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Papers by rashik bhasin
to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other
programs and applications are Programming Tools, Which
if produces accurate, meticulous and swift results can lead
to Good Quality Error Free Code. This paper proposed the
Online Code Editor that was created for Beginners,
Programmers Designers or Developers who want to code
programs On the Go without use of a Dedicated Software
Installed having Full Portability and Transferability. It
based on web application running on the Private cloud
computing. Editor Features are built on programming
languages like, e.g. HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. The
editor isolate’s programming languages by highlighting
syntax of programs. Users are able to create new files,
import/export files. Moreover, Save On Site and Dropbox
(Dropbox Api), Clear etc. are the additional functions of
the editor. In this research of the text editor
development, the open source software called, "Ace Cloud9
Editor" was used for some functions such as Clear and
Syntax highlight. The experimental results indicated that
the proposed editor can be practically used on Private
cloud computing. Moreover, the comparison of the
features among the proposed editor running on Private
cloud and other Cloud Available Services like Ideone,
Brackets, Compiler, PasteBin, Codepad, Codeanywhere and
others like Notepad++ and Sublime which running on
personal computers, were summarized.
to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other
programs and applications are Programming Tools, Which
if produces accurate, meticulous and swift results can lead
to Good Quality Error Free Code. This paper proposed the
Online Code Editor that was created for Beginners,
Programmers Designers or Developers who want to code
programs On the Go without use of a Dedicated Software
Installed having Full Portability and Transferability. It
based on web application running on the Private cloud
computing. Editor Features are built on programming
languages like, e.g. HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. The
editor isolate’s programming languages by highlighting
syntax of programs. Users are able to create new files,
import/export files. Moreover, Save On Site and Dropbox
(Dropbox Api), Clear etc. are the additional functions of
the editor. In this research of the text editor
development, the open source software called, "Ace Cloud9
Editor" was used for some functions such as Clear and
Syntax highlight. The experimental results indicated that
the proposed editor can be practically used on Private
cloud computing. Moreover, the comparison of the
features among the proposed editor running on Private
cloud and other Cloud Available Services like Ideone,
Brackets, Compiler, PasteBin, Codepad, Codeanywhere and
others like Notepad++ and Sublime which running on
personal computers, were summarized.