M Tech ( CSE )
With the growth of data in biomedical and health care communities in large amounts, accurate analysis of medical data benefits early disease detection, patient care, and community services. However, the analysis accuracy is reduced when... more
In today's world there is a tremendous increase in the number of users using the Internet. As a result the e-commerce websites have been emerging to encourage the users of Internet. But these e-commerce websites are facing the problem in... more
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve stimulation (TENS) on whole salivary flow rate in healthy adult subjects and to find out whether the protocol utilized for collection of saliva... more
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology where things of everyday objects can be connected to Internet. In IoT technology devices are supposed to be deployed 'everywhere' and to be accessed 'any time' from 'anywhere'. In this... more
Cloud computing technology provides assistance to companies and users to share computing resources instead of having personal devices or local servers to handle the applications. Mobile cloud computing networking [MCCN] is a novel... more
A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of self-organized mobile nodes. This network doesn’t require existing infrastructure or central administration. As the nodes have mobility, the biggest challenge in this kind of networks is to find... more
Code No. :44 PART-B will cover 90 Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice, Matching type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning type) carrying 90 marks of 90 minutes duration. Each question carries 1 mark.