babylonian temple economy. Harris listed a number of documents not available in updated transliteration or translation at her time, as well as a small number of unpublished sources. This article proposes a transliteration and translation of several documents listed in her study. Some earlier transliterations and translations are also reworked in light of more recent scholarship on Old Babylonian loan contracts in general.
Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 40 Series Archaeologica, 2018
Contribution to the workshop on IR theory and ANE history at the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Int... more Contribution to the workshop on IR theory and ANE history at the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Geneva/Bern, 2015)
Text and Image (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 40 Series Archaeologica), 2018
Introduction to the workshop on IR theory and ANE history at the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Int... more Introduction to the workshop on IR theory and ANE history at the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationalie (Geneva, 2015).
Estudos Internacionais, 2018
Introduction to the special journal forum on International Relations theory and the Amarna Letters.

Estudos Internacionais, 2018
O presente artigo oferece, pela primeira vez em língua portuguesa, uma tradução do documento do a... more O presente artigo oferece, pela primeira vez em língua portuguesa, uma tradução do documento do arquivo de tabuletas de El-Amarna (EA 15) diretamente do original em acadiano. Essa tradução é seguida de um comentário textual e político à carta em questão, enquadrada numa abordagem teórica própria da disciplina de Relações Internacionais (RI). A carta EA 15 marca a ascensão da Assíria ao seleto grupo de unidades políticas com prerrogativas hegemônicas no sistema Amarna. A interpretação defendida aqui é discutida à luz dos estudos apresentados no simpósio interdisciplinar Amarna Diplomacy, editados por Raymond Cohen e Raymond Westbrook e publicado em 2000. Palavras-chave: sociedade internacional; hierarquia e sistema suserano de estados; teoria de Relações Internacionais (RI)
This article provides for the first time a Portuguese translation of Amarna letter EA 15 from the Akkadian original. The translation is followed by a textual and political commentary embedded in a theoretical approach borrowed from the field of International Relations. Letter EA 15 marks the rise of Assyria to the selective group of political units with hegemonic prerogatives in the Amarna system. The interpretation defended in this article is discussed in light of the studies presented at the interdisciplinary symposium Amarna Diplomacy, edited by Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook and published in 2000.
Journal for Semitics, 2017
Oaths and curses, embedded in a covenantal context, were paramount normative mechanisms in the fo... more Oaths and curses, embedded in a covenantal context, were paramount normative mechanisms in the foreign relations between ancient Near Eastern kings. This article provides an account of the political role of covenants and oaths and their religious background, presenting textual evidence denoting the notion that breaking a covenant in foreign relations was a serious offense punishable by divine curses. The article further explores how curses operated, by looking at other texts portraying kings as representatives of their people, and prophets as representatives of the deities, not only to reinforce royal power, but occasionally also to challenge it, particularly in the prediction of divine curses as a reaction to covenant-breaking.

Hélade, 2018
Usando os sítios de Lahun e HK43 Hierakonpolis como exemplos, este artigo coloca à mostra algumas... more Usando os sítios de Lahun e HK43 Hierakonpolis como exemplos, este artigo coloca à mostra algumas características particulares de sítios arqueológicos urbanos em contraste com os sítios funerários, olhando principalmente para publicações mais recentes sobre os achados em cada um dos sítios mencionados. Um sítio urbano rende material mais relevante a questões sobre arquitetura da cidade, modo de vida de seus habitantes e características da sociedade da época. Um sítio funerário tem mais potencial para a pesquisa sobre práticas funerárias, a saúde da população e práticas rituais. Há, certamente, limitações na comparação de dois sítios diferentes com focos distintos.
By making use of the sites of Lahun and HK43 Hierakonpolis as examples, this article points out some particular features of lived urban sites in contrast with burial archaeological sites. It looks especially at recent publications of the findings in both sites. A lived site yields findings which are more relevant to research questions about urban architecture, everyday life of the place’s inhabitants and features of the society of that time. A burial site, on the other hand, is potentially more relevant to research on burial practices, health and ritual. There are, of course, limitations in any kind of comparison between two different sites which researchers excavate with different aims.
In this volume, Prof. Sasson offers a well-crafted product of decades of engagement with the arch... more In this volume, Prof. Sasson offers a well-crafted product of decades of engagement with the archives of Mari. From the Mari Archives is a very well-edited collection of hundreds of diverse documents, letters and fragments pertaining to the Old Babylonian period.

To a great extent, ancient Near Eastern international relations operated within covenantal framew... more To a great extent, ancient Near Eastern international relations operated within covenantal frameworks. In light of renewed interest in world history and the Near East in the discipline of International Relations, this article provides a preliminary exploration of the important practice of covenanting as an alternative account of balance- of-power dynamics. The notion, structure and diffusion of the covenant as a common practice have been discussed to great detail in other disciplines, such as, for example, Old Testament Studies. Dialogue with these studies will be pursued, but covenanting is here addressed also in some of its primary sources in light of the English School approach. As it turns out, the practice accounts for a number of peculiarities in alliance formation of the period. The preliminary findings are contrasted with alternative IR accounts of ancient Near Eastern power-balancing.

This paper looks at institutional patterns of hierarchical arrangements between suzerain kings an... more This paper looks at institutional patterns of hierarchical arrangements between suzerain kings and vassal kings in the diplomacy of the ancient Near East (ANE). The focus falls on the 2nd and (to a lesser extent) the 1st millennia BC, with important structural differences between the earlier and later periods. Five recurring features are analysed, based on primary and secondary sources: Asymmetrical covenant treaties shaping suzerain-vassal relationships; Enforcement mechanisms for defection in in the periphery; Diplomatic communication; Diplomatic gift exchange; and royal marriages as part of the alliance policy. All five points not only helped stabilise hierarchical dyads in the ANE, but also reinforced domestic legitimacy on both sides. Regardless of the structural distinctions between the earlier and later periods, the portrait is that of a long lasting two-tier system in which core states actively pursued the construction of networks of vassal states. These five institutional patterns of hierarchical arrangements highlight the relevance not only of military power, but also of religion, trade and gender as important arenas of shared norms and values. Not all historical approaches in the discipline of International Relations regard those as important, yet their relevance in centuries of diplomacy in the ANE should not be ignored.
NOTE: a much improved version of this paper will be published on JSem 26(2), so I have withdrawn ... more NOTE: a much improved version of this paper will be published on JSem 26(2), so I have withdrawn this paper, which was presented for the first time in 2014.
Politics, History, Philosophy and IR by Lucas G . Freire
Christian Ethics and Political Economy (Bøsterud and Venter, eds.), 2020
Keywords: entrepreneurship; Christian ethics; interventionism; political capitalism; reformation... more Keywords: entrepreneurship; Christian ethics; interventionism; political capitalism; reformational philosophy; political economy; economic regulation; public choice.

Dignitas, 2020
RESUMO: Este ensaio expõe e discute o princípio normativo da soberania das esferas sociais, toman... more RESUMO: Este ensaio expõe e discute o princípio normativo da soberania das esferas sociais, tomando, por base, a formulação original do princípio conforme articulada pelo estadista e teólogo Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920). Em seguida, trata do problema da tensa relação entre a esfera do governo civil e as demais, principalmente na teoria auxiliar que legitima em alguns casos a intervenção do governo civil em relação a outras esferas. O argumento é ilustrado ao longo do ensaio com exemplos sobre a relação entre as esferas do governo civil, da igreja e da educação, embora outras possíveis aplicações sejam tam-bém mencionadas. O ensaio termina com uma avaliação crítica da teoria auxiliar do inter-vencionismo do governo civil, indicando as dificuldades apresentadas no contexto da crise do espaço público atual e do pluralismo de princípios. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: soberania de esferas; Abraham Kuyper; pluralismo de princípios; pluralismo social; teologia pública.
Journal of Markets & Morality -, 2019
This article examines the contemporary crisis in the public square. Beginning with the surface-le... more This article examines the contemporary crisis in the public square. Beginning with the surface-level issues of poor dialogue, hyper-personalization, and incivility, it then explores two common explanations for the root of these problems: the political view and the cultural view. While these have some merit, an alternative, Reformational view is put forward, based on the Kuyperian concept of sphere sovereignty, that offers a more nuanced explanation of our cultural crisis, including the roles of the market and globalization in that crisis today.
This is the published version of the 2018 Calihan Lecture.

Mises: Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofia, Direito e Economia, 2019
O objetivo geral deste estudo é examinar como a praxiologia lida com os problemas relacionados ao... more O objetivo geral deste estudo é examinar como a praxiologia lida com os problemas relacionados ao caráter empirista das formulações do indutivismo, do positivismo lógico e do falsificacionismo na filosofia da ciência. Um objetivo secundário é criticar essas propostas com base na discussão que vem sendo travada na filosofia da ciência há décadas. Outro objetivo secundário é divulgar a proposta metodológica da praxiologia em Economia. Em resposta a problemas diversos na filosofia da ciência que têm inspirado a teorização econômica dominante por muito tempo, a praxiologia apresenta uma alternativa para a Economia. Merece mais consideração por parte dos acadêmicos da área, não porque seja imune a considerações críticas de diversos tipos, mas sim por causa de sua inserção no debate metodológico que demanda atenção mais cuidadosa por parte dos economistas e, principalmente, por causa das novas questões que ela tem estimulado.
The general aim of this article is to study how praxeology deals with issues related to the empiricist character of inductivism, logical positivism and falsifiability in the philosophy of Science. A secondary goal is to analyze these approaches based on the discussion that has been taking place in the philosophy of science for decades. Another secondary aim is to popularize the praxeological approach in economics. Praxeology proposes an alternative for economic science – a reply to several problems in the philosophy of science views that have inspired mainstream economics for a long time. It is worthy of consideration on the part of scholars in the field not because it is immune to any kind of criticism, but rather because of its role in the methodological debate, which begs for more careful attention on the part of economists, and, mainly, due to the new issues it has raised.
El objetivo general de este estudio es examinar cómo la praxeología se ocupa de los problemas relacionados con el carácter empirista de las formulaciones del indutivismo, del positivismo lógico y del falsificacionismo en la filosofía de la ciencia. Un objetivo secundario es criticar esas propuestas sobre la base de la discusión que se está librando en la filosofía de la ciencia desde hace décadas. Otro objetivo secundario es divulgar la propuesta metodológica de la praxeología, en Economía. En respuesta a diversos problemas en la filosofía de la ciencia que han inspirado la teorización económica dominante por mucho tiempo, la praxeología presenta una alternativa a la economía. Se merece más consideración por parte de los académicos del área, no porque sea inmune a consideraciones críticas de diversos tipos, sino a causa de su inserción en el debate metodológico que demanda atención más cuidadosa por parte de los economistas y, principalmente, a causa de las nuevas cuestiones que ella ha estimulado.

In their book Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri develop a narrative about the transition fr... more In their book Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri develop a narrative about the transition from the mediaeval to the modern, secular, world, showing that there were two projects of modernity at first, but that one prevailed over the other. The prevailing modern worldview did not do away with a transcendental form of control. Instead, it offered a post-mediaeval view of transcendence, which was then imported into politics, leading to the state as a transcendental apparatus of control. This article applies their thesis to the analysis of the development of political thought on international relations. It is argued that modern international thought was constrained and enabled by the project of modernity which prevailed. It is far from clear whether contemporary international thought can rid itself of the notion of the Westphalian state as the transcendental apparatus of control, yet it is reluctant to accept the notion of a world state as the ultimate, natural, implication of the transcendental grounds for the modern state.

This paper aims at providing a critical reading of a set of South American contributions that dra... more This paper aims at providing a critical reading of a set of South American contributions that draw on mainstream realism. It is argued that South American reorealism cannot be conceived just as a graft of new case studies to mainstream production, but rather as a hybrid output which results from the influence of mainstream scholarship in IR academia. In fact, ignoring the original aspects of South American realism would be a denial of agency to those who are less empowered in asymetrical academic relations. In this paper we illustrate the possibility of ‘home-grown’ theory (in the weak sense) by looking at modified versions of realism presented by two South American theorists – João Resende-Santos and Carlos Escudé. We maintain that both examples introduce mid-range models that are ‘almost the same’ as the mainstream formulation but ‘not quite’. We apply three abstract propositions that help spell out the original character of these ‘similar yet different’ peripheral contributions to the realist literature in IR. Firstly, we draw on the postcolonialist notion of ‘hybridity’ by stating that a situation of hegemonic cultural exchange leads to a negotiated ‘space’ between one side and the other, where dialogue and resistance are both possible. The ‘translation’ that emerges is neither fully ‘home-grown’ nor fully ‘hegemonic’, but rather a hybrid product. In the institutionalised asymmetric environment of IR, this enables the possibility of formulating peripheral theory under the given structural constraints. Secondly, we affirm that, in a more proactive way, ‘mimicry’ may be employed by peripheral scholars as a strategy of ‘critique from within’, a potential usually ignored in most readings of peripheral IR as ‘similar’ to the mainstream. It is exactly in such similarity that mimicry opens up critical space. Third and finally, we argue that the movement of theories and concepts from their original context to another necessarily entails a modification of the initial notions. Even without primary concern for authorial intention, if we look at the institutional aspect of this ‘denationalisation of ideas’, it is possible to notice substantial alteration of content across different contexts. What results from these three possibilities is an affirmation of the potential for novelty in the periphery of IR, a perception that brings back agency to marginalised subjects and that highlights the relevance of their contribution to both sides of the divide in the discipline. In its somewhat ‘incremental’ originality, peripheral scholarship may contribute to strengthen mainstream research programmes or, alternatively, to enrich non-mainstream critique. On the side of those pursuing a ‘home-grown’ theory, it illustrates this possibility within the system of IR scholarship as opposed to self-isolation.

Martin Wight’s contribution to British IR is well-known. His radical defence of Christian pacifis... more Martin Wight’s contribution to British IR is well-known. His radical defence of Christian pacifism is often contrasted with his acute sense of ‘tragedy’ in the analysis of power politics. Such tension has been characterised as an ‘enigma’. Some have claimed that Wight changed his mind over time, labelling his position as ultimately ‘realist’ in the classical sense. However, this notion must be challenged in light of his own negative opinion on realism read against the religious and intellectual background of his work. In this paper it is argued that there is a considerable degree of continuity in Wight’s reflections on realism and war since the early pacifist phase. For this reason, judgement on whether or not Wight has abandoned pacifism later in his career should at least be suspended. However, a closer look at his statements which at first sight seem to support realism and to eschew pacifism actually opens up space for the opposing view that he remained sympathetic to pacifism and critical of realism even in the later years. In any case, it must be granted that his approach to activism considerably changed over time and that the whole issue was subsequently treated as a private matter.

The contemporary discipline of International Relations (IR) is characterised by intensive theoret... more The contemporary discipline of International Relations (IR) is characterised by intensive theoretical debates. Although some theories seem to predominate, there is no unanimous agreement on a single 'paradigm' that would set forth the rules of the discipline. The moment is, therefore, one of opportunity for the (re)introduction of Christian ways of thinking theoretically about world politics. My intention in this talk is to clarify this opportunity. I suggest a research agenda for 'Reformational IR' based on the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd on three accounts. First, there is the need for critical engagement with those approaches that occupy disciplinary space in IR. It is essential to understand IR theoretical thought against the background of the religious ground-motives that have driven it. It is also crucial to critique reductionist IR theory as both an explanation for the current theoretical plurality of the field and a way of opening up space for Reformational, anti-reductionist theory. Secondly, we need to consider how to adapt philosophy to special theory. Particularly relevant in the IR context are issues of ontology, epistemology and causation. Reflection on how to bridge between general formulations on those areas and specific IR theory is much needed if we want to proceed with a Dooyeweerdian approach. Finally, we will have to theorise world politics as such, and this requires a series of reflections on the nature of our object, an understanding of order and change in global assemblages and an exploration of the implications of looking at them as particular 'individuality-structures' operating under all 'modal aspects'.

In this paper I analyse the form and contents of Ali Ufkî’s ‘Turkish Psalter’, elaborated in the ... more In this paper I analyse the form and contents of Ali Ufkî’s ‘Turkish Psalter’, elaborated in the 17th-century Ottoman court, as an illustration of ‘mimicry’ and ‘hybridity’ in counter-hegemonic cultural production in a colonial context. Ufkî (formerly Bobowski, a Polish Calvinist poet), was taken to the Ottoman court as a slave after being captured by Tartars. He became a Muslim but nevertheless made a Bible translation into the local language, as well as a Psalter using adaptations of tunes of the Genevan Psalter. Being an expansion of an earlier Huguenot Psalter, the Genevan Psalter (final edition, 1562) is generally regarded as one of the most long-lasting contributions of Reformed cultural production of the early Reformation. The potentials of its use as a popular vehicle for vernacular Biblical Psalms in metrical format was immediately captured by John Calvin himself, who was very enthusiastic of congregational psalm-singing. Metrical Psalms soon became great ‘battle hymns’ of the French Reformation. At least in part, they were quickly translated into Hungarian, English, Czech, Italian, Polish and German. Today, modern translations are sung to the same tunes of the Reformation in churches across the world – including Brazil, Canada, Japan and Spain. A closer look at Ufkî’s Psalter as a hybrid work, compromising and mixing two identities as a reaction to cultural hegemony in his context, will uncover some of the lost story of the transmission of the Genevan Psalter across the world (even outside Christendom) in the Early Modern Period.
Ancient Near Eastern Studies by Lucas G . Freire
Old Babylonian temple loans in which divine beings are named as creditors were first catalogued and discussed as a self-standing topic by Rivkah Harris in 1960. Since then, not much work has been done specifically on this aspect of the Old Babylonian temple economy. Harris listed a number of documents not available in updated transliteration or translation at her time, as well as a small number of unpublished sources. This article proposes a transliteration and translation of several documents listed in her study. Some earlier transliterations and translations are also reworked in light of more recent scholarship on Old Babylonian loan contracts in general.
This article provides for the first time a Portuguese translation of Amarna letter EA 15 from the Akkadian original. The translation is followed by a textual and political commentary embedded in a theoretical approach borrowed from the field of International Relations. Letter EA 15 marks the rise of Assyria to the selective group of political units with hegemonic prerogatives in the Amarna system. The interpretation defended in this article is discussed in light of the studies presented at the interdisciplinary symposium Amarna Diplomacy, edited by Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook and published in 2000.
By making use of the sites of Lahun and HK43 Hierakonpolis as examples, this article points out some particular features of lived urban sites in contrast with burial archaeological sites. It looks especially at recent publications of the findings in both sites. A lived site yields findings which are more relevant to research questions about urban architecture, everyday life of the place’s inhabitants and features of the society of that time. A burial site, on the other hand, is potentially more relevant to research on burial practices, health and ritual. There are, of course, limitations in any kind of comparison between two different sites which researchers excavate with different aims.
Politics, History, Philosophy and IR by Lucas G . Freire
This is the published version of the 2018 Calihan Lecture.
The general aim of this article is to study how praxeology deals with issues related to the empiricist character of inductivism, logical positivism and falsifiability in the philosophy of Science. A secondary goal is to analyze these approaches based on the discussion that has been taking place in the philosophy of science for decades. Another secondary aim is to popularize the praxeological approach in economics. Praxeology proposes an alternative for economic science – a reply to several problems in the philosophy of science views that have inspired mainstream economics for a long time. It is worthy of consideration on the part of scholars in the field not because it is immune to any kind of criticism, but rather because of its role in the methodological debate, which begs for more careful attention on the part of economists, and, mainly, due to the new issues it has raised.
El objetivo general de este estudio es examinar cómo la praxeología se ocupa de los problemas relacionados con el carácter empirista de las formulaciones del indutivismo, del positivismo lógico y del falsificacionismo en la filosofía de la ciencia. Un objetivo secundario es criticar esas propuestas sobre la base de la discusión que se está librando en la filosofía de la ciencia desde hace décadas. Otro objetivo secundario es divulgar la propuesta metodológica de la praxeología, en Economía. En respuesta a diversos problemas en la filosofía de la ciencia que han inspirado la teorización económica dominante por mucho tiempo, la praxeología presenta una alternativa a la economía. Se merece más consideración por parte de los académicos del área, no porque sea inmune a consideraciones críticas de diversos tipos, sino a causa de su inserción en el debate metodológico que demanda atención más cuidadosa por parte de los economistas y, principalmente, a causa de las nuevas cuestiones que ella ha estimulado.
Old Babylonian temple loans in which divine beings are named as creditors were first catalogued and discussed as a self-standing topic by Rivkah Harris in 1960. Since then, not much work has been done specifically on this aspect of the Old Babylonian temple economy. Harris listed a number of documents not available in updated transliteration or translation at her time, as well as a small number of unpublished sources. This article proposes a transliteration and translation of several documents listed in her study. Some earlier transliterations and translations are also reworked in light of more recent scholarship on Old Babylonian loan contracts in general.
This article provides for the first time a Portuguese translation of Amarna letter EA 15 from the Akkadian original. The translation is followed by a textual and political commentary embedded in a theoretical approach borrowed from the field of International Relations. Letter EA 15 marks the rise of Assyria to the selective group of political units with hegemonic prerogatives in the Amarna system. The interpretation defended in this article is discussed in light of the studies presented at the interdisciplinary symposium Amarna Diplomacy, edited by Raymond Cohen and Raymond Westbrook and published in 2000.
By making use of the sites of Lahun and HK43 Hierakonpolis as examples, this article points out some particular features of lived urban sites in contrast with burial archaeological sites. It looks especially at recent publications of the findings in both sites. A lived site yields findings which are more relevant to research questions about urban architecture, everyday life of the place’s inhabitants and features of the society of that time. A burial site, on the other hand, is potentially more relevant to research on burial practices, health and ritual. There are, of course, limitations in any kind of comparison between two different sites which researchers excavate with different aims.
This is the published version of the 2018 Calihan Lecture.
The general aim of this article is to study how praxeology deals with issues related to the empiricist character of inductivism, logical positivism and falsifiability in the philosophy of Science. A secondary goal is to analyze these approaches based on the discussion that has been taking place in the philosophy of science for decades. Another secondary aim is to popularize the praxeological approach in economics. Praxeology proposes an alternative for economic science – a reply to several problems in the philosophy of science views that have inspired mainstream economics for a long time. It is worthy of consideration on the part of scholars in the field not because it is immune to any kind of criticism, but rather because of its role in the methodological debate, which begs for more careful attention on the part of economists, and, mainly, due to the new issues it has raised.
El objetivo general de este estudio es examinar cómo la praxeología se ocupa de los problemas relacionados con el carácter empirista de las formulaciones del indutivismo, del positivismo lógico y del falsificacionismo en la filosofía de la ciencia. Un objetivo secundario es criticar esas propuestas sobre la base de la discusión que se está librando en la filosofía de la ciencia desde hace décadas. Otro objetivo secundario es divulgar la propuesta metodológica de la praxeología, en Economía. En respuesta a diversos problemas en la filosofía de la ciencia que han inspirado la teorización económica dominante por mucho tiempo, la praxeología presenta una alternativa a la economía. Se merece más consideración por parte de los académicos del área, no porque sea inmune a consideraciones críticas de diversos tipos, sino a causa de su inserción en el debate metodológico que demanda atención más cuidadosa por parte de los economistas y, principalmente, a causa de las nuevas cuestiones que ella ha estimulado.