Papers by Musobek Fayzullayev
Ushbu mаqolаdа bo'lаjаk mаtemаtikа o'qituvchilаri kаsbiy tаyyorgаrlik jаrаyonidа mаtemаtik kompet... more Ushbu mаqolаdа bo'lаjаk mаtemаtikа o'qituvchilаri kаsbiy tаyyorgаrlik jаrаyonidа mаtemаtik kompetentligini qаndаy oshirish tushunchаlаr berilgаn. Kаli so'zlаr: Kompetensiyа, kompetentlik, kompetentli shаxs, kommunikаtsiyа, texnologiyа. Аbstrаct: This аrticle provides ideаs on how to improve the mаthemаticаl competence of future mаthemаtics teаchers in the process of professionаl trаining.
Ushbu mаqolаdа bo'lаjаk mаtemаtikа o'qituvchilаri kаsbiy tаyyorgаrlik jаrаyonidа mаtemаtik kompet... more Ushbu mаqolаdа bo'lаjаk mаtemаtikа o'qituvchilаri kаsbiy tаyyorgаrlik jаrаyonidа mаtemаtik kompetentligini qаndаy oshirish tushunchаlаr berilgаn. Kаli so'zlаr: Kompetensiyа, kompetentlik, kompetentli shаxs, kommunikаtsiyа, texnologiyа. Аbstrаct: This аrticle provides ideаs on how to improve the mаthemаticаl competence of future mаthemаtics teаchers in the process of professionаl trаining.
Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2024
This articlе providеs information on thе rolе of thе casе study
mеthod in tеaching studеnts to th... more This articlе providеs information on thе rolе of thе casе study
mеthod in tеaching studеnts to think logically and to furthеr еxpand and еnrich thеir
imagination, as wеll as thе rulеs for crеating a problеm situation.
In this article, the issue of teaching students to formulate new problems with the
help of the co... more In this article, the issue of teaching students to formulate new problems with the
help of the concepts formed as a result of summarizing the given information is
Journal of Mathematics and Informatics, 2024
Ushbu maqolada Pifagor teoremasining ochilish tarixiga oid
faktlar, ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Bund... more Ushbu maqolada Pifagor teoremasining ochilish tarixiga oid
faktlar, ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Bundan tashqari bu maqolada Pifagor
teoremasining dastlabki talqinlari qarab oʻtilgan
This article presents theoretical concepts and examples of forming the skills of
constructing geo... more This article presents theoretical concepts and examples of forming the skills of
constructing geometrical problems using analogs. In order to create a new problem,
the student learns to create a new problem using an existing problem
The article tells about the history of the formation of mathematics fabibibg and numbers in the s... more The article tells about the history of the formation of mathematics fabibibg and numbers in the state of ancient India. In the early days of the theme of Mecca, historical sources of the ancient Indian state of kadimgi were used.
The theoretical issues of teaching were analyzed on the basis of interdependence of theory and pr... more The theoretical issues of teaching were analyzed on the basis of interdependence of theory and practice in ensuring the quality of training of teachers in technical schools. Ensuring organizational and methodical consistency regarding the level of professional training, the principle of working in the module-block method. An integrative approach to the training of teachers in technical schools was used to ensure the integrity of professional qualifications, methods of work, interests and aspirations.
This article provides ideas on mathematics teaching methods and teaching technologies in primary ... more This article provides ideas on mathematics teaching methods and teaching technologies in primary school, their relevance to the sciences, and improving teaching effectiveness.
Ushbu to'plam Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasinin... more Ushbu to'plam Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2021-yil 2-martdagi №78-F sonli Farmoyishiga asosan joriy yilning 23 aprel kuni Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida "Ta'limda zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari" mavzusida Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallaridan iborat. Тo`plamda joy olgan tezislarda keltirilgan ma`lumotlarning to`g`riligiga mualliflar javobgardirlar The authors are responsible for the correctness of the information contained in the theses included in the collection Авторы несут ответственность за правильность информации содержащейся в тезисах включенных в сборник
This article presents the proofs of the Pythagorean theorem in school geometry, the methods of it... more This article presents the proofs of the Pythagorean theorem in school geometry, the methods of its application, and the relevance of teaching the theorem in this course.

UDК: 51(075) KBK: 74(262.21) "Matematikani o'qitishning dolzarb muammolari va yechimlari" respubl... more UDК: 51(075) KBK: 74(262.21) "Matematikani o'qitishning dolzarb muammolari va yechimlari" respublika ilmiy onlayn anjumani materiallari to`plami (Jizzax, 2021 yil 15-dekabr, O`zbekiston).-Jizzax. 2021.-456 b. "Topical problems of teaching mathematics and their solutions" proceedings of the international scientific online conference (Jizzakh, December 15, 2021, Uzbekistan).-Jizzakh. 2021. 456p. "Актуальные проблемы обучения математики и их решения" Материалы международной научно онлайн конференции (Джизак, 15 декабря 2021 г., Узбекистан).-Джизак, 2021.456-с. MAS`UL MUHARRIR: Sh.S.Sharipov-pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor TAHRIR HAY`ATI: Sulaymonov F.O'-fizika-matematika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) Ergashev J.B.-pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD), dotsent Parmanov A.-pedagogika fanlari bo'yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) Qodirov G'.O'-biologiya fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Ergashev B.N.-iqtisod fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Sidiyarov S.-fizika-matematika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Shamshiyev A. .-iqtisod fanlari nomzodi, dotsent Kamolov A.I. fizika-matematika fanlari nomzodi, dotsent TAQRIZCHILAR: Durdiyev D.Q-fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, professor Xolxo'jayev A.M-fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, professor Artikbayev A.-fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, professor Yunusova D.I-pedagogika fanlari doktori, professor Imomqulov S.-fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, professor Mo'minov Z.E.-fizika-matematika fanlari doktori, dotsent To'plam muharrirlari: S.A.O'sarov, N.A.Ismatov, M.B.Boyzoqov, N.F.Isayev Ushbu to'plam O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2021-yil 2-martdagi 78-fsonli farmoyishi bilan tasdiqlangan 2021-yilda xalqaro va respublika miqyosida o'tkaziladigan ilmiy va ilmiy-texnik anjumanlar rejasiga asosan 15-dekabr kuni Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida "Matematikani o'qitishning dolzarb muammolari va yechimlari" mavzusida ilmiyonlayn anjuman materiallaridan iborat. Тo`plamda joy olgan tezislarda keltirilgan ma`lumotlarning to`g`riligiga mualliflar javobgardirlar The authors are responsible for the correctness of the information contained in the theses included in the collection Авторы несут ответственность за правильность информации содержащейся в тезисах включенных в сборник UDК: 51(075) KBK: 74(262.21)

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada maktab o'quvchilarini masala tuzishga o'rgatish, ularni masala tuzish... more Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada maktab o'quvchilarini masala tuzishga o'rgatish, ularni masala tuzishga o'rgatish orqali ularning geometrik tasavvurini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan bo'lib, o'uvchilarni kreativ fikirlashga undaydigan masalalar keltirilgan. Kalit so'zlar: Masala tuzish, tasvirli masala, PISA, geometrik chizma. Maktab o'quvchilarining matematik masala tuzishda tasvir bilan ishlash malakasini o'quvchilarning geometrik chizmalar bilan muvaffaqiyatli ishlashini ta'minlovchi malakalari sifatida qaraymiz. Tasvir sifatida geometrik shakllar, diagrammalar, jadvallar, grafiklarni masalaning berilish vositasida qaraymiz. Ayniqsa PISA testlarida dastlab berilgan masalaga mos rasm beriladi. Bundan tashqari rasmga qo'shimcha ravishda grafik, jadval, diogrammalar bilan PISA testi topshiriqlari boyitiladi. Rasmga, grafik yoki jadvalga qarab o'quvchilar kerakli ma'lumotlarni olib masalani yechadi. PISA testlarida masalada berilgan ma'lumotlarning barchasidan ham foydalanavermaydi, ya'ni jadval, grafik, diagrammalarda masala shartiga zarur bo'lgan ma'lumotlardan tashqari (ortiqcha) ma'lumotlar ham beriladi. Bu albatta o'quvchini chalg'itadi.
Ushbu to'plam Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasinin... more Ushbu to'plam Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida O'zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining 2021-yil 2-martdagi №78-F sonli Farmoyishiga asosan joriy yilning 23 aprel kuni Jizzax davlat pedagogika institutida "Ta'limda zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari" mavzusida Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallaridan iborat. Тo`plamda joy olgan tezislarda keltirilgan ma`lumotlarning to`g`riligiga mualliflar javobgardirlar The authors are responsible for the correctness of the information contained in the theses included in the collection Авторы несут ответственность за правильность информации содержащейся в тезисах включенных в сборник
Papers by Musobek Fayzullayev
mеthod in tеaching studеnts to think logically and to furthеr еxpand and еnrich thеir
imagination, as wеll as thе rulеs for crеating a problеm situation.
help of the concepts formed as a result of summarizing the given information is
faktlar, ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Bundan tashqari bu maqolada Pifagor
teoremasining dastlabki talqinlari qarab oʻtilgan
constructing geometrical problems using analogs. In order to create a new problem,
the student learns to create a new problem using an existing problem
mеthod in tеaching studеnts to think logically and to furthеr еxpand and еnrich thеir
imagination, as wеll as thе rulеs for crеating a problеm situation.
help of the concepts formed as a result of summarizing the given information is
faktlar, ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Bundan tashqari bu maqolada Pifagor
teoremasining dastlabki talqinlari qarab oʻtilgan
constructing geometrical problems using analogs. In order to create a new problem,
the student learns to create a new problem using an existing problem