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Interferon-related developmental regulator 1 (IFRD1) is a viral responsive gene associated with interferon gamma. Herein, we identified the IFRD1 gene (EaIFRD1) from red-spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara), eval uated its transcriptional... more
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Membrane-associated Ring-CH 5 (MARCH5) is a mitochondrial E3 ubiquitin ligase playing a key role in the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics. In mammals, MARCH5 negatively regulates mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein... more
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Coral reefs are declining worldwide due to increased incidence of climate-induced coral bleaching, which will have widespread biodiversity and economic impacts. A simple method to measure the sub-bleaching level of heat-light stress... more
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      Coral ReefsMultidisciplinaryLightPLoS one
1. The Chagos Archipelago was designated a no-take marine protected area (MPA) in 2010; it covers 550 000 km 2 , with more than 60 000 km 2 shallow limestone platform and reefs. This has doubled the global cover of such MPAs.
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesSheppardM. Ateweberhan
A new shallow-water species, Polycyathus chaishanensis sp. nov. (Scleractinia: Caryophylliidae), from Chaishan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Zoological Studies 51(2): 213-221. A small population of a new species of zooxanthellate scleractinian... more
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    • Zoology
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      Earth SciencesCoral ReefsBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
The scale and intensity of marine cage culture have increased in the Asian-Pacific region, particularly in oligotrophic waters where coral reef organisms flourish. In this study, the influence of marine cage culture on subtropical coral... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon DioxideCoral ReefsMultidisciplinary
Expert opinion was assessed to identify current knowledge gaps in determining future changes in Arabian/Persian Gulf (thereafter 'Gulf') coral reefs. Thirty-one participants submitted 71 research questions that were peer-assessed in terms... more
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      Climate ChangeMarine EcologyMarine Protected AreasCoral Reef Ecosystems
A novel symbiosis between scleractinians and hydroids (Zanclea spp.) was recently discovered using taxonomic approaches for hydroid species identification. In this study, we address the question whether this is a species-specific... more
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      PhylogenyAnthozoaGenetic variationSpecies Specificity
Expert opinion was assessed to identify current knowledge gaps in determining future changes in Arabian/Persian Gulf (thereafter 'Gulf') coral reefs. Thirty-one participants submitted 71 research questions that were peer-assessed in terms... more
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Most reviews concerning the impact of climate change on coral reefs discuss independent effects of warming or ocean acidification. However, the interactions between these, and between these and direct local stressors are less well... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon DioxideCoral ReefsMultidisciplinary
Determination of the genetic diversity and structure of coral populations across their biogeographic range must include the investigation of the coral host and its associated Symbiodinium. We examined the genetic similarity of the... more
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    • Zoology
In this work, we investigate the mechanisms of ciliate infection in the coral Acropora formosa. The results of laboratory experiments showed that healthy corals kept at 24 º C in aquaria and inoculated with cultured ciliates (3-5... more
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Over the period of BIOT’s existence, there have been a dozen scientific visits to its atolls by more than 50 scientists, and double this number have become engaged in work on materi- als sent back. It is clear, during this period when... more
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We used an integrative genetics approach using sequences of (1) nuclear ribosomal rDNA (internal transcribed spacers and partial large subunit rDNA), (2) single-copy microsatellite nuclear DNA, (3) chloroplast-encoded 23S rDNA, (4)... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Temporal and spatial variations in symbiont communities of the catch bowl coral Isopora palifera (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) on reefs in Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Zoological Studies 51(8): 1343-1353. Acclimatization through... more
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    • Zoology
Acropora species distribution patterns at Larak, Farur, and Khark Islands along the Iranian coast were investigated from October 2008 to November 2009 based on a previous study conducted on the taxonomy of Acropora by examining 1,169... more
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    • Zoology