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I m s.exy? Here are my erotic photos here

How do you save with the mokia phone in episode 2?? I have tried everything. It wont let me open up the menu option with it. Im on mobile (android)

estará en español?

First, love the "7 dirty words you cant say on radio" reference.

I'm only on episode 3, but I'm pretty hooked right now. Great characters amazingly fluid animations.

(1 edit)

when will episode 8 come?

nobody frigging knows..........

¿Está en español



Does and anyone know how to continue going with Riley when you are at here house?


I believe you have to trust her, and have high enough affection.



you must have assertive at least 14(can get points with various dialogues options with every girl) and also have at least 5 relation points just by trusting her you get 3.



Jestur (respectively) man, you cooked with this one... Another masterpiece... Even though it's not finished yet, I'll give this a solid 9/10

He's got more out there?

(1 edit)

nah, I'm referring to those AVNs that can rival this... Or maybe even surpassed this... Still 9/10


is there pregnancy content? <3

As of yet, no. I believe it might be planned for later. Don't quote me on that though, cuz I'm not the dev.


Damn, didn't know it's the Type of game that I hate to play but didn't realize sooner hahahaha.

-I don't eat leftovers


Bro, I haven't gotten this into a game for awhile. The character designs, the plot, everything has been on point. I hope it continues because I need to know what happens to everyone in the end. Great job! Let's keep it going!

Its good to know that the author is alive.

-says by the comment


My first VN and love it. Still don't know what (or who) I'm doing but love it. So please expect thicko questions from me, like what is a hidden render? 

items in background that you click, then you get an image of one of the girls. Pay close attention to the background as you play. (Like Jess peeking the first time you meet Skylar)


Honestly Left me wanting more. Great game good detail, good plot. Its a very good game.


Almost 7 months since last update. When can we expect the next one jes? Not trying to sound too impatient, I know it takes time to put out a good product.


he does have a discord where you get regular updates on the next one


acording to said discord right now hes about 70%ish done with ep 8


Great thanks

one question for me it’s about the item when i choose to not buried why he still get those from the locker ? I thought he bring it back instant

wooooooooooowwwweee!!!!!!!!!! I want more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi,i have a question,is "ripples" still being created or has it been abandoned,according to google its finished but doesn't have an ending,just curious it has been great so far,total "edge of my seat", I have only found three visual novels that have had me this excited for the next update but one of them got abandoned so I'm just checking to see if this one is still going. If so,awesome...if not then that sucks but hey stuff happens,I just would like to know so I don't get my hopes up and then find out later that I've been waiting for something that isn't going to happen...thanks from a huge fan


Its not abandoned, theres just fairly large gaps between updates. Also what was the other visual novel that got abandoned?

nevermore is the abandoned one ,and awesome to hear that ripples isn't abandoned,it's an awesome story thank you for letting me know


(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

Unsure if you thought about this in the longrun or not, but just in case you didn't, I'm hoping to get some sort of credit for this amazing idea(in the off chance you decide to impliment this)...


When you go back to see younger Scarlet and you two have "fun" in bed, and the options to pull out or do it inside are shown, if you decide to do it inside, what if the possibility of HEAVILY altering the timeline In the present occurs because you caused Scarlet to give birth sooner than the original Scarlet and the two redhead sisters have an older sibling because of the protagonist? I decided to pull out when I was given that option just because I was concerned I would ruin the timeline if I didn't. Just an idea concept for you to ponder(if you haven't already, also let it be known I'm not really a big fan of pregnancy nor have a fetish for that kind of stuff, but it WAS a good idea, just figured I'd reemphasize that for the story's sake)


This is amazing

ive unlocked everything in the gallery except for the one on page 7 on the top right any tips?


we need Chinese

(1 edit) (+1)

hands down the #1 VN i have ever played. Feels like a actual million dollar series. Rooting for your success mate :)



Recommend Eternum if you haven't already played it then, chief. Both this and that are great VN's. o7

I have played it already! thanks for the suggestion tho :)

Ye Ye, no problem, chief 🫡

I really love Ripples too. I seem to binge every update. Have you played Leap of Faith yet? You can find it on Steam. It's one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. Best part is there is no longer a wait for updates. It's complete.

no i haven't thanks for the suggestion mate :)

So wait, is the sex scene with Khloe unavoidable? I chose every option I could to establish I wasn't interested and it still happened.

I believe so, because it's one of the "past" scenes and so doesn't have much affect on the main story.  But i might be wrong.

if u burried the gem u will have to ser it


Based AF! My first and still my favorite VN. 


LMMFAO!!! you did not use the Jenny 8675309 joke!! gold!!!

I don't get it. What Jenny 8675309 joke?


Tommy Tutone song.


EP7 came out 6 months ago. Happy half anniversary?


Honestly very good, i spent most of my last 2 days playing through these first 7 episodes and i can't wait for more


I can't wait to play episode 8 I hope it comes out very soon


where is the guide on installing it on android

Existe traducción al español? La verdad lo agradecería mucho, me gustaría vivir está experiencia por primera vez

si hay pero es un parche no oficial, solo buscalo por internet, puedes hacerlo poniendo ripples en español para pc o algo asi y solo descarga el parche y metelo al archivo del juego y ya 

(1 edit) (+7)(-2)

MC totally nocking up chicks in 1999 and banging his offspring in the present right? lmfao Just met Luna and the weird freakout when she seen him.

EDIT: This was said more as a joke and everyone seems to be losing their shit... 

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

That's what I am hoping too! But so far, we don't know anything. Maybe Jestur will be too scared to incorporate something like that in case he scares of people who does not want to read about incest.


Its a slippery slope incest is okay with sister for a lot of people but not with ones child...frankly only sick people want to sleep with their own child...mentally sick...who should be locked up in a mental institution for life


Sure, but this is fiction. Further, the guy does not know nor has been living with/raising the kid and are the SAME age, which could not even happen in real life!


I get that...but just because it's fiction does not make it right....some boundaries you do not cross some may not mind but a lot of people like me will probably stop just would be weird and gross


I think youre a minority in that take bro.


If it does have incest, it's just a story, it's not like we would go out and try to get it on with our real kids. It's wrong in real life yes, but as a story, don't you want to immerse yourself in the story? Just a little bit of fantasy

(2 edits)

People are too easily influenced by words

IMO, the Dev has full reign to Create what they want, since it's their game, and therefore if they create something that will negatively impact their reputation, let it be known it was their full responsibility.

This goes for EVERY dev, not just this one, so If people play this game, knowing what they're getting into and people still find reasons to complain, can't say it's the dev's fault, yeah?

Then again, IT IS JUST IMO -._-.

It's just fiction brother, not REAL characters, get over it. if you don't like it, don't read it nor play it.

If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't. Don't harass the dev nor the players. T^T (Btw, I'm not directing this towards you Limelayer, just replying off your comment so people will see it)


I dont think thats the case, MC can only go back 20 years, but a lot of characters are 18. It's definetly possible but I personally dont believe in that theory.

Incest isn't allowed by Patreon, so that's a no.

(1 edit) (+1)

You sure about that? Tales From The Unending Void is on there...

Ask on the Discord, if you like. I'm just repeating what I saw written there.

Iltimos! menga "gallery" dagi barchasini ochishni kim o'rgatadi, ayniqsa yashirin gallerydagi, oldindan raxmat



This story is awesome.  Amazing animations and renders are beautiful.  It hits all the marks for a sexual interactive story.  It makes me think I should abandon my own work on 'Catherina Alone by NCTinman' to figure out more advanced methods. This Fantastic story is well worth a download.

Any news on the update yet?


this game have Chinese translate? owo


Does it has?



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