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A taxonomic study was carried out on an isolate, strain NO2 T , from marine sediment collected from the East Sea, Korea. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence studies showed that this strain belonged to the Gammaproteobacteria and was most... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyCarbonMedical Microbiology
A taxonomic study was carried out on two isolates, strains BL1 T and BL11, from marine sediment collected from the East Sea, Korea. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence studies showed that these isolates clearly affiliated with the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyScanning Electron Microscopy
Our newly designed primers were evaluated for the molecular analysis of specific groups of the sqr gene encoding sulfide : quinone reductase (SQR) in sediment environments. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, we classified the sqr... more
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      MicrobiologyMultidisciplinaryPhylogenySequence alignment
Erratum to: Microb EcolDOI 10.1007/s00248-011-9860-5In the original version of this article, Fig. 2a was incorrectly provided. The correct Figure appears below: Figure 2Effect of environmental factors and microbial community composition,... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial EcologyEcologyMarine Sediment
Considering their abundance and broad distribution, non-extremophilic Crenarchaeota are likely to play important roles in global organic and inorganic matter cycles. The diversity and abundance of archaeal 16S rRNA and putative ammonia... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyExtremophiles
A critical step in the process of metagenome analysis is to screen for clones that contain specific genes among a large number of clones. To form one of the sequence-based screening tools of a metagenome library, we designed a format of... more
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      Biological SciencesPhylogenyKoreaMicroarray
A critical step in the process of metagenome analysis is to screen for clones that contain specific genes among a large number of clones. To form one of the sequence-based screening tools of a metagenome library, we designed a format of... more
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      Biological SciencesPhylogenyKoreaMicroarray
Increases in global temperatures have been shown to enhance glacier melting in the Arctic region. Here, we have evaluated the effects of meltwater runoff on the microbial communities of coastal marine sediment located along a transect of... more
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      MicrobiologyClimate ChangeMicrobial EcologyEcology
This study determines the presence of R. tanezumi from in Nepal using morphological and molecular analyses. Morphologically, it is indistinguishable with R. rattus owing to similar fur colour and morphometric data. However, molecular... more
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The Chinese many-toothed snake (Sibynophis chinensis) is an endangered species in South Korea. To determine its reproductive activity, here we captured a gravid S. chinensis from Mulyeongari Oreum Wetland Conservation Area, Jeju Island,... more
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    • Ecology and Environment
Background Sika deer, Cervus nippon , were originally introduced to South Korea from Japan and Taiwan for commercial farming purposes. Unfortunately, they were released into the wild during religious events and have since begun to impact... more
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    • Ecology and Environment
Background: Sika deer, Cervus nippon, were originally introduced to South Korea from Japan and Taiwan for commercial farming purposes. Unfortunately, they were released into the wild during religious events and have since begun to impact... more
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    • Ecology and Environment
Understanding the ecology of species at risk is extremely important for their conservation and management. Due to land clearing for urban expansion, agriculture, and the import of pets, several snake species including the red-tongue viper... more
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Non-native species threaten native ecosystems and species, particularly on islands where rates of endemism and vulnerability to threats are high. Understanding species invasion will aid in providing insights into ecological and... more
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Nutria (Myocastor coypus) are semi-aquatic rodents that were introduced in South Korea for commercial farming but significantly damaged aquatic ecosystems. Understanding nutria ecological behavior is essential for developing effective... more
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