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Journal created:
on 16 December 2004 (#5465627)
on 11 June 2016
John Jay High School and JJSEA
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
This is a community for those crazy kids at John Jay in Texas. All you Science Academy and non- Science Academy kids, this is where you can get your gossip, ask for homework, vent about teachers!
Hey it's me adrienne. Some of you may or may not know me, but that really doesn't matter, e-mail me if you have any questions concerning this community. I know that there are a lot of you out there so come on in and join. New users don't need a password anymore to get a journal so tell who ever you want to get a journal.

A couple of rules

1. Introduce yourself. First name or just a hint as to who you are. ;o)

2. Please do not post anything that will cause more drama in your life. Leave that for school or personal e-mails.

3. Whatever is said in this community stays in this community, you are to not go and tell anyone what happens or what so and so said. This was not created to give more problems to anyone.

other than that, have fun.

email: [email protected]
AIM: angelshorti86
