Drafts by shalini mukhopadhyay

In the late eighteenth century India the general image of women in the society was that to be con... more In the late eighteenth century India the general image of women in the society was that to be confined inside the inner domain of the household or the " andarmahal ". They were not allowed to go out in the streets, especially the women of the upper class, or, what they were called in Bengal, " Bhadralok " , that is the new literary class. From the nineteenth century onwards the movement for women's education started under various organizations like the Brahmo Samaj. Although, they got limited education, the advantage they got was that now they were able to come out of their monotony of " women's time ". They were able to observe their surroundings and became more aware of their 'self' and the 'other', that is the European people. As the women got educated, they were able to become desirable travel partners for their husband. By the late eighteenth century travel began to be constructed as " secular pilgrimage ". According to many scholars, production of travelogue around 1870 resulted in the formation of a discursive space where " cultural nationalism " and " modern subjectivity " could be articulated. It has been further argued that acts of travelling and its textualization constituted a new kind of gender power for women, for till now the entire domain of travelling remained under the confines of the masculine " other ". But as they travelled outside they also became simultaneously the subject to observe because of their " uncovered veils ". Two such women from Bengal would be the focus of this paper; one would be Prassanamayee Devi, who travelled in the nineteenth century northern India, and Krishnabhabini Dasi, who travelled Europe. Thus in my paper I will obverse the coming out of the women travelers from their household and their travelogues to understand their viewpoint on nationalism and how they liked their nation to be shaped as compared to the foreign " other " .
I have tried here to show that behind the huge success of Nazi Party in the elections of 1933 in ... more I have tried here to show that behind the huge success of Nazi Party in the elections of 1933 in Germany, besides Hitler's oratory skills, the Propaganda office had worked relelentlessly under the brains of Dr. Joseph Goebbles. After the victory, the office was turned into separate Ministry, and continued to work to form the support base for the new govetrnment and for the Fuhrer
Drafts by shalini mukhopadhyay