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The terms ‘Drama’ and ‘Theatre’ are synonyms not only for the common man, but for many a learned too. Though the masters of theatre try hard to differentiate one from the other, they try to remain inseparable - one is impossible without... more
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    • Drama and theatre studies
The play is made up of everyday life activities. The place where the action takes place is defined as the stage. Drama is the best of human language that uses verbal and physical devices to reflect life. The stage is seen as a process... more
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      Drama In EducationApplied Drama/Theatre
The mass media is one of the major influencing forces in society today. The overflow of information disseminated by mass media has been increasing day by day which would be nearly impossible to measure. Media messages bombard every... more
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    • Journalism And Mass communication
Dramas deal with the present issues in the society. They are the models to discuss with the public to disclose the subject matter to make a clear understanding by the public or readers. "Agniperumoochi" Drama is a evinces on the... more
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      Drama In EducationApplied Drama/TheatreDrama and Theatre
Thevananth Thevanayagam is the Founder and Director of the Active Theatre Movement, a fast-growing and popular theatre troupe in the Northern Province. He and fellow theatre lovers in the north have worked hard over the years to... more
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    • Theatre Arts
Theatre of Jaffna speaks about post-war theatre activities in Jaffna ,Srilanka.
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    • Drama In Education
Drama relates to visual action that its capital. Therefore, the spectators are attracted towards the theatre. Mean time actors are the capital of theatre performances. Nowadays Modern Tamil theatre is trained non-actors, several of those... more
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துணிவு சிறுவர் நாடகங்கள்

நான்சி பரன் எழுதிய  குட்டியானைதுணிவு பெறுகிறது என்ற கதையை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டு எழுதப்படட நாடகம்

செயல் திறன் அரங்க இயக்கம்
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      Theatre for ChildrenChildren's Play
Book Speaks about Nallur Drama Festival 2015, collection of Articles and five Tamil DRama Scripts
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    • Drama and Theater
In 2003 North Srilanka had a Landmine problem, Those who resettled their own villages had the problem of the landmine. This drama was created for the awareness raising purpose and staged more than 120 times in schools.
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    • Drama and Theater
Children Drama script speaks about year five sholarship in Srilanka
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    • Drama and theatre studies
Art and culture speak of social problems. An Artist is expected to stir upon seeing the degraded state of the others. The performing art of drama has an Extraordinary skill to attract people. It could be said that, when an artist made of... more
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பிலிப்பைன்ஸ நாட்டின்; தலைநகர் மணிலாவிலிருந்து 1976 தொடக்கம் தமிழ் சேவை ஒலிபரப்பு நடைபெற்று வந்திருக்கிறது. மணிலாவில் தமிழர்கள் வசிப்பதில்லை இருப்பினும் தொலைவில் உள்ள தமிழ் நேயர்களுக்காக வெரித்தாஸ் தமிழ் சேவை ஒலிபரப்பு நடைபெற்று... more
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    • Radio Journalism
Is in play. The play is made up of everyday life activities. The place where the action takes place is defined as the stage. Drama is the best of human language that uses verbal and physical devices to reflect life.The stage is seen as a... more
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Theatrical performances are not real, but a unique creation of real-life, It consists of two aspects, which are visual (Optical) and audible (acoustic). Both aspects take place in performing time and make a dramatic piece of real life. It... more
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The theatre is a reflection of social reality. Theatre can be described as man's weapon for change and self-realization as he struggles to overcome the forces that are hostile to him in order to survive. The theater draws people’s... more
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      Social WorkJournalismTheatre Arts
In Sri Lanka in 2002, the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the help of the Norwegian government. The long civil war that followed came to a temporary... more
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    • Experimental Theatre
During wartime in Sri Lanka, there had a lot of children's theatre activities took place in the Northern part of Srilanka. That all such works were documented by different authors in this Special Issue
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    • Children's Theatre
This issue discussing  Applied Theatre, Children's Theatre & women's theatre which were practiced in North Srilanka during the war
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      Applied Drama/TheatreWomen in the TheatreChildren's Theatre
This issue speaks about the mine awareness program in Nothern Srilanka, as a theatre for the development
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      Applied Drama/TheatreTheatre for Development