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Extremely difficult to move the sections that go up/down


I found a bug in the first level that allows very strange tracks

Cool! :)


this game isnt bad, but it has too little levels. It also has no fast foward button. because of that, one of the levels i had doing nothing for over 2 minutes. The levels could also be a bit easier. other than that, its a great game. 7/10

this game is broken

Deleted 3 years ago

It is not made for phones.

could use some polish, but it works well for a game jam game.

i completed level 4 and 3

(3 edits)

There's no level select (Meaning that you restart when you exit), tracks randomly disappear when you pick them up, tracks get stuck on roads so you have no choice but to restart, having a track fall off the table is a restart, and moving your mouse too fast causes the track to drop, usually off the edge of the table or on a road. Good idea, but poor quality. 4/10.


Also, the 4th level, with three stations, is impossible.

Watch the video.


its not

for the 4th lever there is not enough track to complete the loop

the train is having a mental breakdown lel



There should be option to toggle music.

too laggy on a laptop


Bottom right


and sometimes you cant beat a lvl

good game! but somtimes you cant pick up the tracks


for me the 3th level was impossible because of the tracks that wouldn't fit correctly.
For the rest great game


Same thing happened to me, I had to overlap tracks, which made the train separate from everything else. And there was a glitch where the train would only pick up one person from a station, or not drop anyone off at their correct station.

Deleted 4 years ago

Nice game, cute artwork, theme and animation.

Unfortunately I had the same as ArtOfProgramming; in the level with 3 stations (red, green, blue) the stations are distanced incorrectly it seems - when you use the rail snap there's always a gap or overlap (which I assume is bad). I've tried to use several combinations curved segments, short straight and long straight tracks but with the same result. If overlap is acceptable, please add a message or text in the tutorial? Same if there's a button to adjust the length of a track segment.

Another thing: The background music is pretty loud and very repetitive so it gets on your nerves really quickly. An option to adjust the volume or mute the music would be appreciated. 

(1 edit)

it works fine for me, but the 4th level i have problems

Such a cute game. The train tracks that go over the river are a bit fiddly with their movement boxes, but otherwise it worked well. I could see this being a full length game. 


I like TRAINZZ!!!!!



