Papers by Suvankulova Shaxnoza

The peculiarity of cognitive, speech and motor development of preschool children with motor impai... more The peculiarity of cognitive, speech and motor development of preschool children with motor impairment leads to persistent disturbances in their communication and difficulties in using verbal and non-verbal communication. Study of the state, features of formation and dynamics of verbal and non-verbal communication in preschool children with movement injuries. Speech disorders occupy the main place in children of preschool age with injuries of movement-supporting organs. 80% of speech disorders in children are caused by injuries of the motor-supporting organs. Specific aspects of speech disorders are determined by the degree of damage to the brain. In these children, along with damage to some brain areas, secondary underdevelopment or malformation of the cortical part of the brain is also shown. These are ontogeneti cally young sections of the brain, which are important in the formation of mental and speech activity in humans. Late speech development in children with motor impairment (BSF) is not only a slow formation of the cerebral cortex, but also a lack of practical activity and environment. it also occurs due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the environment. Miseducation speech complicates the development. In the first years of life, these children are in various medical institutions, and if pedagogical work is not well paid attention to, the child's speech can be developed. In addition, children's being away from their mothers is a negative emotional state, and the inability to teach them in a new environment has a negative impact on speech development. At home, adults take great care of the child. It hinders the development of the need for activity and verbal communication in children. Pathology of movement plays an important role in the pathogenesis of speech disorders in children with motor-support organs. It is important to understand the clinical and pathogenetic commonality of speech and movement disorders when organizing speech therapy work with these children. The peculiarity of motility disorders in children with motor-support organs injuries is not that voluntary movements are not formed, but that simple congenital movement automatisms are preserved. In normal development, these reflexes appear at the age of two months. Manifestation of the tonic labyrinthine reflex is seen in the lack of tone of the flexor muscles in the child's lumbar area. His head is bent back, his neck and

Azimova U. Chet tilini o'qitishning amaliy maqsadlari Abduvaliyeva Z. O'zbek tilshunosligida till... more Azimova U. Chet tilini o'qitishning amaliy maqsadlari Abduvaliyeva Z. O'zbek tilshunosligida till va tafakkur tushunchalari Salimova D. O'zbek adabiyotshunosligida taxlil va talqin Tuxtayev O. О'qish va ona tili savodxonligi darslarida milliy qadriyatlarni singdirish Махмудова Н. Хорижий тилларни ўқитиш методикаси таснифи Бобожонов Ф., Қодиров Қ. Олий таълимда ғоявий тарбия орқали талабалар имижини шакллантириш тамойиллари Алибеков Д., Абдурақибова Д. Таълимнинг инновацион ёндашув ва модернизацияга асосланган стратегияси Азамов Ж. Олий таълим муассасалари бошқарувига академик ва молиявий автономия тамойилларини жорий этишга доир тажриба-синов ишларининг самарадорлиги Чориева З. Олий таълим муассасасидаги бўлажак ўқитувчиларда касбий сифатларини ривожлантириш Хўжаев А., Рахматов А. Иқтидорли ўқувчилар билан ишлашнинг концептуал асослари Хамраева А. Рефлексив мониторинг асосида талабаларининг касбий компетенсияларининг шакллантиришнинг педагогик аҳамияти Мамарахимов А. Олий таълим муассасаларида иқтидорли талабалар билан ишлаш фаолиятини такомиллаштириш Adizova N.,Temirova K. O'quvchilar kasbiy nutq kompetensiyasini takomillashtirishning pedagogik aspektlari Temirov N. Kooperativ ta'lim asosida talabalarda kreativ qobiliyatni rivojlantirish Suvankulova Sh. Harakat-tayanch a'zolari jarohatlangan maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar nutq va harakatdagi kamchiligini korreksiyalashda samaradorlikka erishish Meliev X. Xalq pedagogikasida yoshlarni tarbiyalashning metod, usul va vositalar Boltayeva B.Tojiboyeva X. Tabiatshunoslik fanidan dars ishlanmasi tayyorlashning ilmiy metodologik asoslari("Sezgi organlari yordamida mevalarni o'rganamiz" mavzusi misolida) Mamatqulova U. Technologies of formation of students' communicative competence based on interdisciplinary integration Abilov M.N. Pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of musical thinking in students Giyosova S. Mаnаgеmеnt оf grоup wоrk аs а сlаssrооm асtivity Yuldashev E. Pedagogical system of improvement of suggestive skills in future teachers Каримов Д. Соғлом инсон-жамиятнинг бебаҳо бойлиги Муродова Д. Бўлажак мусиқа таълими ўқитувчиларини тайёрлаш тизимини такомиллаштиришнинг назарий асослари Нишанбеков Т. Тасвирий санъатни ўқитиш жараёнида узлуксиз ва узвийлигини таъминлашда педагогик муаммолар Narzullaeva B. Mahallarda millatlararo do'stlik aloqalarini rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi
2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU m... more 2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU maxsus pedagogika kafedrasi o`qituvchisi Suvonkulova Shaxnoza Karimkulova qizi JDPU Pedagogika-psixologiya fakulteti Maxsus pedagogika (logopediy)yo`nalishi 4bosqich talabasi Rustamova Zumrad Ruslan qizi Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada Nutq kamchiligi bo'igan bolalar idroki idrok sezgi a'zolarimizga ta'sir qilib turgan narsalarni ongda bevosita aks ettirish, Nutq buzilishlarida uchraydigan idrok jarayonining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari, Nutqi to'liq rivojlanmagan bolalarda sezgi, diqqat, xotiraning o'ziga xosligi buyicha ma`lumotlar yoritilgan
2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU m... more 2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU maxsus pedagogika kafedrasi o`qituvchisi Suvonkulova Shaxnoza Karimkulova qizi JDPU Pedagogika-psixologiya fakulteti Maxsus pedagogika (logopediy)yo`nalishi 4bosqich talabasi Rustamova Zumrad Ruslan qizi Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada Nutq kamchiligi bo'igan bolalar idroki idrok sezgi a'zolarimizga ta'sir qilib turgan narsalarni ongda bevosita aks ettirish, Nutq buzilishlarida uchraydigan idrok jarayonining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari, Nutqi to'liq rivojlanmagan bolalarda sezgi, diqqat, xotiraning o'ziga xosligi buyicha ma`lumotlar yoritilgan

The peculiarity of cognitive, speech and motor development of preschool children with motor impai... more The peculiarity of cognitive, speech and motor development of preschool children with motor impairment leads to persistent disturbances in their communication and difficulties in using verbal and non-verbal communication. Study of the state, features of formation and dynamics of verbal and non-verbal communication in preschool children with movement injuries. Speech disorders occupy the main place in children of preschool age with injuries of movement-supporting organs. 80% of speech disorders in children are caused by injuries of the motor-supporting organs. Specific aspects of speech disorders are determined by the degree of damage to the brain. In these children, along with damage to some brain areas, secondary underdevelopment or malformation of the cortical part of the brain is also shown. These are ontogeneti cally young sections of the brain, which are important in the formation of mental and speech activity in humans. Late speech development in children with motor impairment (BSF) is not only a slow formation of the cerebral cortex, but also a lack of practical activity and environment. it also occurs due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the environment. Miseducation speech complicates the development. In the first years of life, these children are in various medical institutions, and if pedagogical work is not well paid attention to, the child's speech can be developed. In addition, children's being away from their mothers is a negative emotional state, and the inability to teach them in a new environment has a negative impact on speech development. At home, adults take great care of the child. It hinders the development of the need for activity and verbal communication in children. Pathology of movement plays an important role in the pathogenesis of speech disorders in children with motor-support organs. It is important to understand the clinical and pathogenetic commonality of speech and movement disorders when organizing speech therapy work with these children. The peculiarity of motility disorders in children with motor-support organs injuries is not that voluntary movements are not formed, but that simple congenital movement automatisms are preserved. In normal development, these reflexes appear at the age of two months. Manifestation of the tonic labyrinthine reflex is seen in the lack of tone of the flexor muscles in the child's lumbar area. His head is bent back, his neck and

S.Suvankulova A.Qodiriy nomidagi JDPU Maxsus pedagogika kafedrasi stajyor-o'qituvchisi Zoirova Ma... more S.Suvankulova A.Qodiriy nomidagi JDPU Maxsus pedagogika kafedrasi stajyor-o'qituvchisi Zoirova Marhabo Yahyo qizi Maxsus pedagogika (logopediya) yo'nalishi talabasi KO'ZI OJIZLAR VA ZAIF KO'RUVCHILARNI O'RGANUVCHI FAN VA UNING RIVOJLANISHI UCHUN XISSA QO'SHGAN OLIMLAR Annotatsiya. Umumta'lim maktablarda o'qitish pedagoglardan maxsus tayyorgarlikni talab qiladi, o'quv jarayonining ko'rgazmali jihozlar bilan jihozlanishi, o'qituvchi va o'quvchiga mutaxas sis tiflopedagoglar tomonidan yordam ko'rsatish tizimini tashkillashtirish talab qilinadi. Kalit so'zi: XVIII-XIX asrda ko'zi ojizlar uchun maktablar , tiflopedagogika fanining rivojlanishi , Brayl ko'zning ko'r bo'lib qolishi , L. Brayl tomonidan 1129-yilda ishlab chiqilgan relyefli. Абстрактный. Обучение в общеобразовательных школах требует специальной подготовки педагогов, оснащения учебного процесса демонстрационным оборудованием, организации системы поддержки учителя и ученика со стороны педагогов-специалистов. Ключевое слово: Школы для слепых в XVIII-XIX веках, развитие науки педагогики, слепота Брайля, рельеф, разработанный Л. Брайлем в 1129 году Abstract. Teaching in general education schools requires special training from pedagogues, equipping the educational process with demonstration equipment, organizing a system of providing support to the teacher and student by specialist pedagogues. Keyword:Schools for the blind in the 18th-19th centuries, the development of the science of pedagogy, Braille becoming blind, the relief developed by L. Braille in 1129
2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU m... more 2023-MAY NUTQ TO'LIQ RIVOJLANMAGAN BOLALARDA SEZGI VA IDROKINING O'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARI. JDPU maxsus pedagogika kafedrasi o`qituvchisi Suvonkulova Shaxnoza Karimkulova qizi JDPU Pedagogika-psixologiya fakulteti Maxsus pedagogika (logopediy)yo`nalishi 4bosqich talabasi Rustamova Zumrad Ruslan qizi Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada Nutq kamchiligi bo'igan bolalar idroki idrok sezgi a'zolarimizga ta'sir qilib turgan narsalarni ongda bevosita aks ettirish, Nutq buzilishlarida uchraydigan idrok jarayonining o'ziga xos xususiyatlari, Nutqi to'liq rivojlanmagan bolalarda sezgi, diqqat, xotiraning o'ziga xosligi buyicha ma`lumotlar yoritilgan

Azimova U. Chet tilini o'qitishning amaliy maqsadlari Abduvaliyeva Z. O'zbek tilshunosligida till... more Azimova U. Chet tilini o'qitishning amaliy maqsadlari Abduvaliyeva Z. O'zbek tilshunosligida till va tafakkur tushunchalari Salimova D. O'zbek adabiyotshunosligida taxlil va talqin Tuxtayev O. О'qish va ona tili savodxonligi darslarida milliy qadriyatlarni singdirish Махмудова Н. Хорижий тилларни ўқитиш методикаси таснифи Бобожонов Ф., Қодиров Қ. Олий таълимда ғоявий тарбия орқали талабалар имижини шакллантириш тамойиллари Алибеков Д., Абдурақибова Д. Таълимнинг инновацион ёндашув ва модернизацияга асосланган стратегияси Азамов Ж. Олий таълим муассасалари бошқарувига академик ва молиявий автономия тамойилларини жорий этишга доир тажриба-синов ишларининг самарадорлиги Чориева З. Олий таълим муассасасидаги бўлажак ўқитувчиларда касбий сифатларини ривожлантириш Хўжаев А., Рахматов А. Иқтидорли ўқувчилар билан ишлашнинг концептуал асослари Хамраева А. Рефлексив мониторинг асосида талабаларининг касбий компетенсияларининг шакллантиришнинг педагогик аҳамияти Мамарахимов А. Олий таълим муассасаларида иқтидорли талабалар билан ишлаш фаолиятини такомиллаштириш Adizova N.,Temirova K. O'quvchilar kasbiy nutq kompetensiyasini takomillashtirishning pedagogik aspektlari Temirov N. Kooperativ ta'lim asosida talabalarda kreativ qobiliyatni rivojlantirish Suvankulova Sh. Harakat-tayanch a'zolari jarohatlangan maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalar nutq va harakatdagi kamchiligini korreksiyalashda samaradorlikka erishish Meliev X. Xalq pedagogikasida yoshlarni tarbiyalashning metod, usul va vositalar Boltayeva B.Tojiboyeva X. Tabiatshunoslik fanidan dars ishlanmasi tayyorlashning ilmiy metodologik asoslari("Sezgi organlari yordamida mevalarni o'rganamiz" mavzusi misolida) Mamatqulova U. Technologies of formation of students' communicative competence based on interdisciplinary integration Abilov M.N. Pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of musical thinking in students Giyosova S. Mаnаgеmеnt оf grоup wоrk аs а сlаssrооm асtivity Yuldashev E. Pedagogical system of improvement of suggestive skills in future teachers Каримов Д. Соғлом инсон-жамиятнинг бебаҳо бойлиги Муродова Д. Бўлажак мусиқа таълими ўқитувчиларини тайёрлаш тизимини такомиллаштиришнинг назарий асослари Нишанбеков Т. Тасвирий санъатни ўқитиш жараёнида узлуксиз ва узвийлигини таъминлашда педагогик муаммолар Narzullaeva B. Mahallarda millatlararo do'stlik aloqalarini rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi
Papers by Suvankulova Shaxnoza