1. Go to a public place that you pass daily and take a photo, not too close and not too far
2. Download the photo to a computer and look at it for 3 minutes
3. Return to the location and take detail photos of things you noticed while looking at the original
We are recycling this one for the weekend for our friend @johnjohnston who could not do it on a week day!
from: #tds263 Seeing the familiar in a new way | The Daily Stillness
No pressure;-)
I went for a walk in the park yesterday morning and took a few shots. None of them looked promsing, but I went over this one carefully:

I’ve hi-lighted and zoomed to the bit I though worth revisiting. Turned out I did not get back to the park yesterday. Today We went a little further afield for a walk and picnic.

I spent a fair bit of time looking at trees and bark. Neither of these are particularly interesting photos but the exercise itself was.Â
If I had gone back to the park I may have tried for the kerb stones rather than the trees, but I can save that for another day.