University of Jaffna, Srilanka
English Language Teaching center
The paper introduces the concepts of teacher training and teacher development and gives examples of these. It describes the three models of teacher training: applied science, craft and reflective model. An attempt is made to compare two... more
This paper deals with the impact on the acquisition of English in the English medium classes in Jaffna and analyses the different perspectives of the stakeholders involved in the English medium classes. Methodology and the tools used for... more
This paper makes an attempt to discuss some concepts of second language acquisition and classroom research. When a teacher is aware of the basics of second language acquisition and classroom research, second language teaching and learning... more
he Literati is the scholarly journal of English literature and English language with a wide range of interests. Emphasis is on interpretative evaluation and fresh readings of authors and texts to be offered in light of newly discovered... more
He also has a certificate in TESL from Toronto District school Board , Canada. He has over 12 years of experience of teaching and has taught English proficiency, ESP and communication courses. His research interests include borrowings,... more
This paper tries to cover some basic issues related to second language acquisition and examines the process of learning and using a second language. The affective factors that underlie language learning and use will be introduced and... more
This paper deals with idioms (idioms are multi-word units believed to be mentally stored and retrieved as single units like collocations, phrasal verbs) and their importance in language teaching. In this study, an attempt is made to look... more
This article is an outcome of a mini research conducted among 15 primary teachers who are currently teaching English at the primary level in the state funded schools in Kathmandu in Nepal. Basically, it deals with the deplorable condition... more
According to Sri Lankan education system, English is taught from grade one to grade thirteen as a compulsory subject. However the competency level of English is declining in the areas that confronted the conflict especially in Jaffna... more
Monsoons and Potholes" by ManukaWijesinghe is a saga that takes the reader through the first twenty years of her life, struggling with growing pain analogous to Sri Lanka's turbulent politics. As the last of the trilogy, this book has... more
This paper describes different components of adult learning relevant to teacher education programmes. Since teachers are by default considered as adult learners, understanding these components is necessary to designing any successful and... more