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[24 Aug 2006|04:32pm]

wait...does it matter he's with the New York Yankees now??
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[01 Aug 2005|08:03pm]
Join redsoxbaseball
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Johnny On Cribs [19 Apr 2005|10:44pm]

Johnny Damon was just on MTV's Cribs . . . its was a new episode so im sure it will be airing all week.
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Hey guys! [19 Apr 2005|12:57pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hey! I just found this community and it seems pretty cool. Small, but it'll grow =]

But guess what?!?!

I MET HIM YESTERDAY! It was probably the most amazing experience everrrrrr! He's such a beautiful person, haha. If you want to see the pictures i took then look on my website that's on my user info page. I would have taken more, but the workers kept making me move =[ But when he pulled up in his truck it was awesome, i was in the front of the line that was outside the building, and i was the first to see him. I Screamed THERE"S JOHNNY! haha! and two children ran up to his truck and the cops just stood there, i was like, ummm shouldn't you get them away? hahaha. Just thought i'd share =]



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Boston Baseball Writers Dinner [14 Jan 2005|05:59pm]

"Center fielder Johnny Damon received the Jackie Jensen Award for leadership and team spirit."

Click here for the article.
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Red Sox Star Johnny Damon Gets Married [03 Jan 2005|03:11pm]


Boston Red Sox heartthrob Johnny Damon married girlfriend Michelle Mangan Thursday night in Orlando, Fla.

The centerfielder, known as much for his shaggy-haired style as for leading the Red Sox to their first World Series crown since 1918, exchanged vows with his bride in a traditional ceremony at the Orlando Ritz-Carlton Grand Lakes resort in front of 175 guests.

Mangan, 29, wore a custom Vera Wang dress, and Damon, 31, donned a black tuxedo. The baseball star's 5-year-old twins from a previous marriage, Jackson and Madelyn, were the ring bearer and flower girl, respectively.

At the reception, Damon's pal, AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson, performed while guests dined on sushi, shrimp, crab cakes, beef tenderloin and a five-tier white layer cake.

The wedding was the culmination of an extravagant week of celebration. On Tuesday, Damon, his groomsmen and about 50 male guests had a golf tournament, while the bride and the female guests enjoyed a spa day. That evening, comedian Craig Shoemaker performed his comedy act for about 100 people. On Wednesday, Damon caught three bass while on a fishing trip with about 40 friends.

Damon, one of PEOPLE's sexiest men of 2004, proposed to Mangan with an 8-carat canary-yellow diamond on Martha's Vineyard on Easter Sunday this year. "He said, 'Everything we do, we'll do together.' That was what made me cry," Mangan told PEOPLE in November.

"When I first saw him, I thought he was really cute," said Mangan of the night they met two years ago in Houston, where she ran a talent agency. "And he was quiet. His brother tells me I created a monster because he knows he can be himself and act silly."

The couple will be honeymooning on an unnamed island in the Caribbean, and will then return to their $2.1 million, seven bedroom, six bathroom home in Windermere, Florida.

This is the second marriage for Damon, who was divorced from his high school sweetheart, Angie Vannice, in 2002.  Posted - Friday Dec 31, 2004 11:40am EST

Wedding PicsCollapse )

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Welcome! [27 Dec 2004|10:41am]

You've stumbled upon the Johnny Damon Fan Community. Please feel free to join (membership is open), just check out the short list of rules in the userinfo.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this link -- a collection of Johnny photos (credit to various internet sources) from 2003 and 2004.
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[01 Dec 2004|12:02pm]

Hey!!! How new is this site?

It seems like you need more people lol... I'll spread the word and get more to join for you :)
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