A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at var... more A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at various doses (Sponsor vs Market sample) to control the weeds in maize crop. 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC was applied at various doses as post emergence and its market sample was also used, atrazine also applied as post emergence. All weed control treatments significantly reduced the density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds over weedy check during both the years. The maximum suppression of density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds and highest WCE were obtained with the successive increase in the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS) from 450 to 1800 g a.i./ha resulted decreased density of dominant BLWs. None of the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS or MS) was found much effective towards density of grassy weeds. Among herbicidal treatments, maximum grain yield (4507 kg/ha and 4743 kg/ha) and percent increase in the grain yield (61.12% and 70.6%) was achieved with the application of atrazine at 250...
A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota dur... more A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota during rabi 2016-17. The experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations comprising of four spacing (15.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5 cm) and three varieties (Raj 1482, Raj 3077, Raj 4037.) The experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design and it was replicated four times. Result of field experiment revealed that among three wheat varieties grown, variety Raj 3077 gave highest plant height. Maximum grain yield (5.70 t ha-1), straw yield (7.90 t ha-1) was recorded in variety Raj 3077. Variety Raj 3077 recorded significantly higher net returns (Rs.61630.00 ha-1) and B C ratio (2.0). Amongst row spacing, growing of wheat variety Raj 3077 at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded highest dry matter at 90 DAS over other row spacing. Row spacing 19.5 cm gave significantly higher grain yield (5.10 t ha-1) and straw yield (7.85 t ha-1). Sowing of wheat at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded significantly hi...
A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at var... more A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at various doses (Sponsor vs Market sample) to control the weeds in maize crop. 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC was applied at various doses as post emergence and its market sample was also used, atrazine also applied as post emergence. All weed control treatments significantly reduced the density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds over weedy check during both the years. The maximum suppression of density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds and highest WCE were obtained with the successive increase in the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS) from 450 to 1800 g a.i./ha resulted decreased density of dominant BLWs. None of the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS or MS) was found much effective towards density of grassy weeds. Among herbicidal treatments, maximum grain yield (4507 kg/ha and 4743 kg/ha) and percent increase in the grain yield (61.12% and 70.6%) was achieved with the application of atrazine at 250...
A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota dur... more A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota during rabi 2016-17. The experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations comprising of four spacing (15.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5 cm) and three varieties (Raj 1482, Raj 3077, Raj 4037.) The experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design and it was replicated four times. Result of field experiment revealed that among three wheat varieties grown, variety Raj 3077 gave highest plant height. Maximum grain yield (5.70 t ha-1), straw yield (7.90 t ha-1) was recorded in variety Raj 3077. Variety Raj 3077 recorded significantly higher net returns (Rs.61630.00 ha-1) and B C ratio (2.0). Amongst row spacing, growing of wheat variety Raj 3077 at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded highest dry matter at 90 DAS over other row spacing. Row spacing 19.5 cm gave significantly higher grain yield (5.10 t ha-1) and straw yield (7.85 t ha-1). Sowing of wheat at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded significantly hi...
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting... more The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting on rooting of Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) stem cuttings. This research was conducted to Root Growth of Phalsa as Affected by Type of cutting and Rooting Media Under Garhwal Himalayas during the Rainy season 2013-14 at Horticultural Research Centre, Chauras Campus. H.N.B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal Uttarakhand, India. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three main factor (Semi hardwood, hardwood and softwood cuttings) and three sub factors (Soil+Sand+FYM, Vermicompost and Soil+FYM). Results of the investigation showed that survival percentage of cutting (57.77), percentage of rooted cutting (56.66), number of primary root (14.48) and length of longest root (8.79cm) was recorded under H 2 (Hardwood cutting) with M2 (Vermicompost) rooting media.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting... more The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting on rooting of Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) stem cuttings. This research was conducted to Root Growth of Phalsa as Affected by Type of cutting and Rooting Media Under Garhwal Himalayas during the Rainy season 2013-14 at Horticultural Research Centre, Chauras Campus. H.N.B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal Uttarakhand, India. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three main factor (Semi hardwood, hardwood and softwood cuttings) and three sub factors (Soil+Sand+FYM, Vermicompost and Soil+FYM). Results of the investigation showed that survival percentage of cutting (57.77), percentage of rooted cutting (56.66), number of primary root (14.48) and length of longest root (8.79cm) was recorded under H 2 (Hardwood cutting) with M2 (Vermicompost) rooting media.
To study the role of weather parameters on population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armigera on chic... more To study the role of weather parameters on population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armigera on chick pea, a study was carried out in the plant breeding farm of AICRP on chickpea (lead center) ICAR at JNKVV Campus during rabi season 2013-14. Randomizes complete block design with 3 replications with genotype Subhra was used. Pest population of (Helicopverpa armigera) was recorded at each meteorological weak, from one week after germination to harvest of crop and observation was taken twice in a weak by counting the no. of larvae on plants in one meter row length at five random places in each plot without any insecticidal treatment. It was concluded that first appearance of gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) was noticed in fourth week of December. The crop received first peak of population of pod borer during third week of February in flowering phase, while the another peak of intensity was recorded in second week of April during reproductive phase of the crop. The positive and negati...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world... more Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical areas. This study was conducted at Breeding farm of AICRP chickpea JNKVV Jabalpur. Screening of different genotypes of chickpea against Helicoverpa armigera (H) was done within the 15 genotypes of deshi chickpea named as T1 (JG 31), T2 (ICCV 07117), T3 (JG 130×ICC 11551), T4 JG 14-16×JG 11), T5 (JG 24), T6 (DRRJ 2×KAK 2), T7 (JG 30), T8 (JG 9605), T9 (JG 14-11), T10 (JG 14), T11 (JG 14×IPC 4958), T12 (JG 14-16), T13 (JG 32), T14 (JG 74×IPC 4958), T15 (JGG2). The experiment is replicated thrice under randomized block design. Significantly least (0.46 larvae/plant) population was recorded in the genotype JG14-16XJG11 and genotypes ICCV 07117 (0.48 larvae/plant), while the genotype JG 130 X ICC 11551 had the highest population (0.81 larvae/plant) and JGG 2 (0.75 larvae/plant) and JG 14-16 X JG 11 had significantly lowest pod damage (09.73%) among a...
Chickpeas (Cicerarietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world... more Chickpeas (Cicerarietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical areas. This study was conducted at Breeding farm of AICRP chickpea JNKVV Jabalpur, the study was done by two experiments, first is to provide the free condition for Callosobruchus chinensis so that they prefer the host of their own choice and then in next phase forced condition for the newly emerged beetles so that they should be forced for their development according to host choosen by us. Then in the next experiment germination test is done to check the germination percentage of infested grains of chickpea. The outcome of experiments was found under unforced condition among 15 different genotypes of desi chickpea eggs emergence was highest on JGG 2 (207.67) and lowest on JG14 x IPC 4958 (64.67) and then emergence of adults is highest from JG 24 (90.67) and lowest from JG 32 (30.00), same under forced condition among 15 genotypes of kabuli chic...
A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at var... more A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at various doses (Sponsor vs Market sample) to control the weeds in maize crop. 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC was applied at various doses as post emergence and its market sample was also used, atrazine also applied as post emergence. All weed control treatments significantly reduced the density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds over weedy check during both the years. The maximum suppression of density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds and highest WCE were obtained with the successive increase in the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS) from 450 to 1800 g a.i./ha resulted decreased density of dominant BLWs. None of the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS or MS) was found much effective towards density of grassy weeds. Among herbicidal treatments, maximum grain yield (4507 kg/ha and 4743 kg/ha) and percent increase in the grain yield (61.12% and 70.6%) was achieved with the application of atrazine at 250...
A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota dur... more A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota during rabi 2016-17. The experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations comprising of four spacing (15.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5 cm) and three varieties (Raj 1482, Raj 3077, Raj 4037.) The experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design and it was replicated four times. Result of field experiment revealed that among three wheat varieties grown, variety Raj 3077 gave highest plant height. Maximum grain yield (5.70 t ha-1), straw yield (7.90 t ha-1) was recorded in variety Raj 3077. Variety Raj 3077 recorded significantly higher net returns (Rs.61630.00 ha-1) and B C ratio (2.0). Amongst row spacing, growing of wheat variety Raj 3077 at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded highest dry matter at 90 DAS over other row spacing. Row spacing 19.5 cm gave significantly higher grain yield (5.10 t ha-1) and straw yield (7.85 t ha-1). Sowing of wheat at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded significantly hi...
A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at var... more A field investigation was carried out to test the bioefficacy of 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC at various doses (Sponsor vs Market sample) to control the weeds in maize crop. 2, 4-D Ethyl ester 80% EC was applied at various doses as post emergence and its market sample was also used, atrazine also applied as post emergence. All weed control treatments significantly reduced the density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds over weedy check during both the years. The maximum suppression of density as well as dry matter accumulation of weeds and highest WCE were obtained with the successive increase in the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS) from 450 to 1800 g a.i./ha resulted decreased density of dominant BLWs. None of the doses of 2, 4-D EE (SS or MS) was found much effective towards density of grassy weeds. Among herbicidal treatments, maximum grain yield (4507 kg/ha and 4743 kg/ha) and percent increase in the grain yield (61.12% and 70.6%) was achieved with the application of atrazine at 250...
A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota dur... more A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm, School of Agricultural Sciences, Kota during rabi 2016-17. The experiment consisted of 12 treatment combinations comprising of four spacing (15.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5 cm) and three varieties (Raj 1482, Raj 3077, Raj 4037.) The experiment was conducted in factorial randomized block design and it was replicated four times. Result of field experiment revealed that among three wheat varieties grown, variety Raj 3077 gave highest plant height. Maximum grain yield (5.70 t ha-1), straw yield (7.90 t ha-1) was recorded in variety Raj 3077. Variety Raj 3077 recorded significantly higher net returns (Rs.61630.00 ha-1) and B C ratio (2.0). Amongst row spacing, growing of wheat variety Raj 3077 at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded highest dry matter at 90 DAS over other row spacing. Row spacing 19.5 cm gave significantly higher grain yield (5.10 t ha-1) and straw yield (7.85 t ha-1). Sowing of wheat at 19.5 cm row spacing recorded significantly hi...
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting... more The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting on rooting of Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) stem cuttings. This research was conducted to Root Growth of Phalsa as Affected by Type of cutting and Rooting Media Under Garhwal Himalayas during the Rainy season 2013-14 at Horticultural Research Centre, Chauras Campus. H.N.B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal Uttarakhand, India. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three main factor (Semi hardwood, hardwood and softwood cuttings) and three sub factors (Soil+Sand+FYM, Vermicompost and Soil+FYM). Results of the investigation showed that survival percentage of cutting (57.77), percentage of rooted cutting (56.66), number of primary root (14.48) and length of longest root (8.79cm) was recorded under H 2 (Hardwood cutting) with M2 (Vermicompost) rooting media.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting... more The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different rooting media and Type of cutting on rooting of Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) stem cuttings. This research was conducted to Root Growth of Phalsa as Affected by Type of cutting and Rooting Media Under Garhwal Himalayas during the Rainy season 2013-14 at Horticultural Research Centre, Chauras Campus. H.N.B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Garhwal Uttarakhand, India. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three main factor (Semi hardwood, hardwood and softwood cuttings) and three sub factors (Soil+Sand+FYM, Vermicompost and Soil+FYM). Results of the investigation showed that survival percentage of cutting (57.77), percentage of rooted cutting (56.66), number of primary root (14.48) and length of longest root (8.79cm) was recorded under H 2 (Hardwood cutting) with M2 (Vermicompost) rooting media.
To study the role of weather parameters on population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armigera on chic... more To study the role of weather parameters on population fluctuation of Helicoverpa armigera on chick pea, a study was carried out in the plant breeding farm of AICRP on chickpea (lead center) ICAR at JNKVV Campus during rabi season 2013-14. Randomizes complete block design with 3 replications with genotype Subhra was used. Pest population of (Helicopverpa armigera) was recorded at each meteorological weak, from one week after germination to harvest of crop and observation was taken twice in a weak by counting the no. of larvae on plants in one meter row length at five random places in each plot without any insecticidal treatment. It was concluded that first appearance of gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) was noticed in fourth week of December. The crop received first peak of population of pod borer during third week of February in flowering phase, while the another peak of intensity was recorded in second week of April during reproductive phase of the crop. The positive and negati...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world... more Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical areas. This study was conducted at Breeding farm of AICRP chickpea JNKVV Jabalpur. Screening of different genotypes of chickpea against Helicoverpa armigera (H) was done within the 15 genotypes of deshi chickpea named as T1 (JG 31), T2 (ICCV 07117), T3 (JG 130×ICC 11551), T4 JG 14-16×JG 11), T5 (JG 24), T6 (DRRJ 2×KAK 2), T7 (JG 30), T8 (JG 9605), T9 (JG 14-11), T10 (JG 14), T11 (JG 14×IPC 4958), T12 (JG 14-16), T13 (JG 32), T14 (JG 74×IPC 4958), T15 (JGG2). The experiment is replicated thrice under randomized block design. Significantly least (0.46 larvae/plant) population was recorded in the genotype JG14-16XJG11 and genotypes ICCV 07117 (0.48 larvae/plant), while the genotype JG 130 X ICC 11551 had the highest population (0.81 larvae/plant) and JGG 2 (0.75 larvae/plant) and JG 14-16 X JG 11 had significantly lowest pod damage (09.73%) among a...
Chickpeas (Cicerarietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world... more Chickpeas (Cicerarietinum L.) are one of the oldest and most widely consumed legumes in the world, particularly in tropical and subtropical areas. This study was conducted at Breeding farm of AICRP chickpea JNKVV Jabalpur, the study was done by two experiments, first is to provide the free condition for Callosobruchus chinensis so that they prefer the host of their own choice and then in next phase forced condition for the newly emerged beetles so that they should be forced for their development according to host choosen by us. Then in the next experiment germination test is done to check the germination percentage of infested grains of chickpea. The outcome of experiments was found under unforced condition among 15 different genotypes of desi chickpea eggs emergence was highest on JGG 2 (207.67) and lowest on JG14 x IPC 4958 (64.67) and then emergence of adults is highest from JG 24 (90.67) and lowest from JG 32 (30.00), same under forced condition among 15 genotypes of kabuli chic...
Papers by Anubhav Galav