Papers by Thomas Gegenhuber

While previous open strategy studies have acknowledged open strategy's function as an impression ... more While previous open strategy studies have acknowledged open strategy's function as an impression management instrument, their focus has mostly been on short episodes. The impression management literature, meanwhile, pays openness scant attention. By studying how new ventures engage in open strategy-making, we track how open strategy-making and respective impression management benefits evolve over time. Specifically, we draw on a comparative case study of two firms' blog communication on strategy-related issues and corresponding audience responses over a four-year period. We identify three distinct modes of how organizations engage in open strategy-making with external audiences and show how each mode is related to a specific set of impression management effects. Having established the impression management functions of these modes, we then demonstrate how open strategy-making contributes to new ventures' quests for legitimacy as they evolve. In the launch phase, dialoguing with blog audiences helps a venture attract endorsements for its organization and products. As the venture grows, concentrating on broadcasting relevant strategic information may attract media audiences' additional support for pursuing openness as a desirable organizational practice.

VINE, 2012
Purpose -On the basis of the Collective Intelligence Genome framework, which was developed to des... more Purpose -On the basis of the Collective Intelligence Genome framework, which was developed to describe private, for profit ventures, this study aims to review the recent public sector initiatives launched by the American federal government and the European Union. The study's goal is to examine if, and how, the Genome construct would apply to not for profit. Design/methodology/approach -This paper builds on an existing classification methodology for collective intelligence initiatives and extends it to pubic sector initiatives. Findings -The findings suggest that, although the framework offers a generally good fit, it does not fully address all the factors at play and the paper proposes expanding the gene pool. In addition, it confirms that Collective Intelligence initiatives do indeed co-create value and conform to the emerging services dominant logic concept. Originality/value -With the growing success of profit motivated internet-based collaborative ventures, including Innocentive, VenCorps, Threadless and many others, governments have taken notice and engaged. Recent public sector initiatives, including, Peer 2 Patent, among others, have begun to leverage collaborative internet media through similar means. These initiatives not only engage a broader community in the co-creation of value, but also foster what has been termed as Collective Intelligence. This paper details one of the first forays into what might be termed sense making within the public sector usage of Collective Intelligence using the Genome framework and, as such, provides researchers and practitioners with a means of assessing value, potential impact and making comparisons.

Crowdsourcing spreads and morphs quickly, shaping areas as diverse as creating, organizing, and s... more Crowdsourcing spreads and morphs quickly, shaping areas as diverse as creating, organizing, and sharing knowledge; producing digital artifacts; providing services involving tangible assets; or monitoring and evaluating. Crowdsourcing as sourcing by means of ‘global search’ yields four types of values for sourcing actors: creative expertise, critical items, execution capacity, and bargaining power. It accesses cheap excess capacities at the work realm’s margins, channeling them toward production. Provision and utilization of excess capacities rationalize society while intimately connecting to a broader societal trend twisting consumers’ and producers’ roles: leading toward ‘working consumers’ and ‘consuming producers’ and shifting power toward the latter. Similarly, marketers using crowdsourcing’s look and feel to camouflage traditional approaches to bringing consumers under control preserve producer power.

Proceedings Collective Intelligence Conference 2014 (Poster)
Open government aims to integrate citizens into the public value creation process. This paper aim... more Open government aims to integrate citizens into the public value creation process. This paper aims to fill in two gaps in the existing body of open government literature. First, little is known about the implementation of open government initiatives to and their implications for organizational design. Second, there is still little open government literature that considers municipalities. Hence, we examine how the pre-existing organizational design of a municipality shapes the implementation of a web-based open government platform. The empirical context showcases how the City of Linz implemented the application “Schau.auf.Linz”, an interactive mapping and reporting platform for urban maintenance needs. The platform builds on the existing structures and policies of the municipality. It functions as an additional, transparent channel of communication. Number of inquiries processed by the responsible department convincingly speaks for the success of the “Schau.auf.Linz“ platform. We suggest that the continuous adaptation of the municipalities’ organizational design to the service-oriented new public management paradigm prior to the launch of “Schau.auf.Linz” was a key enabler for the successful implementation of the platform.

The innovation of organizations has been likened to the improvisation capacity of musicians playi... more The innovation of organizations has been likened to the improvisation capacity of musicians playing jazz -a modernist form of music that emphasizes improvisation within the boundaries of a particular genre. But recent bricolage research suggests that this metaphor is incomplete when applied to entrepreneurs. The innovation of entrepreneurs lies not only in the improvisational combining of resources, but also in the eclectic selection of resources and the embedding of these innovative combinations into novel contexts. This makes entrepreneurs less like jazz musicians and more like hip-hop DJs -a postmodern form of music that emphasizes sampling and remixing of musical fragments from diverse genres. This paper places entrepreneurial bricolage into a larger postmodern context and thereby identifies other unexplored implications for entrepreneurial value creation. By drawing from postmodern theorists, it explicates broader design principles that are latent only in the current narrow bricolage perspectives. A model is developed for how entrepreneurs enact postmodern resources and markets through hyperdifferentiation, how they develop novel pastiches using techniques such as bricolage, and how they embed these pastiches into novel contexts that create value from three distinct sources. Specific propositions and implications for entrepreneurs and researchers are developed.
Organizations use broadcast search to identify new avenues of innovation. Research on innovation ... more Organizations use broadcast search to identify new avenues of innovation. Research on innovation contests provides insights on why excellent ideas are created in a broadcast search. However, there is little research on how excellent ideas are selected. Drawing from the brainstorming literature we find that the selection of excellent ideas needs further investigation. We propose that a hybrid model may lead to selection of better ideas. The hybrid model is a broadcast search approach that exploits the strengths of different actors and procedures in idea generation and the selection phase.

With the growing success of internet based collaborative for profit ventures, including Innocenti... more With the growing success of internet based collaborative for profit ventures, including Innocentive, VenCorps, Threadless and many others, governments have begun to take notice. Recent public sector initiatives, including, Peer 2 Patent, amongst others, have begun to leverage collaborative internet media through similar means as their for profit cousins. On the basis of the Collective Intelligence Genome framework. which was developed to describe private sector ventures, this study reviewed the recent public sector initiatives launched by the American federal government. Our goal was to examine if, and how, the Genome construct would apply to not for profit ventures intimated by the U.S. federal government. Our findings show that while the model fits generally, some extension was required. Our findings make the case for an expanded genome framework with four new genes to describe public sector ventures. Our study concludes that with the use of these new genes it is possible to apply the Collective Intelligence Genome framework to all existing public sector ventures.
Teaching Documents by Thomas Gegenhuber

Innovationen sind neue, wertvolle Produkte, Dienstleistungen, (Herstellungs-) Prozesse und Geschä... more Innovationen sind neue, wertvolle Produkte, Dienstleistungen, (Herstellungs-) Prozesse und Geschäftsmodelle, die sich in der relevanten Zielgruppe (Markt) durchsetzen. Das Web beeinflusst die aktuelle Innovationsdynamik in zumindest dreierlei Hinsicht: es ist Teil von Innovationen (z.B. Smartphones oder Online-Shopping); es verändert weiters die Entwicklung und Durchsetzung von Innovationen (z.B. virtual Teams oder Online-Marketing) und es ist nicht zuletzt -weil es globale Arbeitsteilung und Markttransparenz erhöht -ein wesentlicher Treiber des steigenden weltweiten Wettbewerbs, der wiederum den Innovationsdruck erhöht. Die VU Webbasierte Innovationen ist als Einladung konzipiert sich vertiefend mit den Mechanismen, Chancen und Gefahren der zunehmenden Bedeutung des World Wide Webs für Innovation auseinanderzusetzen. Ziele Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, die Potenziale des Webs für Innovation selbständig zu reflektieren bzw. kritisch zu hinterfragen und können dabei sowohl anhand von Praxisbeispielen als auch theoriegeleitet argumentieren. Sie verstehen die Auswirkungen und Bedingungen für Kooperation bzw. Wettbewerb im Web und in der Face-to-face Interaktion. Sie wissen, wie das Web innovationsrelevante Strukturen und Prozesse im Inner-und Zwischenbetrieblichen beeinflusst, können die Chancen und Gefahren dieser Wirkungen analysieren und daraus situative Handlungsempfehlungen sowie informierte Vermutungen über beginnende Trends ableiten. Sie können wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur eigenständig rezipieren und kritisch reflektieren; und sie sind in der Lage auf Basis einer selbständigen Literaturrecherche oder eines Praxisbeispiels einen wissenschaftlichen Text zu einer aktuellen Frage des Bereiches Web und Innovation zu verfassen. Inhalt Im Kurs werden folgende Themenkreise bearbeitet: (1) Vorsprechung + Einführung
Papers by Thomas Gegenhuber
Teaching Documents by Thomas Gegenhuber