Bookmarked Disabled PostKinds Plugin by Ton Zijlstra.

My main issue with it was that it places key elements such as the weblink you’re responding to outside the posting itself. It gets stored in the database as belonging to the PostKinds plugin. Meaning if you ever switch it off, that gets wiped from your posting (although it’s still in the database then). This was a dependency I needed to get rid of.

This crosses my mind from time to time. I depend on without fully understanding the Post Kinds plug-in. I am halfway between Post Kinds and IndieBlocks as I use Blocks a bit more. I’ve used them a lot on Glow Blogs and am less worried about switching to them full time. I wonder about,

deploying small templates that allow me to mark a posting as reply, rsvp, favourite, bookmark, or check-in, within the postings I’m writing.

as mentioned in Ton Zijlstra’s post.

I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else. Can you make templates with the correct microformats in the Site Editor? But that would not work as semipress is not a block theme so I guess the template would be php?

4 thoughts on “Bookmarked Disabled PostKinds Plugin

  1. In reply to a bookmark by John Johnston

    The templates contain what I want to have inside a blogposting for a reply, favourite, bookmark, rsvp or check-in. I apply them before I submit something to WordPress, so they are fully outside of my blog and get send as HTML to my blog.

    Two main ways: if I type something in my editor (e.g. WordPress back-end or in my local text editor) I have text expansion snippets that paste the right template into my text. The little header above this post with the SVG image and the bit that contains the right microformat, I add by typing .ureply, and I have similar set-ups for .ufav, .ubmark, .ursvp and .uplaze. This is what I did to reply to you now.

    A second way is that I have integrated these same little templates into the response form I have in my feedreader, and in a little blogform on my local device. There I indicate with a radio button if something is a reply etc, and the php script that processes the form adds in the right HTML before sending it to my WordPress site’s micropub endpoint.

    I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else.

    John Johnston

  2. I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else. Can you make templates with the correct microformats in the Site Editor?

    I used to use hand-typed (or semi-automatically generated) HTML before moving to the block editor (and IndieBlocks), so, yes, a somewhat more hand-rolled solution can be such an alternative.

    In fact, what blocks do is exactly that; they take certain “attributes” and generate HTML off of them, using a “template” of sorts, and inject the result into WordPress’ database. That’s also why your post content wouldn’t break, if you were to disable IndieBlocks. (I.e., while the dynamically generated “theme blocks,” like the Facepile block for webmentions, would “disappear,” posts should remain intact.)

    You can make “block templates” for the block editor—don’t think you’d wanna use the site editor, which is more like a theme editor. Like, you could probably create a “base” template with, e.g., a Custom HTML block in it, ready with microformatted HTML and dummy text. But then you might as well use a more user-friendly block (I think).

  3. I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else.


    I remember reflecting upon Ton’s concern about Post Kinds lock in a few years ago.

    Without the time and patience to develop my own fully fledged solution, I have instead taken to kind of living in both worlds by manually including the quote part of the respond property within my post. My reason for this is because I feel that this often adds context to the post, especially when displayed as a comment.

    In addition to this, I have created my own buttons in the text editor to add ‘reply’ or ‘like’ to a link. I often use this as a means of displaying bookmarks etc in the comment section of a linked post, rather than displaying as a pingback. For example, this comment will display beneath my response to Ton’s original post.

    Regarding Blocks and Classic, I am still live two worlds. I use blocks for my long post site and classic for this site, therefore I have not really dived into IndieBlocks. However, I probably should have a look. But to be honest, I think a part of me holds hope that David might one day integrate the response box into the content or provide an export tool.

    For now, I plod on.

    • Hi Aaron,
      I think I am pretty much in the same place (except I’ve not added any custom buttons). It does make more sense, I think, to have the response & context in the post content. Your manual method might be the sanest long term, avoiding technical debt. The IndieBlocks plugin does this too as it put everything in the post content. The link to David’s post is hopeful. I am guessing there is probably a clever way of moving the responses into the content on old post, but it would be way beyond me.

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