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the Jewtunes project

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Hey Gang [Nov. 1st, 2005|05:59 pm]
the Jewtunes project

Hey gang!

מה נישמה?
I need some help. Anyone interested in volunteering for the JewTUNES Project and helping get it back on its feet needs to email me as soon as possible. There are many positions available, and there are no geographical restrictions for help. If you'd like to help promote pluralism, Jewish and Israeli music in America, WE NEED YOU!

You can email my LJ, and I'll get back to you. Looks like my email went with the paid account I let lapse (I'm away for the year, so did I really need it? Lo, lo, lo, chaverim sheli), so if you don't mind responding in an comment with your email, I'll screen them and get back to you. Looking forward to getting the project back together! Todah rabah and I hope you're having a great year so far.
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(no subject) [Jun. 7th, 2005|08:39 pm]
the Jewtunes project
i really miss the stream, is there any chance of it coming back any time soon?
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New Mods! [May. 19th, 2005|06:23 pm]
the Jewtunes project

Please give a huge round of applause for your new mods, ramahnikusyer and creativecstasy!!

Let's hope they can breath some life into this community. There's no reason why this can't be a lively discussion for music lovers, both Jewish and Israeli. There's tons of information out there on the web, but we don't always know where to find it, and in the case of Israeli music, it's often in Hebrew. Let's make this into the number one community and discussion group for Jewish/Israeli music by far!
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(no subject) [May. 2nd, 2005|04:39 pm]
the Jewtunes project

Hey everyone!

Your friendly moderator here. I need to step down as moderator of this community, so I really need someone to take over and really shake this place up. Do you want to be group mod? Will you be an active contributer and get others to do the same? Just reply to this message and let me know. Todah!
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Shabbat Shalom [Feb. 11th, 2005|05:43 pm]
the Jewtunes project

What you were waiting for? Is now on the jewTUNES Main news page.. Consider it a Shabbas present, enjoy. :)

edit; since matt's server has gone down, here is the text in full:
Shalom v'baruchim haba'im!

Hello and welcome to the jewTUNES Project! If you're new and wondering just what exactly is going on, sit tight, all will be explained in due time. If you've been around the block and back with us and are looking for an explanation, it's on it's way.

It's been an excellent first year for JTP filled with practically all firsts. We really had no preconceived anything for the station despite direction, so anything was up for grabs and we could more or less do anything we wanted. We hope to take what we've established in the last year and add to it, new innovations and ideas to have a more solid product come this time next year.

Two weeks ago, on January 28th, JTP officially turned one year old and if we were going to use the baby analogy, we had to walk before we could run, which we plan to right out of the gate (that was the worst jumbled mess of clichés and analogies I've seen in a while, oy)! Over that year, our enigmatic baby gained a sort of cult-like following with several groups popping up all over the place (even ones none of us here at the station started, but rather ones started by fans like you) dedicated to fans of the station.

What exactly is the jewTUNES Project? and what will it become in the next year? Simply, it will be a full-fledged radio station by this time next year. Full-fledged means everything from round the clock music to contest giveaways and whatnot. We've moved into some temporary offices and will soon have actual studio space we'll be leasing from a local college. Our music library will boom, yet we'll be fine-tuning our personal sound. We don't want to alienate you guys, after all!

What this means for us in the next couple weeks. We'll be up Tuesdays and Thursdays until we move into the new studio, and after that, we'll be up 24/7 with automation on Shabbat and in the wee hours of the morning. A new website is in the works, as well, so be on the search for that. Just know that big things are coming!

We want you to have a station you can be proud of.

You have my personal promise that we will never go off the air for a month at a time, or at anytime (unless there's a huge huge huge huge huge huge storm and our internet connection goes out, we're only human, but even then we'll work hard to reroute the broadcast so that you can still hear it) for that matter. There's nothing I can really say about what happened in the last two months besides that we dropped the ball. Plain and simple,[i]we schmucked up.[/i]

If there's anything we can do to make the station better for you, you just let us know. We're going to try to introduce (at the very least) one new feature per month. At the [i]least[/i]. We'd love to do more than that.
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JEWTUNES is BACK !!!!! [Feb. 1st, 2005|07:28 pm]
the Jewtunes project

[Current Mood |ecstaticecstatic]

Hey Guys,

I bring good news JTP is now streaming!!! Listen or Carly will stop there are only like 6 people listing at the moment.
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(no subject) [Jan. 10th, 2005|03:17 pm]
the Jewtunes project

is the jewtunes site gone? i just get an error message every time i try to reach it. i've been without a computer for a while so i haven't really had a chance to listen in a looong time.
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(no subject) [Jan. 10th, 2005|06:56 am]
the Jewtunes project

[Current Mood |coldcold]

So, I posted a few days ago about a song called Kemo Kofim.
Well, with a few peoples help I realize I had the wrong name of the song.
I can't find Hayladim Koftzim on limewire, but I think I found an mp3 online. Only problem, its some weird format. Anyone know how to get this to work?

i swear, i will love you FOREVER

you guys are GREAT!!
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(no subject) [Jan. 4th, 2005|10:30 pm]
the Jewtunes project

this may be the complete wrong place to ask it, but this was the only community having to do with israeli music that seemed pretty active.
I was wondering if anyone knew or has heard of the song "kemo kofim.' i go to jewish camp and we have a dance to that song and i have been trying to find it for months. I am utterly obsessed with it. If anyone has any idea of where i can find it, i'd love you forever.
thanks --Alix
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Merry Giftmas ;) [Dec. 25th, 2004|03:08 pm]
the Jewtunes project

[Current Music |Gotta Get Thru This (Garage Nation Remix) -Daniel Beddingfield]

Bummed because Shabbat wouldn't let you buy Chinese food and go to movies this year? Give yourself some Holiday Cheer with the jewTUNES Project's 1st Annual "Tongue in Cheek Christmas Party." All requests, all fun, all night! You definitely don't want to miss this.

Make your requests now at the AIM screen name, Jewtunes.

Chat in our specially made chatroom: click here
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