Another video about Umineko since it's damn easy to fit Umineko manga scenes to Vocaloid songs... there's plenty of Vocaloid songs who can be remade in Umineko style... (*sighs* I wish it was the same with TB/X).
In case you don't remember what Umineko is...
Umineko starts as a visual novel, but, for the first 4 arcs exists a also anime (not really great... -_-) and the 8 arc are being transposed into manga version, a
manga for each arc. The manga versions are much better than the anime but sadly the manga hadn't been finished yet.
So yes, if you want to get into Umineko read the visual novel. The English patch for all the games has been finished and although the art isn't pretty the music is great.
Anyway, back to the MMV... this time it's a remake of some sort of the vocaloid video "Yumekui Shirokuro Baku" which heavy focus on Sayo.
Generally I leave the video up to the viewers' interpretation but, in this case, I'll clarify some things.
Although technically the scenes depicted Battler, the one with the cape isn't Battler but Black Battler. You can recognize him from the red eyes (I've kept Battler's eyes blue) and the fact that clothes have a purplish colour, opposed to the fact I've kept Battler's one having a reddish tinge.
Metaphorically speaking he represents Sayo's fantasy.
In my interpretation of the video Sayo began abandoning herself to fantasy as a way to cope with the things that went wrong with her life, ence she started being visited by the Yumekui who 'ate' the bad things to replace them with pretty dreams. It starts tame enough with her seeing Battler as the prince of her dreams who'll take her away (when actually Battler is just a kid with a crush on her but no power whatsoever to save her, at least not at the moment), but this dream crashes over as Battler leaves the Ushiromiya and, as she also gets uncomfortable with the status of her body, she ends up unable to handle the situation. So the Yumekai again replaces her current unpleasant reality with a dream in which she's Beatrice, a beautiful witch from whom Battler would surely return. Sayo though lost control of her dreams and begins to wish for more and more.
However she ends up discovering the truth about herself and this shatter not only her dreams but her as well.
The Yumekai comes to help her again and she tries to go back to her old, true dreams, for Battler to return, marry her, live with her and them having a baby but her dreams keeps crashing down. Now that she knows the truth she can't dream anymore.
She however keeps thinking that the Yumekai will help her but when he comes to her again it turns out this won't be the case. The Yumekai had eaten the bad things in her life, replacing it with pretty dreams, but ultimately, because she lulled herself in her dreams and didn't make anything to turn her into reality, they become nothing else but other food for the Yumekai.
Unable to dream anymore Sayo returns to her original form as the Yumekai reveals itself for being nothing else but an illusion created by Lambda (which represents her certainity that she won't be happy in reality ence her escaping into a fantasy words). There will be no miracles that will change what she is, and she can't accept this truth (which is why Bern, witch of miracle, and Erika, witch of truth, laughs of her along with Lambda).
Tormented by the fact she has no more dreams, she's certain she won't be happy, that no miracle will save her and that she can't accept this truth, Sayo loses herself and...
... and technically the video was supposed to end here as this song isn't supposed to have a happy ending but... but I couldn't bear it so... so Battler, the real one, finally returns to offer her his support and this is enough to allow her return dreaming... (her eyes that from blue went grey return blue)... and this could be the end...
But I couldn't resist letting viewers trying to interpret something so do your pick on what the very last scene, with Sayo smiling with her eyes close means.
Is she just happy? Was the happy ending again a dream given to her by the Yumekai? Did she still couldn't bear reality and so killed herself (as the Umineko ending seems to imply) but died happy because Battler returned for her? Something else? Do your pick.
Last but not least viewers might have noticed that 'dreams' have the shapes of Kakera. It seemed fitting as in a way dreams are a world/reality of their own.
"Umineko no Naku Koro ni" by Ryukishi07, 07th Expansion & Square Enix
Scenes from:"Legend of the Golden Witch" by Natsumi Kei
"Turn of the Golden Witch" by Suzuki Jiro
"Banquet of the Golden Witch" by Natsumi Kei
"Alliance of the Golden Witch" by Soichiro
"End of the Golden Witch" by Aki Taka
"Dawn of the Golden Witch" by Momoyama Hinase
"Requiem of the Golden Witch" by Mizuno Eita
"Twilight of the Golden Witch" by Natsumi Kei
"Tsubasa" by Ito Fumi
Cast:Kagamine Ren (Black Battler),
No singing role (Yasuda Sayo)
No singing role (Ushiromiya Battler)
No singing role (Lambdadelta)
No singing role (Bernkastel)
No singing role (Furudo Erika)
Also many thanks to
abydos_star for her precious help!
The song I used is of course
'Yumekui Shirokuro Baku' by Kagamine Len
Help in improving this would be greatly apprecciated...
( Lyrics... if you're curious...Collapse )( The much more beautiful 'Yumekui Shirokuro Baku' that inspired this MMVCollapse )