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Google has developed a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) the research and development project Project Glass with the intension of producing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Glass displays information in a... more
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The main objective of this project is to develop an embedded system, which provides safety to vehicle driver and automatic vehicle maintenance by using CAN protocol. All automobile vehicles are common ‘Machines’ in day to day life. We... more
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This paper deals with a problem of audio conversion. The main challenges is to take audio signal of different radio signals are converted into .wav files and interfacing with Lab VIEW device which is a generated FM Radio wave are verified... more
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    • Speech Processing
The quality of being easily understandable of the spe ech signals are very importantin communication and other speec h related systems. In order to improve these two in thespeech sign al, Speech improvement sets of computer instructions... more
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    • Speech Communication
There is number of computations involved at every stage in Digital Signal Processing (DSP). At every stage of computation we have addition and multiplication of the terms derived from previous and presents stages. The general computation... more
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    • Speech Communication
 Abstract-Discourse, being a key method for correspondence, has been inserted in different applications. In numerous unavoidable circumstances, we are rendered vulnerable attempting to conclude the understandability of the discourse and... more
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    • Speech Communication
 Abstract-Discourse, being a key method for correspondence, has been inserted in different applications. In numerous unavoidable circumstances, we are rendered vulnerable attempting to conclude the understandability of the discourse and... more
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    • Speech Communication
This paper investigates the effect of Window shape on the improvement of Speech quality by reducing the noise using Analysis Window with optimum shape. In Speech Enhancement process, signal corrupted by noise is segmented into frames and... more
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    • Speech Communication
This paper presents an automation of farm irrigation system embedded Linux board. The system provides a web interface to the user so that the user can control and monitor the system remotely. In this paper, Raspberry Pi is used as an... more
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The scientific community and media have increasingly recognized the significance of microexpressions as indicators for detecting deception, as they reveal genuine emotions that individuals attempt to conceal. To capitalize on these subtle... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceFacial Expression Recognition
In wireless environment researches on security issues in various layering level of the networks are focused recent times. One of the major issue is denial of service attacks. This paper mainly deals with the detection of syn flooding... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityDenial of Service Attack
This paper proposes an advanced system for process management via a credit card sized single board computer called raspberry pi based multi parameter monitoring hardware system designed using RS232 and microcontroller that measures and... more
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The Project represents embedded surveillance system, frequently used in a home, an office or a factory, uses a sensor triggered to turn on a camera]. Some designs use different types of sensors to achieve reliability by means of the... more
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In wireless network, real time flows are prioritized over non-real time flows. Because of this prioritization, non-real time flows endures starvation. Furthermore, real time flows are handled quite generally as no specification is given... more
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Every designated commando in the police department undergoes training for the improvement of his quick reflexes for attacking the surprise enemy and shooting accuracy in a given short period, typically 4 seconds. Present day commando... more
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    • Rfid Tag
The monitoring of electrocardiography (ECG) in ambulatory conditions is an important task for achieving success in remote healthcare monitoring. In this paper, Kalman-based adaptive artifact cancellation structures, which are the hybrid... more
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An increasing number of elderly and disabled people urge the need for a health care monitoring system which has the capabilities for analyzing patient health care data to avoid preventable deaths. Medical Telemetry is becoming a key tool... more
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