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      European StudiesRefugee StudiesEuropean UnionBible
The video with the killing of Mohammad Afrazul by Shambhunath Raigar in cold blood, without any immediate motivation or excuse, is a watershed moment in the new-age social-media-driven communal crime in India. Where all such hate crime... more
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      TerrorismViolenceIndian studiesSocial Media
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseEdward Morgan ForsterEthics and Politics of Friendship
This paper reads The Longest Journey to glean the instructive and to discuss the relevance of E. M. Forster for contemporary India, especially in its impact on the university. As it explicates the implications of Forster's writing for the... more
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      Edward Morgan ForsterAcademiaUniversityAcademy
Review of The Nine Chambered Heart by Janice Pariat
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      AestheticismContemporary Indian English Fiction
Critical Survey of books in English on Urdu literature and review of A Thousand Yearnings (Speaking Tiger, 2017) by Ralph Russell and The Evolution of Ghalib (Rupa, 2017) by Hasan Abdullah.
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      Translation StudiesUrdu LiteratureHindi/UrduTranslation
A critical reading of the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex with a focus on the protagonist as a ruler overseeing a city under a plague, is illuminating for our times. The role and responsibility displayed by Oedipus can be compared and... more
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      Greek TragedyCivil Society and the Public SphereSophoclesCivil Society
The fact that the main protagonist of Musharraf Ali Farooqi’s latest fictive offering is the historical figure of the polymath scholar, Zakariya Qazwini, indicates many of Farooqi’s predilections and concerns for The Merman and the Book... more
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Scholarship on Indian theatre has focused on colonial theatrical culture, theatre's allegiance to the national project, forms of institutionalization and, most crucially, critiquing the urban relationship to folk and traditional... more
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      Cultural PolicyTheatre HistoryCultural PoliticsContemporary Theatre
Our article attempts to problematize the relations between the politics of performance, media and disappearance. We propose that performance is both constituted and challenged by our heavily mediatized present. We address performances... more
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheoryPerformance StudiesMaking Theatre Politically
Education scholar Tyson E. Lewis draws from Jacques Rancière's notion of politics as a distribution of the sensible when he states that 'all education is. .. an aesthetic experience that teaches us both to see and to unsee, to hear and to... more
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      Performance ResearchCurationCritical Performance PedagogyCross Cultural Research
This essay is a reflection on three theatre productions staged at Serendipity Arts Festival, Goa, 2017: Quality Street, performed and directed by Maya Krishna Rao, Faezeh Jalali’s Shikhandi: The story of the In-Betweens, and Harold... more
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      ComedyContemporary TheatrePerformance AnalysisSite Specific Performance
Everyday acts of resilience of ordinary women do not necessarily aim to overthrow existing hierarchies and gendered oppressions. The article proposes a renewed understanding of resistance and in doing so, attempts to recover and recast... more
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      ResilienceResistance (Social)VulnerabilityFeminist Research Methods
Our paper lays out an experiential account of walking the city, an otherwise mundane everyday act, as a performative action. The specific act of walking that this paper examines is part of a series of performance actions titled ‘Women... more
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      Walking (Art)Space and Time (Philosophy)Feminist Research MethodsPerformance Research
Performing Silence: Women in the Group Theatre Movement in Bengal. By Trina Nileena Bannerjee. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, . Pp. xxv + . ₹ Hb.
Reviewed by Gargi Bharadwaj, Jindal Global University, [email protected]
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      Theatre HistoryPerformance StudiesFeminist Research MethodsTheatre Theory
Our article focuses on the farmers’ protests, one of the longest sets of protests in independent India (September 2020 - December 2021). Indian farmers carried out an arduous protest movement on the borders of the nation’s capital, New... more
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      LegitimacyPerformanceCivil disobedienceSolidarity
Co-opting our cities for short-term ends can leave them brutalized and breathless. Theatre practitioner and performance-studies scholar Gargi Bharadwaj considers New Delhi’s key events from 2023 and the redemptive power of live... more
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      Urban GeographyFeminist TheoryUrban HistoryTheater and Performance Studies
An Introduction to the principle of Skepticism in Philosophy.
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A Research Report on Human Trafficking (Largely Based on Reports from South and West Asia).
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      SociologyEconomicsInternational RelationsHuman Rights
Animal Farm by George Orwell has inspired many ideas, incorporating many Sociological and Political Themes that cover large time periods (of the past). An analysis of how society revolves on its system of hierarchy, considering Animal... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy