
The All-New Jetpack: Let’s See How You React

Jetpack 4.3 is coming out next week! It’s the culmination of thousands of hours of work from dozens of talented engineers and designers. The Jetpack admin interface has been completely rethought and rebuilt from the ground up using the React.js JavaScript library. At Automattic, we firmly believe that JavaScript is the future of WordPress, so we worked hard to showcase the power and beauty of a JavaScript-driven design within your WordPress Dashboard. fourpointthree We’re really proud of what we’ve built, and we’d like you to weigh in on this change before we ship our big update. Please sign up to be a Jetpack Beta Tester and install the beta plugin today, which will let you run Jetpack 4.3 right away. If you’re a theme or plugin developer, please test it alongside your products to make sure that there aren’t any compatibility issues. If you’re a hosting provider, please try it out on your infrastructure and see how it works. If you’re a user, give it a spin and let us know what your experience is. Your feedback is extremely important to us. You can send feedback through our Beta feedback form or opening a new issue on our GitHub repository. Thank you helping us continue to improve Jetpack!
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Jetpack News

Carolyn S. profile
Carolyn S.

Bacon bacon bacon!

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  1. Luke Cavanagh says:

    Really like the new beta, very clean UI and very easy to use.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Alexander S. Kunz says:

    If the screenshot is any indication of what’s coming, I’m actually NOT looking forward to it. The information density and today/yesterday comparisons on the existing (old) stats page are EXCELLENT and the new “” style stats are rather useless by comparison.

    Running some wp.COM hosted blogs as well, I’d also like to add that I switch back to the old WP Admin interface EVERY time I need to almost -anything- on those blogs.

    Sorry if that sounds rather negative; I hope you have enough testing and data to support a switch to a different design. I for one am not keen on seeing it happen. Sorry again. :-/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy says:

      Thanks for the feedback!

      You can rest assured: the old stats aren’t going away. You’ll still have the option to use the old stats, or the new ones if you want to give it a try.

      Since you’ve also sent us an email with some more detailed feedback about the new Stats page, we’ll address your questions there.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. tefotv says:

    Please add a feature for hide website field from jetpack comment system

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ivo says:

    why the css is unnecessarily filled with modules which I have not activated ? (for example carousel)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ajmch says:

    WSoD with Jetpack 4.3. Had to delete the folder. Where can I find a copy of 4.2.2?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Jing Lou says:

    My website uses the Expound theme and five plugins including Akismet, Jetpack, Most Popular Tags, TablePress and WP Super Cache. Now the version of Jetpack is 4.2.2. However, if I update it to 4.3, my website is down and occurs the error of HTTP 500.
    I do not know whether the version 4.3 is incompatible with my current theme or plugins.
    Thanks for your helps.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. zipster31 says:

    4.3 is not working. Dashboard page says “Error fetching static.html.” Does not publisise to Facebook either.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Preschian F. (@preschian) says:

    Hello jeremy,

    I’m rebuild my site using ReactJS so the page full JS (single page app)
    i love stats from jetpack, how to sync my reactjs page with jetpact stats?
    because after i rebuild using reactjs the stats getting 0

    this is the source for my website


    Liked by 2 people