Papers by Dimitri Prandner
Publizistik, Aug 21, 2023
In recent years, a growing number of initiatives in communication and media research have advocat... more In recent years, a growing number of initiatives in communication and media research have advocated for a "cultural shift" in our discipline toward more open, reproducible, and replicable research practices and better access to infrastructures and shared research resources (cf.
Frontiers in Sociology, May 9, 2023
“We Used to Be Queens and Now We Are Slaves”
Journalism Practice, Oct 1, 2012
Abstract Following Pierre Bourdieu's theory of the social field, we examine how changes in th... more Abstract Following Pierre Bourdieu's theory of the social field, we examine how changes in the media have affected the career strategies, journalistic practice and role images of women and men working in Austrian news media. By employing Bourdieu's theory, ...
Sozialer Survey Österreich – Methodik des Sozialen Survey Österreich 2016
Sozialstruktur und Wertewandel in Österreich, 2018
Im vorliegenden Band diskutierten sechsundzwanzig Autorinnen und Autoren den sozialen und kulture... more Im vorliegenden Band diskutierten sechsundzwanzig Autorinnen und Autoren den sozialen und kulturellen Wandel in Osterreich seit 1986. Solch vielschichtige Analysen und die daraus gezogenen Schlusse erfordern eine entsprechend umfangreiche und qualitativ hochwertige Datenbasis.
Die Paywall-Debatte Erkenntnisse aus internationalen Erfahrungen mit bezahlten Onlineinhalten
Was bleibt vom Wandel?, 2017
Using an Onomastic Approach to Gain Insights from Migrant Groups? Lessons from the Social Survey Austria 2016

7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21), 2021
University lecturers worldwide had to adopt to online teaching at very short notice due to restri... more University lecturers worldwide had to adopt to online teaching at very short notice due to restrictions related to COVID-19. This is a particular challenge for social sciences research methods education, which often requires face-to-face interactions. Data from an online survey of lecturers (n = 105; March 2020) who teach social science methods and methodology at Austrian public universities was used to discuss their adaption behavior and the corresponding determinates. Consequently, a measure for the rate of adaption of teaching materials and methods per lecturer was constructed and a linear regression model employed to discuss the determinants of this adaption. The results show the following: Understanding online teaching as a permanent solution for the future, the extent of an individual’s teaching load and a tenured employment were identified as significant influences fostering the adaption of teaching methods and materials to the online context. The predictors discovered differ...
Social Survey Austria 2016
This is open access data of the Austrian Social Survey 2016 and two modules of the ISSP. The Soci... more This is open access data of the Austrian Social Survey 2016 and two modules of the ISSP. The Social Survey Austria (SSA) 2016 is a representative CAPI study that traces the changes in the attitudes, values and living conditions of the residential population of Austria. It is the fourth wave of a larger research project, that has been conducted since 1986.
Replication Data for: Building a Sampling Frame for Migrant Populations via an Onomastic Approach – Lesson learned from the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016
Immigrants are traditionally seen as hard to survey. Their number is often too small to be analys... more Immigrants are traditionally seen as hard to survey. Their number is often too small to be analysed via data gained in general population surveys, and registers to identify them are often missing or incomplete. Therefore, researchers are forced to use alternatives for sampling. In the case of the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016, an onomastic (name-based) approach was used, establishing a sampling frame in a two-step procedure. This article describes the concept and the implementation of the sampling and evaluates the sample that could be realised.
Medienkarrieren um Umbruch
Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Austrian Immigrat Survey 2016 is a supplementary telephone s... more Full edition for scientific use. The Austrian Immigrat Survey 2016 is a supplementary telephone survey to the main survey of the Social Survey Austria (SSO) 2016. In the supplementary survey, each 300 migrants in Austria from Turkey and former Yugoslavia were interviewed about their living situation. In order to make comparisons with the Austrian population, some of the questions were the same as asked in the SSO main survey.
Lücken schließen und erkenntnisse sichern – AUSSDA als infrastruktureinrichtung für die österreichischen sozialwissenschaften
Sws-rundschau, 2018
Social Survey Austria 2016 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Social Survey Austria (SSA) 2016 is a representative CAPI st... more Full edition for scientific use. The Social Survey Austria (SSA) 2016 is a representative CAPI study that traces the changes in the attitudes, values and living conditions of the residential population of Austria. It is the fourth wave of a larger research project, that has been conducted since 1986.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'18), 2018
The paper addresses the question why people are entering training programs which disseminate know... more The paper addresses the question why people are entering training programs which disseminate knowledge necessary for becoming part of the journalistic profession and how these motives go along with the intention to become a member of the profession. Therefore it draws on data collected among students in journalism related programs in Austria in 2015 (n=352) and tests the linkage between socioeconomic background of the students, their motives for entering a program and how these affect the intention to work in the field of journalism. Factor analysis allowed the identification of four main motives: political and social agency; employment driven; social benefits; and calling/talent. Results show that a) motives for entering a program differ according to the socioeconomic background of the respondents. And b) the intention to work in the field is higher if motives tied to the ideas of agency and calling are reported and lower if employment driven motives are predominant. This leads to ...
Replication Data for: Questions of Quality - Is Data Quality Still Tied to Survey Mode?
The increasing popularity of online surveys in the social sciences led to an ongoing discussion a... more The increasing popularity of online surveys in the social sciences led to an ongoing discussion about mode effects in survey research. The following article tests if commonly discussed mode-effects (e.g. sample differences, data quality; item-non response, social desirability and open-ended question) can indeed be reproduced in a non-experimental mixed-mode study. Using data from two non-full-probabilityrandom samples, collected via an online and face-to-face survey concerning itself with opinions on migration and refugees, most assumptions found in experimental literature can indeed be replicated via research data. Thus, the mode effects need to be accounted for if the usage of mixed-mode designs is necessary, especially if online surveys are involved.
Momentum Quarterly, 2012
Change is one of the constants in the media sector for more than four decades now. And while the ... more Change is one of the constants in the media sector for more than four decades now. And while the structural transformations within the field of mass media and journalism have already been basis of academic research, the situation and inequality that young female journalists are confronted with in Austria has not been described yet. Based on empirical research done by the University of Salzburg in 2010 (Hummel et al. 2010) and employing the theory of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu this article seeks to display both, the structurally existing and the perceived inequality experienced by female journalists, their reasons, and possible answers to these issues.
Ever-Changing Political Narratives? the War on Terror As Carrier for Political Debate in the USA and Austria from 2001 to 2011
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies, 2016
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 2020
Building on the knowledge that Europe is currently experiencing a high level of pessimism about t... more Building on the knowledge that Europe is currently experiencing a high level of pessimism about the future, this article seeks to explain why Austrians view their own future as well as the country’s future with either pessimism or optimism. Both “futures” are often framed differently: A personal one that still seems to be under control and a societal one, which is perceived to be uncontrollable. Thus, social unease is higher than personal unease. Using structural equation modelling and data from the “Sozialer Survey Österreich”, indicators of social integration were found to be influential predictors. Results furthermore indicate an underlying explanation, tied to perceptions of societal malaise vs societal wellbeing, driving the opinions on the future in specific directions.
Journalism Practice, 2019

Journalism Studies, 2016
For two decades, convergence culture has been an important motivator for change in journalism wor... more For two decades, convergence culture has been an important motivator for change in journalism worldwide. Journalism research has followed these developments, investigating the dimensions of change that define convergence as a cultural shift in the newsroom. Research in the European context has mostly been comprised of national case studies of flagship media outlets whereas comparative, let alone quantitative, studies are scarce. In response to these shortcomings, we present a comparative survey among newspaper journalists in managerial positions on convergence strategies in newsrooms from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, and Portugal. Results show that there is still a dominant print culture present in newsrooms across Europe; however, a shift toward convergence journalism is evident in the strategic implementation of editorial routines and practices as well as in the encouragement of journalists to join convergence developments. Furthermore, newsrooms in Mediterranean countries are more advanced than those in North/Central Europe when it comes to embracing convergence culture because of a stronger audio-visual than print news tradition and a higher motivation among journalists. Our study reveals that after two decades of European convergence journalism, cultural change moves slowly but steadily toward a news production that makes use of the possibilities emerging from convergence.
Papers by Dimitri Prandner