University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Civil Engineering Science
This work is a continuation of the development of a model for predicting the potential of Portland cements to exhibit expansion due to delayed ettringite formation (DEF). The model was derived based on kinetics theory applied to cement... more
This paper presents an investigation on a deteriorated slab of a two-story building located in Johannesburg, South Africa. The structure has been in use as a residential building for more than 60 years. The top slab of the first floor was... more
Pervious concrete was investigated for potential use as a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD). Pervious concrete mixtures of various water/cement ratios (0·50, 0·40, 0·35, 0·30, 0·27) and cement... more
STEPHEN EKOLU is a lecturer in construction materials engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand. For six years, after obtaining his BSc, he worked in diff erent capacities as construction site engineer in materials testing and in... more
A consortium of three durability index test methods consisting of oxygen permeability, sorptivity and chloride conductivity were used to evaluate the potential influence of four (4) common SANS 10197 cements on strength and durability of... more
This paper describes an examination of concrete cores drilled from an old motorway bridge that had manifested deterioration and was in need of repair. Site observations and the nature of cracking indicated that alkali-silica reaction was... more
Mortars are used extensively in accelerated methods of testing the physical properties of cementitious materials. Mortar strength is invariably used to determine cement strength grade of cements and for general evaluation of material... more
Small and medium construction enterprises (SMEs) are an important vehicle to drive the economic growth globally. However, this enterprise sector has been constrained by different factors that stifle their full participation in the main... more
This paper presents long-term results and microscopic analyses for a six-year experimental study on the effectiveness of lithium nitrate in mitigating delayed ettringite formation (DEF) with or without alkali-silica reaction (ASR). In the... more
In the literature, the effects of curing, sheltering and CO2 concentration under natural carbonation are not fully understood. There is either controversy or limited research available regarding these factors, while most investigations... more
The aim of this study was to develop a gravity feed column setup and to set the flow parameters based on experimentally measured flow rates and pressure drops. Prior to the present study the authors used a column setup in which acid mine... more
It has recently been shown that pervious concrete is a promising, effective technology as permeable reactive barrier for treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD). However, pore clogging also occurs simultaneously during AMD treatment. In the... more
Use of durability index (DI) is one of the several approaches that have been used or advanced through various test methods for the purpose of evaluating the durability of concrete mixtures. In South Africa, use of DI’s has developed... more
Durability characteristics of cement mortars and concrete are of interest to various researchers and practitioners in the field of construction materials engineering. This study evaluated the potential use of a semi-synthetic zeolite... more
A model is proposed based on the statistical concept of the overlapping distribution method (ODM). The model is thenapplied to estimatethe number of students thatcan beexpected to qualify for and to passsupplementaryexaminations.TheODM... more
In this paper, data are used to show that countries with high record of publications and patents are either developed or those countries that are strongly developing. Mastery of existing scientific knowledge and intensification of... more
Problems of lack of rural development, low-cost housing and the urban poor are recognised features of endemic complex limitations of modern construction technologies, government policies and market forces to achieve balances of... more
Hintergrund Viele gastroenterologische Krankheitsbilder gehören zu den sehr häufigen Erkrankungen im niedergelassenen Bereich (Prävalenz der Dyspepsie 25-40 %, des Reizdarmsyndroms 7-25 %, der Divertikulose 50 %, der Gallensteine 20 %,... more